Monday, 5 October 2009

True Love Travels on a Gravel Road

I just realised that there have been many a reference to the mighty Elvis Presley in my bLogs as of late. I'm going through a bit of an Elvis phase at the mo' (lucky I always have plenty to keep myself going) and that could explain it. Well, explain it better than maybe saying a Stegosaurus once battled my ancestors in a game of Chess and the winner was declared the new Emperor of Star Fleet in the year 3524... though I do like that theory.

Elvis rules so get over it.

Anyways, the good vibes of From Elvis in Memphis has gotten me in a good mood for blogging for once. So I might drop by tomorrow and let you all know my opinion of the Abbey Road remaster as I had a good listen the other day (Managing Director brought it in for me to listen to as he was interested in my opinion - like everyone else is, I am sure).

But of course, now that I have said that I will probably look at my blog tomorrow and go 'Nah, I'd rather just see what happens when I mix this shot of V with a soy latte'

1 comment:

Lou said...

ewwww, though I am now kinda curious

(as to what would happen if you mix your V with a soy latte)

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