Thursday, 1 October 2009

Lessons in Annoying LOGMAN part 53

A workmate and colleague...
And by far the biggest jackass I have ever met. You know those people who know nothing about a subject, but because you do they talk about it like they do? Well, that is Aaron; a guy in his very late 30's (pretty sure he turned 39 this year) with a wife and 2 young children, who for some reason (mid-life crisis perhaps?) decided when he started working here that he too needed to become a guitarist. And that means that every damn day I have to hear some story about his friends who happen to be "awesome musicians" (whoopideedoo) and his own exploits with the guitar. Then there are days I have to hear about some crappy New Zealand band or artist that he is currently listening to. Hey guess what? I don't care.

A fellow guitarist and I have a code name for him when discussing his latest idiotic ramblings - Australian Wood is Crap Guy (or AWCG); for you see, he asked about my acoustic one day and decided he would never buy one like it because it is Australian made and "Australian wood is crap". Oh really, fool? So my acoustic guitar that I have owned for 8 years and traveled all over Australasia with and is still in great condition and sounds beautiful and in fact gets better as it gets older is "crap"? Am I the one that bought a Telecaster that 3 months later developed a split in the neck, despite a knowledgeable guitarist (i.e. ME) telling you not to buy it?

Shut the fuck up.

Oh what was that? Today you want to take your stupidity to a WHOLE NEW FUCKING LEVEL OF DOOM???

“Last night I played all 4 of my guitars AND my

Yes, because that makes a huge difference to how much of a complete tool you are. I mean, obviously the way to get better as a guitarist is just play on a range of shitty guitars instead of playing on one good guitar for an extended period of time. And I'm sure your young boys love that you choose your guitars over spending time with them. Well done *clap clap*

“That sounds like a good mix of Heartbreak Hotel”

Ummmm so you are an expert in mixing now? And considering it is the ORIGINAL mix, and I'm listening to it through the damn speakers on a PC, WTF DO YOU KNOW??!?!?!!??!??!

Please, just go back to playing your hilarious songs about putting the kids in the Hilux and going up to the mountain. At least I can get a chuckle out of that stuff.

Some days I just want to punch him in the face he makes me so mad

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