Friday, 30 November 2007

I Know

Not sure if this is applicable to my overseas friends, but the marketing machine has just started over here for a something in particular. Posters are now up all over town asking "Who is Ben's Brother?"

This reminds me of when Franz Ferdinand were releasing their first album, and there were posters everywhere that simply said "Franz Ferdinand" and nothing else. It was a huge marketing plan that got people talking and created a fairly large buzz. And then, when they released their first single, it all came together perfectly; all the interest already created combined with the greatness of the song Take Me Out, plus the look and style of the band themselves, made us all sit back and say "Darn, that Franz Ferdinand are pretty good."

Of course, their 2nd album bombed big time. But then so did Alanis Morissette's and I still love her dearly.*

Which brings me to Ben's Brother. In case you aren't aware or haven't figured it out yet, Ben's Brother are a band and they have just released their first single.

It is pants.

Actually, it is less than pants. It's like underpants, but not half as funny sounding. Believe me, there is nothing funny about their first single. If you haven't heard it, take the song "How to Save a Life", pull out any passion or feeling from the song, add some teen-angst lyrics for good measure, and then replace the vocals with a guy who sounds like Marge Simpson. A whiny Marge Simpson.

The song (which I can not remember the title of - shows how darn impressive the song is) is nothing more than a boring by-the-numbers ballad that seriously goes nowhere. It's the sort of thing that a High School band would write if they were trying to be like Coldplay or Keane - and failing miserably. They even have some lame ass gimmick for how they got their name; apparently the singer has lived in the shadow of his brother Ben all his life, and was always know as Ben's Brother.

So if it is such a pain for you, why the smack would you name your band in a way that brings more glory to your superior brother Ben, thus making his name even more loved? If it were me, I would have named the band Logan is Better Than You - that would teach them!

Stupid emo kids.

So now you know who Ben's Brother is. I wish I didn't.
I just feel sorry for Ben.

*For the record, Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie is probably my favourite Alanis Morissette album. I realise 99% of the world disagree and consider it to be downright awful, but what do they know?

Thursday, 22 November 2007

I Hate Emo Kids

For anyone unaware, I live with a 16 year-old emo kid. He pretends he is 28, but I know better.

His name is Craig

I went away for a weekend and when I came home, I found that Craig had been in my bedroom to do some repairs on the hot water cylinder which is positioned in my bedroom. Now you may be thinking "that was nice of him - that's not emo!" but you must understand that:

a) he never informed me that he was doing that and didn't even have the decency to tell me after he had done it.

b) has previously gone into my room without permission, including recently taking the landlord in there without my knowledge

c) he turned off my computer while it was processing some work and then went through my cupboards and took some things.

I know what you are thinking now: "That's not emo, that's just creepy and dishonest!"
Well, I hope you are thinking that. I am quite a private person and treat my bedroom as my refuge from the world. And I respect the privacy of others and going into another's bedroom without permission is not something I would ever do, let alone go through their cupboards and things. But anyways, I agree that isn't emo.

So as you can imagine I told him off and the whole time he just refused to look at me - he just kept pulling a sulky face and mumbling pathetic excuses. That was last Tuesday. It is now 8 days later and he still can't look at me or speak above a mumble. And to top it off he leaves notes around the house for me like a child. It's like Dude, grow up! I hate teenagers as it is, but old people who can't grow out of that emo phase of their teens piss me off even more!

I guess this will kind of test that story I read today, about how people pay attention to what people write in blogs about each other. This may damage his reputation! Then maybe he and Paul Bennetts can join forces to rid the world of my evil writings!

After all, they are both equally as important to me.
Important like an All Blacks game.

Ten Points of Interest

Shawn Michaels is bald. I can’t stand him and his bald head that he tries to cover with long hair.

Bon Jovi’s New Jersey album is so underrated – has been my favourite album of theirs since it came out.

I despise the current WWE product, yet I keep reading the results and such on the internet. And this probably means that come March, I will end up downloading Wrestlemania 24. and it will be even worse than SummerSlam 2007.

Why would anyone insist on keeping windows closed during beautiful Christchurch summer weather? Are they allergic to fresh air?

Someone needs to release the music Hammer and Tupac did together.

Corner Gas is the funniest show I’ve seen in a long time. I suggest anyone reading this goes directly to and purchase it. Maybe I could write a blog about that show…

Superpoke! Needs a function where I can smash a bottle over someone’s head for continuing to add me as a friend even though I have repeatedly refused their request.

Ducks rock.

My coffee is delicious, but it is far too hot to be drinking coffee.

I should do some work.

Is There Anybody Out There?

I'm really quite curious as to who is actually reading my blog nowadays.

After offending the entire congregation of Northwest New Life Church and taking a long hiatus to finally earn myself a living, I'm of the opinion that I'm probably left with 2 readers. One would be a 39 year-old man named Kyle that lives in his parent's basement in South Mexico (Hi Kyle, glad you are still with me) and the other I'm sure is Vince McMahon. Because he likes to make sure I still hate him. True story. Why else would WWE suck so badly?

So in order to actually discover whether or not I have any readers left (other than the mighty Kyle) I am going to dedicate my time to making a few blogs that are sure to garner the interest of anyone foolish enough to still be reading.

Sorry, Kyle - looks like we'll have to discuss the comparitive analysis of the original Star Wars trilogy vs the prequels at a later date

No Offense to All I Hate

I was just reading about a report about how blogs and other "internet networking tools" are influencing the reputations of young people.

My favourite part was talking about a young women who made a comment on her Facebook about going to her "skanky job" and "doing nothing", forgetting that her boss is one of her Facebook contacts. Smart move there. But the real idea behind the article was that young people are being judged by employers for what they have written on their blogs and what they do on Facebook or MySpace - all that sort of stuff.

It got me thinking "What would my employers think of what I've written?"

Can't say I would ever be too worried; what I write in my blogs is what I want to write - no matter how ludicrous it is. And as I have proved to myself in the past, I will defend what I have written. But then I remembered that my main employers are based in Seattle. Yes that Seattle - the one in the good ol' United States of America.

I can't count how many times I have bashed America and everything about them in this blog. I really wonder what they would think about that...

But see, this is why I don't add my colleagues as friends on Facebook; I wouldn't want them to know that I'm on there all day looking for things to do, and throwing chickens at anyone walking past. Because Facebook is real life, with footpaths and roads and chickens I can throw. And did I mention that I'm 7 feet tall, weigh 350 pounds and once wrestled Hulk Hogan for the title of Greatest Rock'n Roller in the Entire History of the Planet Earth?

Now let's see how long it takes for the rest of the world to find all this out

2025 in 2025: Day 30

The Bridge - Billy Joel This surely has to be Joel's most 80s sounding album, production-wise; the guitars on A Matter of Trust sound s...