Sunday, 14 September 2014

Random Thoughts from a Ryan Adams Marathon: Day 5

* In some ways, Rock'n Roll is actually my favourite Ryan Adams album. Now let's see how many times I say that in this marathon... 1974 stands as some of the coolest damn lyrics on the planet, and The Drugs Aren't Working is a glorious rock'n roll song. Hypnotixed is a bonus track but for some reason just makes the album even better. People hate this album. People are stupid.

* The Rock'n Roll B-Sides are generally madly inferior to the rest of the album and laced with far more of a classic 80s New Wave feel than the album. Except Red Lights. That song owns.

* Love is Hell is one of those albums that I did not like at first but now consider to be great. Maybe at first I just found it too long? Because it really is too long. Maybe the whole 2 EP format was actually a good idea for this album. Though I am listening to everything back-to-back so it really wouldn't matter right now anyways.

* Love is Hell Rarities is interesting; some good songs, some weird songs, and then a great song that ended up on Jacksonville City Nights in a much greater form.

* Black Clouds is supposedly how the album was originally conceived - including a few songs from Rock'n Roll. Some diffrerent mixes as well keeps it interesting.

* Love is Hell: The New York Sessions. Yeah. I'm kind of ready to move on from Love is Hell now, thanks.

* Cold Roses is a near flawless album.

* The Cold Roses Rarities don't seem like they are even from the same sessions. Like, only one song sounds like it was recorded at the same time - the rest sound like demos from The Patty Duke Syndrome or something.

542 songs down!

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