Saturday, 22 September 2007

This Is Freedom of Speech???

Quick blog time...

This is a link to the recent blog from my friend Lou. I want you to go view it now and then come back and read the rest of my blog.

reduced to banality

You get what was happening?

Are you as angry as I am?

I don't get it; I'm surrounded by so many people in the church who are so in love with America and act like it is the promised land. You can all argue about Iraq, you can argue about this "war on terror" and you can argue about the 2000 election all you want. But answer me this: where the hell is the justice in this? America preaches that line about having "Freedom of Speech", yet when someone asks questions they get arrested and tazered?

I want to hear some of you American wannabes justify that to me. I really do.

That scene angered me that all I could say involved a swear word (hence the swearing in my comment to Lou, and anyone who knows me knows that that it takes a lot for me to swear outright). I'm still angry and sick to my stomach. I can't be bothered writing anything else here. It will be continued in my next blog (when I finally get around to finishing this whole The U.S. vs John Lennon stuff - and how ironic considering this sort of crap is what I was going to write about)

Can I get a "F*** You, USA!" from the congregation?

1 comment:

Lou said...

I forgot to say, I was quite impressed that you actually swore over this. I was imagining you must have turned a different colour and had steam coming out your ears.

Once my mum said 'shit' and I thought it must be the apocalypse. (I can't actually remember why she said it now...)

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