Monday, 30 November 2015


The new Kiss kitchen counter top in sparkling stainless steel finish...

The first Kiss compilation! And in true Kiss fashion, instead of just putting their biggest hits on here, they have remixed or edited many of them. Why? Probably to get kids to feel like they are missing out on something if they don't purchase this. Strutter '78 has some sort of disco feel to it and new guitar solos, that may or may not invoke anger from your average Kiss fanatic (spoiler alert: I like it. LOGMAN loves him some disco). Hard Luck Woman has some weird things going on in the mix, like drum sounds and vocals. Calling Dr. Love has some added guitar noises that are actually pretty cool. Firehouse sounds sped up or something. And then goes on some infinite loop at the end. Because the world needs to hear the weak version of Firehouse for all of eternity...

Deuce also sounds funny, as does 100,000 Years in minor ways. The intro for Rock Bottom has been stitched onto She, and then also looped for infinity for reasons. Oh, Black Diamond has also had weird vocals added and the ending has been looped. I realise I'm just saying stuff with no real reason. Just like this album is just here doing weird things for no reason.

It's a compilation filled with highlights.

Some of the weirdness of the remixing.

Verdict = 4 Smoking Les Paul Guitars and a thumbs up

2025 in 2025: Day 30

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