Thursday, 10 May 2007


Oh yes, it has only taken me this long... but I have finally finished moving all my blogs from my MySpace page to my Blogger. This Blogger, in fact. And OK, it's not actually all of them - just the ones that aren't MySpace specific or completely pointless (like the one that just basically tricked all the people who have subscribed to my blog on MySpace into reading a blog that simply said "It's been a long time since I wrote my last blog... and this is no exception" - so I guess I have now moved it across to here, as I just wrote it out).

I'm in Timaru for the week on "business". I think it must be the business of sleeping, because I haven't done a bit of work since getting here. Oh no wait, I did pack some boxes yesterday. Exciting stuff.

But the good thing is, I have been able to use all this time to reacquiant myself with an old friend - Worms! And no, I don't mean as in "I have worms", but the computer game Worms. I don't want to risk lifting my nerd points even higher (is that even possible?) so I won't spend too much time talking about the game, but if you don't know it then you need to find a copy. It's basically you have teams of worms and go around blowing each other up, and is extremely addictive. I swear, the game is so full of nicotine it should be banned... or at least have high taxes imposed on it to deter young people from buying it. I don't really understand what is so fun about a bunch of worms throwing Mad Cows and Banana Bombs at each other... no wait, that is why it's so much fun! I can't decide what my favourite weapon is; the Sheep or the Super Banana Bomb. I mean, a sheep going "Baaa" and then blowing up is pretty cool, but a whole bunch of bananas bouncing around the screen is equally enjoyable. Good thing NASA aren't requiring my assistance this week, because trying to figure out which I like more is going to take my full attention. I just wish there was a weapon that caused complete destruction, like the Death's Head in Scorched Earth (now I'm taking it old skool - geek stylz!)

And speaking of Scorched Earth, did anyone else ever think that the Smashing Pumpkins song Tales of a Scorched Earth was inspired by that very game? Man, I always got the titles of the two confused when I was a teenager

And props to Sharon for letting me borrow the first season of Beverly Hills, 90210 while I waste away in Timaru for the week. I can't believe how entertaining it is watching it this time around; just being so aware of Luke Perry's age makes things so much funnier. Watching a 30 year-old man play the part of a hip teenager is very entertaining

A lot more entertaining than this blog, that's for sure

And I did end up spending more time talking about a video game than anything else... All these years working hard to change my reputation are slowly coming undone, and the true geekiness of the mighty LOGMAN is slowly being revealed as each day goes by.


1 comment:

Lou said...

Shhhh... the internet might hear you...

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