Monday, 21 December 2009

Darn I've Been Busy

It is 3:30am because I have just spent the last 2 days making some music and setting up my new MySpace page. Well, sure those things actually have no control over time and 3:30am would happen every day regardless of what I do. But nevertheless, I have set up a brand new MySpace page and - shock horror - have uploaded some new tracks! I've been working hard all weekend and made 2 songs to put up (one was starting from scratch too) plus I gave a couple of other tracks a bit of a reworking, and I think they all sound pretty good. But then, I'm all goosed up on brownie and caffeine and am going to get up in 2 hours to resume my employment with Evil Corp, so what would I know?

I know that I rock. And you should too.

So yeah, for those that are interested, I have updated the link on my little sidebar thingee for the blog (you know, that little thing there that says kid ego MySpace? Yeah, that thing). Or if you like have it bookmarked because you are a super fan and totally can't wait to hear what I'm doing next, then the new address is

That's all from me for now.

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