Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Your Kids are Stupid? Then Don't Take Them to the Movies

The other night I went to the cinema for the first time in many, many months. In fact, it has been so long since I went to see a movie, that I can not recall the last time I did.

Anyways, it was such an exciting experience that I was steadily reminded of the 2 main reasons I never go to movies any more:

1. People take children to movies they aren't interested in seeing because the parents can't find babysitters. So said children talk and fidget all through the movie and piss Logan off like they've been playing with his 20th anniversary Optimus Prime.

You see, next to me was a young boy and his idiot young father. And for the duration of the entire movie, aside from the boy stamping his feet on the ground and constantly reshuffling himself and his noisy jacket of doom, the man was having to explain all that was happening to his son. And I'm not just saying complex things (it was Indiana Jones, after all) but crap like the boy asking his dad "Who's Oxley?" when they had only been talking about him for about 40 minutes and Indy and his son had been going into GREAT detail about who Oxley was and what he meant to them both only 10 minutes earlier. I almost turned to him and said "Oxley is my boot and he is going to be stomping your ugly face in if you don't shut your pie-hole!!!"

I had the same problem when I first went to see Return of the King; some idiot kid kept asking his mother to explain the movie to him the whole way through. I don't get why parents insist on taking their children to movies far beyond their mental capacity. If I had children and they dared to ask me stupid questions during Kill Bill, they would get a samurai sword through the eye.

It is also beyond me why parents think it is acceptable to take their children to long movies so late at night - I go to later showings to avoid stupid annoying people and their annoying stupid little brats, only to find that some parents insist on their children living the same crappy life as them. Seriously, would you take a child to see Return of the King if it started at 8pm on a Tuesday night? Or Indiana Jones and the Long Movie of Doom at a similar time??

Sure, my dad took me to see all 3 original Star Wars movies late at night when I was 5, but that's because he has no parenting skills.

2. People refuse to turn off their cellphones.

I've said it before and I will no doubt say it many more times before I am murdered by a crazed religious nut - human beings these days have a sick dependency on their cellphones. And it is never better shown than in a movie theatre, where people will either txt the whole time or turn on their phone as soon as the movie is over. The next time you go, watch the crowd and laugh as you will see everyone turn on their phones at the same time. But anyways, what really bugs me is having to see people's big bright cellphone screens glow while they txt away thinking they aren't bothering anyone.


But really, why is it people can't handle breaking away from their phones for 2 hours to watch something they have paid $17 to see?

Of course, nothing will ever compare to my worst movie-going experience ever, which involved a group of drunk people in the front row drinking and yelling, walking around and yelling to each other, and then lighting up joints periodically. Good times.


Lou said...

I hear ya, I hear ya...

The texting thing is my number one hate. I will tell them to turn it off if I am within reaching distance (just as I will glare at talking people, and if glaring doesn't work I will tell them to shut up), but frequently they're on the other side of the theatre which often makes it more annoying because it's in the periphery, which draws attention to the periphery vision and away from the area I am focussing attention on.

At Return of the King I was beside a man and his two young sons, the one sitting in the seat beside me being so young he spent most of it with his hands over his ears curled up in his seat. I glared at the father and moved seat about halfway through.

I have certain rules for Avoidance of Children and Annoying People at Cinemas. The Golden Rule is to not ever see a film in Leicester Square, but that's irrelevant for you. The other rules involve waiting for a blockbuster to be near the end of its run, going to the cinema that is in Canary Wharf where nobody with children can afford to live (okay, also not relevant), and primarily going to non-mainstream films.

I also put my bag on the seat beside me and look as unfriendly as possible and never offer to move it so that only people willing to ask can sit beside me.

Super Masked Banana said...

haha i also put things on seats beside me so people will not sit near me. can't remember if i ever told you, but when going to x-men on the opening night (i know - please don't hurt me. we thought it would be good) my friend didn't want anyone near us so he poured his drink all over the seats in front of us and beside us. it worked

i also try to go to movies when they are near the end of their run (like i did with Batman Begins) or i go to an obnoxiously stupid viewing (Transformers at the midnight screening) and i think that is what i will have to do for Dark Knight because it looks amazingly amazing - like totally awesome

other than that, i will continue to stay home and watch old tv shows instead

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