Sunday, 22 September 2019

すてんだっぷガールズ!〜第1話 ダメダメ怪獣にご用心〜 First-Class Edition Bonus DVD


Again, this is simply the すてんだっぷガールズ!〜第1話 ダメダメ怪獣にご用心〜 music video. It involves PASSPO☆ in some sort of comic where fight monsters and then defeat the big boss monster using the combined power of their lightsticks. This was the first PASSPO☆ video I ever saw and I think it made me a fan instantly; the video concept is fun, the song is awesome, their outfits are fire and they're all super cute. I don't know how anyone could watch this and not fall in love.

Peak PASSPO☆ right here.

Everything I listed above and probably more.

There was nothing more to come after that.

7 / 7 Glowsticks

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