Monday, 30 November 2015


We're off to see the wizard...

This is the album Kiss fans always rave about. But I'm not entirely sure, myself. Detroit Rock City is one of the greatest Kiss songs of all time, no doubt, and King of the Night Time World has an awesome attitude to rival any Kiss classic. But the middle section of this album just kinda hangs out doing its thing and not bothering anyone. It works as a full album, because I can just put this album on and listen to it over and over. Though that could also be because it is only 9 songs. But as stand alone songs, God of Thunder, Great Expectations and Flaming Youth are not songs I would seek out to listen to by themselves. They are just middle of the road songs bathed in a sea of strings and grandeur to hide the lack of hooks. Sweet Pain is a step better, even with some random dude I don't know playing the guitar solo. Luckily, the album returns to awesomeness with Shout it Out Loud and Do You Love Me? to end the album.

Oh, Beth splits them up. The biggest ballad of 70's Kiss and their biggest hit. I quite enjoy it sometimes and in some ways.

One thing is for certain - the cover art is mighty awesome.

Detroit Rock City, King of the Night Time World, Shout it Out Loud, Do You Love Me?

Some guy playing guitar instead of Ace Frehley on Sweet Pain

Verdict = 4 Smoking Les Paul Guitars

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