Friday, 4 April 2008

An Easy Way to Annoy the Kid

I think Lou will understand this one:

I received an email from an acquaintance regarding the movie Juno (which, by the way, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend going to see it right now! Well, maybe finish reading this blog first. Because my ramblings are much more important than going to the cinema. Unless of course you plan to illegally download the movie from the internet, in which case you can start your downloading on a separate tab and then resume reading if you desire)

Oh yeah, the dumbass email:
Ahahaha, speaking of absolutely. WEIRDEST no-point-at-all dream last night. I
saw the Juno ad yesterday so I'm guesing that influenced it.

it up if you dont know what its about, stupidest film ever, I never want to see
it, it looks like a lame story, lame acting, and that little punk was nominated
for best actress, she should NOT have been) THEN read:

My dream was
Rocky standing in front of the Juno poster with little marie going "y'know I
think it's ridiculous, I mean you got these people sayin' its absolutely some
kinda tragic thing havin a kid that young, but yknow its absolutely the wrong
spin, I mean sure you gotta un'erstand it'd be hard, but ykno, that's absolutely
a lil person bein brought to daylight, ykno? I mean I do not see how a
person would call that some kinda dark think ykno? it's this lil person, an it's
got rights, an you gotta respect that, dont see how this is somethin tragic.
thats jus' what i think"

Personally, I think this is the typical reason most normal people don't like Christians - judging something they have no real knowledge of, purely because they have some stupid opposition to something. And then to say an actress is untalented and didn't deserve a nomination for an award without having seen the performance is just completely annoying.

As I said, Juno is a fantastic movie, and anyone who says otherwise is pretty well retarded. I am no longer any good at articulating film reviews, so just ask Lou and I'm sure she will reiterate how good he movie.

1 comment:

Lou said...

It was excellent.
That person is a fuck-weed. I don't think you should be friends with them anymore.

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