Friday, 28 September 2007

Rugby: The One Holy Game

I am now officially ashamed to have ever been a part of a "New Life" church:

Let's Watch the All Blacks at Church

I'm not really sure why a church would actually promote staying up all night and eating junk food (especially to teenagers), but I guess it's all about making people happy and all that.

The actual printed version of the article I read this morning is even more ridiculous, so if you have the means I recommend reading it. It stated that other churches are planning on screening the final rounds before church services start, and even included this quote from "a spokeswoman for the Northwest New Life Church (I don't even want to know who it was) :
"We didn't want to make people choose between rugby and church. It
will be a good test of faith if we lose."

Now doesn't this just completely go against what some people in that very same church often preach about? Aren't certain 'leaders' always saying "put God first in every area of your life", yet the whole church is getting put to the side in order to accommodate the congregation's need to watch the All Blacks lose another World Cup? And her statement is basically saying when the All Blacks lose, those people are going to find it hard to worship God - so I guess that means that everyone will be able to praise God so much more if they actually win.

Oh yeah, I'm sure that's who you will be praising.

No offense to all the people from Northwest that read my blog, but I surely will not be attending any of your services when those games are shown.

Go New Life churches! Good to see those hundreds of thousands of dollars you all spend on state of the art audio & visual systems are finally being put to good use!


Lou said...

Back in the high school days we were praying for victory in the annual Southland-Otago Catholic Schools competition (sports, debating, speech, etc) during Religious Ed and I put up my hand and said 'isn't praying for victory just the same as praying for other people to lose?' and the teacher went skitzo at me... I think I had a point...

LOGMAN said...

ooooh that reminds me of an episode of 3rd Rock, when Tommy is in the basketball team and they are praying for victory and he's like "aren't the other team praying for victory too? is our God stronger than theirs or something?"

i loved it

and yes you have a great point

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