Saturday, 5 January 2008

New BLog for New Year (and no, BLog isn't a typo)

Yes that's right, for 2008 I will use the term BLog. It's more fun. And you love it.

So what does 2008 mean for the mighty LOGMAN?
For a start, no more lousy Facebook. I do like some of the fun features - please don't get me wrong. Just Log doesn't enjoy receiving 10 spam messages a day from people that he hasn't had a real conversation with in about 2 years.

What else... lots of Kiss.
The band.
Get your mind out of the gutter!!!

But seriously, I had forgotten just how much fun that band is! I was the last of my circle to remain a fan (Warwick punked out by the end of 7th form, and Sam got too snobbish towards them by about 2000. Yes, Sam, I just called you a snob. But in the musical sense... and believe me, if I was going to allow anyone to be a music snob it would be you) but I guess I lost interest in them around 2003. I cranked up Alive! over the Christmas break and tried to play along, but couldn't remember much more than the basic riffs. And considering I used to know that album note for note, I think I best get my cool back and play some Kiss. Def looking forward to seeing them live again in March, even if it is without Ace.

And I'll probably post a review or 2 of the box sets I bought when I finally get a chance to see them. Just warning you all.

Oh and for the record, it is NOT my birthday this month. However, if you are silly enough to believe that when I deleted all my info off my old MySpace page, then you deserve to buy me presents for a mock birthday now.

1 comment:

Lou said...

Just wanted to say hi. And happy new year.

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The Bridge - Billy Joel This surely has to be Joel's most 80s sounding album, production-wise; the guitars on A Matter of Trust sound s...