Tuesday, 19 June 2007

More MySpace Bulletins

And does anyone else find the Boy/Girl bulletin a little odd?

I mean, first of all who doesn't like hoodies?  I don't think that would make anyone more of a man.  Saying dogs are better than cats isn't manly - just ignorant. And someone being obsessed with Power Rangers only proves they were a child when the show was on - not really an indication of sex.  It's like saying that because I love Transformers, I must be a guy, when it really means I was a child in 1984.  And I am a complete geek.

I don't know anyone in this country that collected baseball cards.

And yet the girl questions are so stereotypical it's ridiculous; no guy owns a skirt or a dress, and that was used for 2 seperate questions!  Talk about desperately trying to be condescending.

Most terrifying of all, though, is the calculations that are then used to determine your 'Male/Female Levels'.  Most people scored highly in their own sex (duh), but then some also scored quite well in the opposite sex and gained a total higher than 100%.  Brumbys actually scored 126% as a man - double my score - and then a further 28% as a woman.  Does this make him twice the man I am?  And 1.5 the person the rest of us are?  And being a half a person more than anyone, does he have any superpowers???

So if you still feel the need to do this quiz and determine your sex, I have devised my own that should help you:

[ ] You have a penis

[ ] You have a vagina

Now there's two words I never thought I'd ever see me write!

And I realise some people may tick both answers, and they are a special breed of people.  They are called "Fashon Designers" and can be seen on a show called Project Runway.

Man I wish TV3 would hurry up and bring that back.


Lou said...

It's like there's this really strong push going on this decade to try and restore antiquated ideas of 'men as men' and 'women as women', rather than allowing a nice sort of 'do whatever the heck you want and act however the heck you want'.

You should see the WAG culture being created over here - as Lotte puts it, girls and women are being taught to aspire to marry a rich footballer, and that the way to achieve this is by being very skinny, wearing very trendy fashions, having an uber-tan, and peroxiding peroxiding peroxiding. Dumbing down your IQ and pumping up your breasts are also major pluses.

Men, meanwhile, are still meant to want to flick straight to page 3 to see a naked woman, grunt over beer and football, and of course dominate the economy and the corporate sector.

Way to environmentalise the next generation back into the 1950s. Thanks a bunch.

What is the gender test you're referring to? Am curious as to what the other questions are and what I would get (on the proper BBC gender-cognitions test I am smack bang in the middle of traditionally masculine, traditionally feminine).

LOGMAN said...

ok i will email it to you

i scored 63% male and 49% female, so i fell quite nicely in the middle. when you read it, you'll see why i didn't score too high on the male side (i'll send the copy i filled in)

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