Friday, 7 September 2007

My New Friend

Last night I met a new friend who is now very dear to me. In fact, he moved into my room and will be there for a while. His name is Rocky:

And no, I didn't name him - his previous owners did.

Since living in Christchurch, the last couple of months have been my first times of living without a cat. Back at glorious old Clonbern we had the lovely Oscar (who loved me when Sarah was away), and then when I first moved into Bealey Ave I soon made Ashley become my friend. But of course the ever so friendly Miriam moved out in June and took Ashley with her, leaving me without a cat to pretend was my own...

So I've thought about getting a cat since then. And then I decided against it. And then Rochelle saw Rocky on TradeMe on Tuesday, and I just couldn't resist. I mean look at him - he has markings like a cow!

So when we went round to meet him I was very scared he wouldn't like me. And he was very moody; really wasn't interested in meeting me or finding a new home. But then we got him home and it didn't take long for him to realise that I rock. He's awfully cuddly. I like him a lot and am very glad to call him my friend.

On a side note, I love that I visit Louise's blog everyday and find thought provoking blogs on politics and such... while all I can blog about it is "I like my cat".

1 comment:

Lou said...

Oh my!! You SO have to get Rocky a catbook page so he can be friends with my [dead] cat!!!

Have you been to my friend Lotte's blog? (pyrrhamania - linked from mine) She's a fellow cat lover.

Cat posts are WAY more importantly than political posts (but maybe not as important as John Lennon posts).

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