Thursday, 17 December 2009

Oh Gods of the 80's, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Logman is not happy.

No it isn't because of the four - yes, FOUR - coldsores now trying take over my bottom lip (perhaps I'm working too hard? Yeah I know I am super funny).

The source of my unhappiness lies in this article I discovered last night:

NZ Herald Article About MC Hammer and Twitter and... Mike Hosking???

It isn't until about halfway down that I realised the unthinkable: MC Hammer was in Auckland.
And I wasn't.

I'm adding this to my list. You know, my list of times when I should have been in the right place to meet one of my heroes, but for some reason didn't even know he or she was in a place I could storm and give them a giant hug.

If Tyra gets out of this country without me saying "Hi" to her, that could very well be the last straw!

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