Friday, 5 February 2010

Your Lesson for Today

You know how doctors tell you to dispose of unused medication in the toilet?
Don't do it. Especially on the day you are moving out. Hard to explain a big red stain on the bowel.

Thanks, Doc!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Let Me Tell You What It Is

Old Bastard: "You should try putting your bins out earlier!"
LOGMAN: "You should try dying earlier."

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Just My Luck

All these cocktails would have been an awesome idea... if the moving company hadn't just decided they are coming tomorrow - and I'm only about halfway ready to go.


Monday, 1 February 2010

First BLog of Unemployment!

Today was my first day free from the shackles of employment from Evil Corp Inc. No more pointless reports or boring conversations or health insurance or free biscuits and soy milk... why did I quit again?

Needless to say I have been celebrating my new freedom with a few smoothies and a whole of James Brown. I have been worried the past few weeks that maybe I had lost my funk, that these solid years of dorking it up might have eroded the solid foundation of soul that I had spent so many years building (I called in professionals to help me so it was all certified). So tonight I pulled out one of my trusty strats and jammed out with The Godfather on Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine, and was quite pleased to discover I still gots some funk in me. Quite pleased. Then the live version of Ain't it Funky came on and Catfish's solo made me feel suitably white and funkless. But I can't imagine ever feeling anything BUT white and funkless when compared to that solo.

I'm still scared to lose the sideburns though - they might be my only source of funk left...

But this makes up for sitting around in my pyjamas, eating ice cream and waiting by the phone all night.

Oh crap it is almost 9pm! Better get back to the packing.

2025 in 2025: Day 30

The Bridge - Billy Joel This surely has to be Joel's most 80s sounding album, production-wise; the guitars on A Matter of Trust sound s...