Monday, 21 August 2017

100 Days of Ayumi Hamasaki: Pre-Avex Recordings

I always play on a level above where I should. Always. So true to that attitude, I am starting the 100 days with some recordings that are completely irrelevant. This 'album' is called Moon and is nothing more than a collection of demos and whatnot. I say "whatnot" because I totally saw a video of Ayu performing one of these songs on a TV show in 1995. She would have been 17 at the time.

Being snippets and demos, the quality of the actual recordings varies between each song. As does the vocal quality. The actual music quality doesn't, however - it all sounds like it was taken from either a karaoke bar or an early 90's anime. Seriously, this stuff would be right at home in my 4-disc Japanese Transformers theme music collection.

Moon is a song. It probably could have been an OK song, had it been recorded better and Ayu's voice was better. She's not awful, but she sounds young and still learning to sing.

Get Out of My Life is actually really fun. Kind of disco. Ayu + disco = good times.

Raspberry Dream is a cool song title

Dance Dance Dance is not a cover of Fall Out Boy's Dance Dance with an added Dance for more dancing. It is instead some sort of latin-sounding boogie number. Picture Miami Sound Machine. But picture it with ears instead of your eyes, because music is for listening - not for drawing.

Roppongi Shinjuu has an awesome intro and some badass electric guitar

Mizuiro no Koi (Love is Blue) is a fun little ditty. I think pitch it up a few notches and it would have been more fun.

Stranger Tonight is just kinda here. I honestly don't know what to say.

Jingi Aishitemoraimasu is legit great. I wish the whole song was on here. Or Ayu had gone on to re-record it circa 2001. Hell, I'd be happy if she made it now, given she hasn't released anything in 2017.

Hold On Me is also kinda fun

Heart De Shoubu honestly sounds like the theme song for a game show. Picture a Japanese man in a bright coloured suit, wearing thick-rimmed glasses, running on a stage and acting hilariously while his mild-mannered female co-host giggles politely.

I decided to use the interwebs to find more information on these recordings and it turns out this is just a collection of old performances on Idol Stage or something. The videos can mostly be found on YouTube - minus the actually worthwhile songs. But this now explains the differing quality of the recordings. I feel like Ayu needs to buy the rights to this entire show and release a full DVD set of this so I have something to watch every weekend.

Then we move on to the Nothing From Nothing EP. This was Ayumi Hamasaki's first legit release - though this was not with Avex (it was released by Columbia Japan) and is more of a collaboration with a hip-hop artist. I believe she was also credited as "Ayumi". Because most of the time just having one name makes you more awesome. Luckily she realised that simply being her full Ayumi Hamasaki was even MORE awesomer.

Nothing From Nothing [Single Version] is an old school hip-hop jam totally what you would expect from 1995. Just in Japanese. And with squeaky little girl Ayu rapping as well singing the hook. I love old school hip-hop - the late 80's to mid-90's is the golden age and quite frankly soothes my soul in a way no other genre can - so this single gets a solid thumbs up from me.

Limit is the kind of summertime R&B groove that makes you want to cruise through your neighbourhood in the sun. Or groove in the backyard with a cold glass of orange juice. Or watch some Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Paper Doll is another R&B slow jam. Ayu getting her South Philly on!

Gut-it-pez is like listening to a baddass classic Arrested Development jam crossed with De la Soul but all busted out in Japanese. Ayu's rapping is cool, and the other dudes on this track have serious character as well. Also, where else could you find Ayumi Hamasaki spitting "A-Y, U to the M to the I"?!?!

Nothing From Nothing [Album Version] seems to be somewhat darker than the single version. Either way, it's a cool song. This is EP is cool. Ayumi Hamasaki is cool.

Nothing From Nothing is genuinely much better than I anticipated. Fun little way to start 100 days of Ayu's awesomeness.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

100 Days of Ayumi Hamasaki

I could have titled this 100,000 days of Ayumi Hamasaki, because in the end that's how long I'll probably listen to her for.

It's kind of already been about 227. 2017 has been the year my love for this woman kicked into overdrive. I watched Power of Music on New Year's Day and haven't really stopped listening since, give or take a few days.

So 100 days of Ayumi Hamasaki?
Well, I'm heading to Japan in 100 days. To see Ayumi Hamasaki live (among other things, but yeah that is a massive priority). But I realised this morning that as much as I love her music, I've really been taking my time with getting to know her entire catalogue. Some might say I've been slack. A terrible fan, even. I was. I still am. I had been somewhat content to just occasionally listen to the same 3 albums over the last 7 years - and even then, I don't think I'd actually listened to them in about about 2 years. But watching Power of Music not only re-ignited my enjoyment of Ayu's music, it completely lit a passion in me for Ayumi Hamasaki and her music. The woman is a consummate professional, an incredible performer and makes inspiring music that crosses genres.

Wow I sound like a pretentious dork.

So that was New Year's Day. I think the next day I realised I needed to branch out a bit on my Ayu experiences and downloaded (like I said, still a terrible fan) the Rainbow and Rock'n Roll Circus albums. I chose those because Rainbow sits chronologically between 2 of my favourite Ayu albums (remember, at this time I only had 3 albums in my iTunes library) I Am... and My Story.

Side bar: My Story is still a masterpiece.

Rock'n Roll Circus kind of interested me as this was the album that had just been released when I first discovered Ayu back in 2010. I'd seen a few live clips here and there and figured it was worth a shot. And I was right. After listening to those 2 albums numerous times, I decided to grab (Miss)understood as well, due to my love of the opening track Bold & Delicious. By this point I was falling further into the rabbit hole and downloading a couple of old concert videos, really driving home for me just how great a performer Ayu is. And just when I thought I could not love her even more, I was led to checking out A One and its absolute brilliance meant my total devotion to Ayumi Hamasaki was now complete.

At this point, I figured I needed to stop downloading her works. Enjoying someone's creative works without actually paying for it is somewhat acceptable in very small doses (or where not possible) but by this point I had numerous albums and concert videos that can be legally purchased but I did not.

Not a good fan.

So I decided that I would not download any more music or videos. I would bite the bullet and pay the stupid premium prices for her CDs and DVDs and blu-rays. Because she is now my favourite artist and I should show my appreciation.

But then a funny thing happened; I booked my trip to Japan to see Ayumi Hamasaki live in concert. A trip like this requires a great deal of money, which means less money to spend on luxury items like CDs and DVDs and blu-rays. But then the next conundrum hit me yesterday: I have only 8 of her albums. Which isn't even half of her studio album output. And then you add in the EPs and such... it means there are a lot of songs out there that I am not familiar with.

Such a bad fan...

I don't want to be at this concert and expose my bad fandom by not knowing half the songs. But I also can't go spending $1,000 on CDs when I'm going to a foreign country in 3 months and need as much money for that as possible. Seriously, my accommodation alone is going to be more than that. So I've had to 'postpone' my rule for a little while longer. But don't worry, Ayu, as I will be definitely on track to make a totally legal music and video collection of your works in 2018. But that's for the future...

What is in store for the now?
Well, to properly get my fan level up to a more respectable position, I am dedicating my listening times over the next 100 days to a somewhat chronological study of Ayumi Hamasaki's music. All 17 studio albums, 4 EPs and a couple of compilations as well for good measure. I'll find some way of working in all the non-album tracks as well, though I'm not sure how to go about that right now. But the plan at this stage is to spend 4 days listening to each album or EP, with the goal being that I will end up with a better knowledge of the songs (and the song titles - it's pretty lame that even now I struggle to remember the names to the songs on A Best and I Am...). I have enjoyed taking my time with each album so far, but it's time to step this up a notch. I don't want to be standing at her concert going 'I think I know this song...' and then six months later I find myself listening to it and wondering if she played that at the concert.

Don't get me wrong - I know it wouldn't impact my enjoyment of the concert. I saw Kiss live in 1997 and barely knew any songs outside of Greatest Kiss and Alive III. But it means that to this day I am reliant on others telling me what songs were played that night, other than Deuce and Rock'n Roll All Nite.

Pretty sure I've made up for it by watching every Kiss concert possible.

So yeah. 100 days.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Recording Journal: Batch 1, Day Something

I didn't post it, but I did actually finish my acoustic guitar recordings on schedule - recorded the last track on Sunday morning. Pretty good. Now I just have to do a few things, get my guitars back from the guitar guy, and then get stuck into recording electric guitars.

And then wait forever until someone out there can help me get my vocal recording gear out of storage...

So a moderate amount of success has been had. Now I get to spend tomorrow watching WrestleMania. Because apparently I hate life...

Monday, 3 April 2017

Recording Journal: Batch 1, Day 10

Wellity, wellity, wellity...

And there I was saying this wasn't going well - in your face, historical Logman!

Decided to forgo much sleep in the weekend and take advantage of a quiet area by recording a few more songs. It was a wise decision; smashed out the acoustic tracks for 5 songs. Sure, I had to spend a lot of time last night editing them so they are actually in time and sound good and not total garbage being played by a deaf and blind banana with no arms (really - have you ever seen a banana with arms?) and the groove of a rotting zombie. But that's why Optimus Prime gave us computers with recording software!

But yeah, there's something fun about recording at 5am before enjoying a bowl of Count Chocula. Especially when you actually nail a song in one take! So I am totally back on track now. Just need to restring my acoustic and take care of the last 7 songs - my aim is to have them finished by Sunday night, so that I can justifiably take Monday off completely to watch the Formula 1. Priorities. Electric guitars won't be ready for another couple of weeks anyways - just in time for Easter weekend  - so I'm actually probably ahead of schedule. Gosh I'm awesome.

I totally forgot there was a nice 4 day weekend coming up. I guess that means I have to watch WrestleMania...


Friday, 31 March 2017

Recording Journal: Batch 1, Day 7

So that worked well, huh?

Well, recording is not going to plan - about a week behind, I think.
Day 2 involved finding the total sweet spot for the mic with the guitar. Which then meant I needed to redo all I had already recorded. Glad I did, because I managed to record the Blue acoustic tracks a lot better and they won't require double tracking or looping or anything. Yay I can play guitar somewhat!

From there, though, it's been a bit of fail. I've not been able to recapture that good sound for some reason, and my playing has been garbage. I've only managed to complete the acoustic on four tracks. So i'm a quarter of the way through... after 8 days...


April starts tomorrow. Hopefully I can get this together!
And if not, well... there's always another WrestleMania coming up.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Recording Journal: Batch 1, Day 1

So I am going to try and keep a journal while I record. Not sure why. Might be interesting?

Wednesday evenings are usually Jet Li night for me, but tonight I felt surprisingly motivated to get started on recording acoustic guitar tracks. Not sure why, but I sure ain't complaining!

Managed to get one whole song completed. I think. Was kinda hard going, because my seat makes noise when I move. And my playing sucks. Going to double track the picking so it sounds nice and full. Big point I took away was that the mic and my acoustic sound awesome! So much better than the last time I tried this.

Let's see if I can get all these acoustic tracks completed within 12 days. I think it's doable. But I also like to watch Ayumi Hamasaki school people on how to be awesome, and recording acoustic guitars can kind of interfere with that.

FYI I did watch the Jet Li movie once I finished recording around 10:30. This week was The Sorcerer and the White Snake. It was bizarre.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

The Return to WrestleMania Madness: WrestleMania XXXII

3 April 2016
AT&T Stadium
Arlington, Texas - USA

Attendance: 101,763
(Though Dave Meltzer would argue that is a lie)

Commentators: Michael Cole, JBL & Byron Saxton

My thoughts before this viewing
Almost two years ago, I embarked on a journey to watch all 31 WrestleManias in 31 days. It was a brave and rewarding journey, full of many twists and turns, trials and tribulations, life-changing and inspirational moments - no wait, that was Lady GaGa's Super Bowl performance. WrestleMania March Madness? That was basically 31 days of me eating the same food, drinking the same drink, wearing the same t-shirt and watching the same damn thing over and over until I could no longer stomach the pain of WWF/E professional wrestling. So now, 701 days later, my OCD has kicked in. You see, there was a WrestleMania event last year and I did not watch it. And I had no interest in watching it - in fact, I still have no interest in watching this show. But only reviewing 31 WrestleManias when there are now 32 and soon to be 33? Well, LOGMAN just can not live with that. He also can't live with noise, people or the idea there are Loren Avedon movies he is yet to see, but we'll deal with those another time. So yeah, here we are again: my WrestleMania t-shirt was thrown out once WrestleMania 31 was complete and I don't have any suspicious American cookies to eat after my wraps, but the rest is the same: I've got Pepsi Next. I've got vegetarian wraps. I'm tired. I'm cranky. And I've got no idea why I'm doing this. So now that everything is just as it was, let's get this show done and then feed me to Jaws!

Even my rhyming is still terrible...

America the Beautiful
Fifth Harmony are here to sing for you - yes I mean you, because I am old and have no idea who in blazes they are supposed to be. But I do admire their V formation based on height. The shortest girl is standing cross-legged like she badly needs to go the bathroom but has to hold it in until they finish this song.

Opening Video Package
Guess what? It's the history of WrestleMania! How original! Then lots of stuff about today (last year?) which is just incredibly boring and not informative at all... but hey, cool fun colours and video game graphics? Fuck this show already.

Ladder Match
Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz vs Sami Zayn vs Stardust vs Sin Cara vs Zack Ryder vs Kevin Owens (c)
Michael Cole welcomes us to "the Big D!". Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh no thanks. And I doubt yours is all that big.
Dolph Ziggler looks very different to when I last saw him. This Kevin Owens has a pretty cool theme and is fat, so he should be almost invincible. WWE show they can actually multi-task like a successful woman by using all 20 entrances to simultaneously introduce us to all 50 different announce teams. You know, when a wrestler sets up a ladder next to the belt and not under it, it makes it super obvious someone is going to tip it over. Like a cow. Stardust is wearing polka dots. Like a cow.
"Could you imagine if Sin Cara walked out of here the Intercontinental Champion?"
Yes, I could. And it would mean I have eaten spiked mushrooms and am now hallucinating. Which would at least maybe make some of this 'running into ladders' business actually look somewhat realistic instead of bad slapstick from a 1930's version of National Lampoon's European Vacation.
It's good this isn't the original Sin Cara; I have no emotional attachment to this guy, which means I give no shits about how he does in the match. But it also means I give no shits if he dies doing moves like this:
The Miz almost wins via doing a grand total of one move in this entire match... but then he doesn't.
Winner = Zack Ryder via climbing ladders and not falling to his doom
New Champion

Pro-wrestlers wear Tapout while they workout in the gym.
LOGMAN wears pyjamas while eating pizza

Video Package
AJ Styles and Chris Jericho are feuding because AJ Styles is awesome and Chris Jericho is not. This actually is believable.

AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho
So according to this story, AJ Styles apparently modelled his career after Chris Jericho. So why is it AJ Styles is actually super talented and the best in the world, while Chris Jericho is just an annoying goof? Also, this match is the perfect time for displaying what losers around the world are tweeting. Because what @TripleH_ismyboyfriend48277 thinks about the previous match is far more important than watching the biggest signing WWE has made in years. And I'm not actually being sarcastic for once - he is in the 2nd match on the main card and losing to an old overrated clown that hasn't been a main event attraction since that complete dumpster fire of a feud with CM Punk. Who was also way better. But at least CM Punk got to win.
Winner = Chris Jericho via codebreaker

So sign the actual best wrestler in the world after 15 years of him competing around the world and then have him lose a pointless match at the biggest WrestleMania of all time? WrestleMania traditions at their finest!

Advertisement for Total Divas. You may as well try and sell me a steak and the All Blacks.

Oh fuck - Maria Menounos is backstage. When will these people learn...
Zack Ryder is happy! This show feels like it's been going on for an hour already.
Oh wait - that's because it has...

Handicap Match
New Day vs League of Nations
New Day make their entrance by coming out of a giant cereal box "because it's WrestleMania!".
Yeah, that's totally what I remember about WrestleMania III - Andre the Giant making his entrance via a plate of pancakes.
There are 100,000 people in the crowd and probably only about 23 that care about this match. And none of them are me.
Winners = League of Nations via Sheamus kicking someone in the face.

Wade Barrett says the League of Nations are the best group ever. So naturally, that means Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Steve Austin come out and beat them up. Because WrestleMania is all about old dudes that no longer wrestle beating up young guys so they look like losers and are never to be taken seriously.

JBL thinks this is the greatest thing ever. Dude, you are supposed to be the HEEL announcer - they are beating up the HEELS. You shouldn't be supporting this at all. Now the old guys have beaten up the winners, New Day thinks this means they actually won and have a dance party. Foley and HBK get involved. Which of course means that Austin has to now beat up New Day and drink beer.

Fuck putting over these young up & coming wrestlers and making them seem like something special - let's make everyone look inferior to retired old people!

See, Big E - this here is your WrestleMania tradition.

JBL is still having the time of his life. Worst. Heel. Announcer. Ever.

Foley gives away his beer to a kid dressed as a clown. That may well be the first Mick Foley moment I've liked since he got thrown through a cage.

Ad for the WWE Network. Now they're doing their own version of Candid Camera? And Mick Foley has his own reality show? You may as well try and sell me Total Divas.

The commentary team are still going crazy over what just happened like it was the greatest moment in the history of everything.

Video Package
Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar are feuding... because Dean Ambrose isn't scared of getting beaten to death? Dean Ambrose calls himself "the Iron Man of the WWE" - but the opening video package said Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are the Iron Men! They're certainly way better than Dean Ambrose. And less stupid - Bret Hart never fought Brock Lesnar because Bret Hart enjoys living.

No Holds Barred Street Fight
Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar
'No holds barred' fights never make sense to me; why bother starting with wrestling? Just walk in the ring, kick the dude in the balls and when he's down kick him in the balls again until he dies. Ambrose pulls out a chainsaw instead - I guess that's a hold that is no longer barred? Chainsaws are totally used in street fights in my neighbourhood all the time. About 30 people try to start a "This is awesome!" chant, but the other 100,000 people aren't buying it, as they've seen pro-wrestling before and know this isn't awesome at all.
Winner = Brock Lesnar via F5 onto a pile of chairs. Which surely would have to hurt him as well?

Ric Flair and Zack Ryder are having a "WOO" vs "Woo Woo Woo" battle. So Ryder eats a snickers and turns into Flair's daughter. Remind me to never eat a Snickers ever again.

Hall of Fame Highlights
Jimmy Garvin doesn't look so gorgeous anymore. Snoop Dogg was inducted? Bah gawd, between him and Alan Partridge Donald Trump, how can anyone pretend this shit is even close to something resembling an honour? Sting was also inducted because losing to Big Nose Jerk Face last year was a glorious achievement!

I feel like this show has now been going on for 3 hours. Wait - we're still less than 2 hours in? How is this possible?!?!

Apparently the winner of the next match "will be the first ever WWE Women's Champion!"
Uuuhhh... wasn't it called the Women's Championship for, like, 25 years before it was renamed the Diva's Championship?

Video Package
"Divas Revolution" was apparently a thing. Me giving zero fucks is absolutely a thing.

Triple Threat
Women's Championship
Sasha Banks vs Beck Lynch vs Charlotte (c)
Snoop Dogg and some nobody are here to sing Sasha Banks to the ring. And by sing, Snoop is actually more of a singer than this girl.
Ric Flair is here and is no longer capable of using actual words so just yells "WOOO" in Sasha's face. And Becky Lynch looks like a troll from Labyrinth.
Apparently this is now no disqualification as well? WWE may as well adopt that as the rule for every match. So why aren't these girls using weapons or doing anything they normally do in a no disqualification match? Ric Flair should just help his daughter and beat up the other girls - oh wait, now he does. I hate it when that happens.
Winner = Charlotte via figure 8 which I guess is twice as bad as a figure 4

The commentators bitch about Ric Flair getting involved. Damn, dudes - you were the ones that declared it no disqualification. Technically, it wasn't actually cheating. I didn't hear any complaints when anyone used weapons in the last match.

Video Package
Shane McMahon returned and people loved it - except for Vince McMahon, who hates him for no explained reason. Vince calls the Undertaker his "bitch" and Undertaker agrees by beating up Shane for him? Vince looks old. Hopefully he's dying. Everyone else from WWE give their opinions on this fight because Shane and Undertaker don't care for promoting their own match. Hell in a Cell is Undertakers house; for a guy that's been making a living wrestling for 40 years, it's a pretty shitty house. I won't be visiting until he installs a bathroom. And walls.

Hell in a Cell
Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker
Undertaker has added some shiny things to his outfit. He's also added some pounds and years to himself. He punches Shane a few times, which prompts Michael Cole to declare the "fight is getting ugly" - foreshadowing, perhaps? Because now Undertaker looks like he's totally blown up. He's moving so slow he may as well just embrace it and go back to being a zombie with magical powers. Someone tries a "This is awesome!" chant when absolutely nothing has happened for about 7 minutes. This person must be easily excited. Hanging out with me for an afternoon would blow their mind - especially when I do exciting things like watch this shit bag of a show! Shane makes things personal by attacking one of the fence/wall things with some wire cutter. That's Undertaker's home, Shane! You homewrecker! Such a rude guest...
Michael Cole starts having some sort of seizure:
"Undertaker is out - he's barely moving!"
Which would mean he is NOT out. The referees check on Shane. A minute later:
"Somebody check on Shane!"
You're a bit slow there, buddy.
"100,000 people have been stunned to near silence!"
As the crowd chant all sorts of things about how awesome that was. It's like he's not even there. I wish I wasn't here.
Winner = Undertaker via tombstone

The commentators act like Undertaker winning at WrestleMania still means something. Despite his "win streak" ending 2 years ago and tonight he beat up a dude that is not a wrestler, never was a wrestler, and hasn't even been around wrestling for about 15 years. What a legend!

Aaaand we've passed the 3 hour mark - surely it's time for the main event?
Wrong! We need to waste more time, so let's send it back to the kick-off panel and they can provide us with more total boredom by recapping everything that has happened over the last 5 hours. Corey Graves has possibly the doucheist haircut in all of professional wrestling.

Andre the Giant Battle Royal
So that the crowd and viewers are aware of how meaningless and worthless these people are, the first 25 participants come out together with absolutely no music or any form of entrance whatsoever, while the remainder get their full entrances.
Dang, that old dude DDP is here! And... Shaq?!?! Shaquille O'Neal?!?!!! That man is YUGE!
Why the hell didn't they tell anyone Shaq was going to be here and wrestling??? Kane is back in his mask and long hair again - clown can't figure out whatever the fuck he is supposed to be. Just be a ghost and get busted already! My gawd, Kate McKinnon was an absolute revelation in that movie.
Because WrestleMania tradition dictates no sense be made ever, 28 men hide outside the ring while Big Show and Shaq have a staredown. Then they get eliminated and immediately decide their kayfabe feud is nothing and give each other an embrace, chatting on their way to the back.
Winner = Baron Corbin via other people going over ropes

And still no one cared.

Promo for WrestleMania 33.
You mean I have to do this shit again?!?!
Looks like it's happening on the moon...

The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders come out and do some shit to AC/DC. Should have had AC/DC instead. Or just end the show already.

And his t-shirt cannon is almost as big as me! Oh no, wait - it's a flame thrower! That's actually much cooler than me.
He says he's "finally returned to WrestleMania"; dude, you appear almost every fucking year. The Rock basically admits that the show has sucked a fat bowl of dicks up to this point and he is the highlight, so Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family (they aren't really brothers) come out to make this as shit as the rest of the show. Why can't I have nice things??? The commentators talk up Bray like he's some kind of monster, despite him just being a fat redneck that always loses. Wyatt kisses The Rock's ass a bit - probably trying to get a role in Baywatch - and then resumes babbling nonsense about shit I couldn't even begin to pretend to care about. Wait, did he just say "your people" to The Rock? Racist! This interruption has caused The Rock to lose his place in his script, so he just starts again from the beginning. Good god, this show isn't long enough already?!? Luckily The Rock just happens to be wearing his wrestling gear under his breakaway clothes...

The Rock vs Erick Rowan
Aaaaand we're done.
Winner = The Rock via too quick to care

They announce it as 6 seconds, but it was really about 4. Then they call it a record.

The Wyatt family don't get the hint, so John Cena comes out to explain their suckiness better, because he's beaten all these dudes up while in bed sick.

Promo for Camp WWE. It's Family Guy for WWE fans. So, basically the worst of every world.

We're 4 hours in. This has to be time for the main event. Please? Pretty please?

Video Package
Roman Reigns is a good man. Despite him giving an interview basically saying 'fuck the fans all I care about is making money'. This video is an amazing example of propaganda; you see, the crowds hate Roman Reigns. Hate him. I watched the Royal Rumble before this and he was booed out of the building. Mercilessly. He made Diesel at WrestleMania XI seem somewhat accepted (worst WWF champion ever, btw). But yet, according to this video package, Roman Reigns has been heralded as a hero for the fans while the fans have been booing Triple H. Speaking of The H Bomb, the rest of the video is just highlights of his career and stupid entrances - absolutely nothing to do with this story whatsoever. Then more crowds cheering for Roman Reigns that never happened.
8/10 for the sheer balls to alter history

WWE Championship
Roman Reigns vs Triple H (c)
Oh great, now Stephanie thinks she's Skeletor.
She could pull off Evil Lynn better. Or she could just fuck off. She proceeds to give the most utterly obnoxious speech ever in the history of pro-wrestling - which is saying a lot. It doesn't make me want to boo, just watch Masters of the Universe.
I think that was a fun movie. HHH is "the King of Kings" - wait, so he's Jesus now? Can he cure me of watching this show? He has a whole army of dudes in skull helmets with WWE title belts.
So that must mean his is fucking lame and worthless, if any skull-faced stormtrooper can have one. Imagine if Darth Vader had some sort of Jedi trophy for being a Sith lord and then gave exact replicas to all the stormtroopers...

I just made a Star Wars reference.

Either the crowd mics have been muted or they care even less about this than I do. It's funny seeing all the jiu-jitsu and MMA striking that gets incorporated into pro-wrestling now. It's even funnier seeing how terribly fake the jiu-jitsu is executed. I'd write something else, but this is just going on forever. Seriously, almost an hour of standard H Bomb wrasslin' with some totally bland Joe with him to keep it really average.
Winner = Roman Reigns via spear and boredom
New champion

It seems the entire pyro budget was saved especially for Roman's celebrations.
Though he's not exactly celebrating - more just giving a few smug looks to the crowd. I don't think he likes them much. And nothing is more endearing to 100,000 people that don't like you than telling them 'told you so'. The Shield's old theme (AKA Roman Reign's theme) plays us out!

WrestleMania XXXI: The Awards

  1. Best Match
    Jeeeeezzzuss... The Rock vs Erick Rowan? At least it was fast and involved someone I like actually winning
  2. Worst Match
    Pointless battle royal of doom!
  3. Highlight of the Show
    The Rock. Dude entered with a flame thrower and set fire to the dumpster that was this show
  4. Lowlight of the Night
    My favourite chocolate bar making the most embarrassing commercial possible
  5. Star of the Show
    The Rock. Duh!
  6. Best Celebrity Appearance
    The Rock. Duh!
    Shaq was pretty cool, too. Would have liked to have seen him actually do something, though.
  7. Worst Celebrity Appearance
    That chick that couldn't sing live. Special mention to Snoop Dogg for appearing in his bathrobe
  8. Tonight's Meal
    For this show, I engaged in wraps filled with avocado, spinach, red onion, mushrooms, tomato, capsicum, pineapple, sprouts and two different kinds of hummus. Then chucked some indian pakoras in - top stuff all around! Pepsi Next is still the choice of the Log generation. No cookies, but I had Reece's Pieces to cap it off because they are somewhat like the cookies I had. Totally
  9. T-Shirt Cleanliness It's living in some landfill somewhere, where it has no doubt been adopted by a zombie. Or even grown into a zombie itself. So if you see someone walking around in a filthy homemade WrestleMania t-shirt, it is most likely not me.
  10. Overall Score
    No lie; the pre-show was 2 hours long and this motherfucker went another 5 hours. 7 FUCKING HOURS. Fuck... I don't know... I just lost 7 fucking hours of my life. Sure, I had no actual use for those 7 hours, but still... I mean, nothing was really all that terrible. But then again, I would gladly take a WrestleMania XI style trainwreck over the temple of boredoom this was. Plus that show wasn't 7 fucking hours long! 7 HOURS!!!

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

An Odd Thing to Realise Today...

So I was wondering why some of my WrestleMania reviews/rants were getting more views lately - not that I'm complaining at all. I mean, they are some of the best things I've written in years! Or the only things I've written in years. Either way, they cost me a month of my life and made some people hate me, so you should all read them and then leave comments about how great they are and how they improved your day and you totally agree with me that Kevin Nash is the worst WWF Champion ever.


I was reading my review of WrestleMania XX and it dawned on me. You see, there was a certain "billionaire" that used to appear at WrestleMania every so often. An Alan Partridge impersonator that I tagged in many posts, not knowing that less than 2 years later he would become President of the United States of America.

So if you are being led here by googlising Donald Trump, I hope you find something you were looking for. I mean, I have no idea what you are looking for - certainly, if you are looking for smart political commentary then this may not be the place for you. I specialise in the mockery of Paul McCartney, the torment of George Lucas and the stupidity of watching WrestleMania for 31 days then taking a couple of years off before deciding that my bLog is not complete if I don't review WrestleMania 32 before WrestleMania 33 takes place which I'll have to review as well.


So yeah. Welcome. If you are here for Donald Trump jokes, let me know and I am sure I can make more - it's pretty easy. If you are here for Donald Trump support... I don't know, maybe do some trick to replace the words "Bret Hart" with "Donald Trump" and you'll feel better? Though Bret Hart wore pink and I'm pretty sure if you are a fan of Donald Trump you would find that offensive. OK, well how about Mr.T? Oh wait, he's black - you guys aren't a fan of black guys, right? Or Mexicans? Or strong women? Because I have to be real with you - Bret Hart in the pink & black, Mr. T, Mexican wrestlers and strong women are pretty much my favourite things. I don't know if this is going to work out...

Maybe it's Donald himself checking this place out? I mean, we all know he loves him some twitter and some of his speeches sound like they were taken from the comments section in an MMA forum. Or it could be the secret service trying to track down people being mean about him. In which case, my name is Conor McGregor and I live somewhere in Ireland. Please feel free to come extradite me to the US and throw me in some illegal prison for the rest of my life.

This is going nowhere. Like my bLog - it's here forever, bitches!
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