Thursday, 11 December 2008

Logan vs The Computer v3.2

Long time no blog

How are we all? Good? Bored? Not even here???

So where has Logan been?
Working. Yes the place that pays my salary actually began requiring actual effort from me. Lots of effort, in fact. And people should know by now that I basically refuse to blog at home due to the painfully slow slow behaviour of my PC (it's only real use is copying DVDs and downloading wrestling. It's not even that particularly talented at playing music. And no, I don't take my Mac online because it is far too busy doing other things). So yes, mix the work with a completely uninspired and grumpy Logan and what do you get?

2 months of nothing

So why blog today? Well, for starters, a certain afro-sporting Luchadore returned and that inspired me to revive the blog. Like the 28th anniversary of the murder of John Lennon inspired me to listen to his music non-stop at work this week (it felt weird playing songs that weren't his today, but I can't really remember many of his songs except Instant Karma! and a couple of old Beatles numbers that people don't know/like). But yeah, I figure if Rogan Rodriguez can blog about how a ninja stole his laptop, then I can blog about something...

Can I?

The only thing worth blogging about today is my readings on Expelled, but that thing is so old that I would feel even more behind the times than I actually am (but not - I think that it actually is a fair representation of just how far behind in things I am).

You know what? I think I am just going to blame me not blogging on the emotional trauma of Hulk Hogan's divorce. Not to mention those recordings of him talking to his son in jail - that was awesome heelish Hollywood Hogan at his best.

What? That wasn't a promo? He really is scum bag with no regard for human life?
Fair enough. But not like he gave the guy a legdrop or anything.
Get over it

2025 in 2025: Day 30

The Bridge - Billy Joel This surely has to be Joel's most 80s sounding album, production-wise; the guitars on A Matter of Trust sound s...