Monday, 10 March 2014


The Kiss buzzsaw - for all your rock'n roll carpentry requirements...

This always feels like the 'forgotten make-up album' to me, purely because the majority of the tracks aren't live staples or appear on any of the million of Kiss compilations out there (a few of which I will review later). It might be because the album was sandwiched inbetween 2 of Kiss' defining albums so fans forget about how cool some of these tracks are. Or maybe the modern lineup of Kiss have no idea how to even play these songs at all - come see me, Paul Stanley, and I'll teach you how to play 'em. Just don't bring that loser Tommy Thayer to my house. And leave Gene Simmons behind, while you're at it. And don't bad-mouth Peter and Ace while you're here. Oh just forget it!

'I Want You' is classic Kissory, but with a cool duelling guitar solo. Then 'Take Me' is just the most non-subtle classic Kiss rock'n roll you could ask for. 'Calling Dr. Love' is actually one song from here that is still played live today - so I don't need to teach them how to play this one. Which is good, because it is 4 chords and I wouldn't want them to get confused.

Then the album hits that dreaded middle patch again... look, these songs aren't 'bad' as such, just not as good as the rest; when you are forced to compare a track like 'Ladies Room' to a track like 'Calling Dr. Love', it just sounds like filler. 'Baby Driver' is easily the worst Peter Criss song so far (don't worry, it won't keep that title) and 'Love 'Em and Leave 'Em' just kinda... I don't know... I bet it would sound cooler live.

Speaking of which, this album was actually recorded in a theatre to try and capture the real Kiss energy better - all their studio albums generally sounded pretty limp, so it was hoping setting them up like a live show would make everything sound awesome. I'm not overly sure how well it worked, but hey, that be some info for you.

OK back to the tracks... I've never heard a man brag about being fast in bed, but Paul Stanley does it and still rocks in 'Mr. Speed'; 'See You in Your Dreams' is pretty cool, and 'Hard Luck Woman' is kinda cool in that Rod Stewart kind of way (no, not how I look like Rod Stewart). Then the album ends with a hard rock punch to your genitals in 'Makin' Love' and we're done the same way we started - classic Kissory.

So yeah, much like Destroyer, an average middle section is sandwiched between some darn awesome songs. Much like how this album is pretty good but sandwiched between 2 of Kiss' best albums, thus probably making it seem less cool. Or more, depending on who you ask. I dunno... the album's artwork sure is cool though. Ace should have pointed his lazer blasting eyes to his left to stop Gene licking his chin. That's my thoughts, anyway.

Take Me, Calling Dr. Love, Makin' Love

Nothing offensive here

Verdict = 4 Smoking Les Pauls

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