Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Is This The Best Day EVER?

Well, it's at least the best start to a day in a long time

Firstly, the big news; Christina Aguilera is confirmed to play in Auckland on July 11th. Even better, I hadn't yet booked my tickets for New Plymouth so I am able to make the slight detour and be there for the concert which I will not miss! Awesome news

Secondly, though not quite as cool... Guns'n Roses have also confirmed an Auckland concert. Alas, this concert is 2 weeks before Christina so I don't really think I will be able to make it... but it's really the principle of the matter

And then thirdly, my MySpace blog reader count just hit 1000. Thanks to everyone who reads my constant babble - makes me feel good somedays. And I must say it looked quite pretty seeing all those zeros... however, I'm sure that will change once I post this blog

OK so the big thing to take from this is Christina's concert. You would be fools to miss it - fools I tell you! Come May 2nd, I will be online getting the best possible tickets I can get. So you basically have until then to organise yourself into a state of going, because I'm sure it will sell out, being her first concert in New Zealand. I mean, when I lived in Melbourne she sold out 3 nights in a row!!! So yeah, get off your butts and get ready to see Christina Aguilera in concert - July 11th Vector Arena, Auckland NZ. It is going to be fantastic

1 comment:

Lou said...

Obviously I can't comment on the Christina thing, but AWESOME about Guns 'n' Roses!

By the way, I entirely skipped your Teenaged Mutant Ninga Turtles post. Was it about the film? A guy from my work went to a free preview screening and reported back that they have even changed the theme song. What's that all about? Wankers.

2025 in 2025: Day 30

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