Friday, 31 August 2007

Pluralities and Facial Stubbery

I keep seeing signs around town for "The Three Elvis'"

Am I the only person that believes the plural for Elvis would be Elvi? It's much the same in regards to moose: if the plural for goose is geese, shouldn't the plural for moose for be meese?

And what is the deal with all these musicians growing moustaches? Brandon Flowers looks like a redneck from the 70's - the rest of The Killers don't look too good either - and Daniel Johns looks like a drunken hobo. Just because you don't work real jobs doesn't mean you can't look good. In fact, you guys have less to do during the day than most of us, so you have plenty of time to make use of a razor on your face. I'm sure you can afford to buy a good one too.

1 comment:

Lou said...

I agree. But I would spell it Elvii. Or just reword the title to avoid the dilemma.

I am no longer talking to you until you apologise to Brandon Flowers.

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