Wednesday, 20 May 2009


I'm a little confused - this is supposed to be the worst Manic Street Preachers album, yet I find it to be one of their most consistent.

I'm not saying it has the passion or up-tempo hooks of albums like Generation Terrorists or Everything Must Go, but this is like listening to a very well polished Radiohead album. And I'm not talking Hail to the Thief or anything, I'm talking The Bends type pop-rock class here.

Granted, I haven't listened to Know Your Enemy yet. Mainly because having finally ordered it I found that there is copy in Pennylane that includes The Masses Against the Classes as a bonus track, and now I feel I will need to trade my copy in for that. But even including that wonderful song, I can't see how Know Your Enemy could be better than Lifeblood.

Just saying

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