Friday, 26 June 2009

R.I.P. King of Pop

Today the world lost one of music's true great artists. A man who re-invented pop music and inspired countless others.

I still remember as a child just how much worldwide each of his releases were; every new single was a major event - the premier of the new video was always heavily promoted and given its own time slot; gosh, I even remember how much of a big deal his new Pepsi commercial was!

Without Michael Jackson, dance would not be the same. Pop music would not be the same. The art of making a music video would not be the same.

He was my generation's Elvis; he contributed more to the evolution of music than we can comprehend, only to have later generations ignore his accomplishments, before being robbed so cruelly of his chance for a last hurrah. I wish he could have made those 'farewell' concerts in London and shown the world one last time why he is still loved by so many.

Let us all remember the man for giving us great music and spine-tingling performances like this:

1 comment:

Lou said...

Fuck he was awesome.

I can't actually imagine anyone ever coming along and doing what only he, Elvis and The Beatles have done (totally dominating global entertainment), which would leave him as the World's Last Great Musical Artist.

(or do we think the Spice Girls managed that?)

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