Thursday, 31 December 2009

R.I.P. 2009

And another year draws to a close. Man, this one has gone SUPER fast!

I was going to do a big list of my fav things of the year, like music and movies. But then I realised that I've actually only bought 1 CD from 2009 - that being The Fame Monster by Lady Gaga (which is pretty darn brilliant, in case you were wondering). Of course, there are a few albums that I plan on picking up over summer, like Third Eye Blind's Ursa Major (seriously, they finally put out a new album after 6 years of nothing, and I take this long to buy it?) and Sarah Blasko's As Day Follows Night, but this year my music purchasing has really been dominated by reissues or just plain old albums. Quite a lot of 2008 albums too, I must admit.

And as for movies, this is what I have seen:

Against the Dark
Confessions of a Shopaholic
I Love You, Man
Star Trek
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Bride Wars
Inglourious Basterds
The Proposal
The Hangover

Pretty crap list, right? Especially Bride Wars. Dear gawd, that was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Anne Hathaway is great and all, but I would actually willingly watch Revenge of the Fallen again instead of that. And just to be more exact, only 3 of those movies I actually went to the cinema to see. Now that is lame.

So anyways, instead of boring you with that stuff, I figure I would bore you with my New Year's resolutions for 2010:

  1. Play more guitar
  2. Get better at playing guitar
  3. Go to at least 2 kick-ass concerts
  4. Watch better movies
  5. Give these cats I am currently babysitting a lot more cuddles. I realise this is short-term, but they need lots of love. And they like me WAY more than they like their crappy owners. But that might have something to do with me treating them nice.
  6. Have a more successful trip down the road to feed the goosies - one that doesn't result in a Mother goose hissing at me and getting all angry
  7. Better manage my time for annual Transformers watching; don't want a repeat of this year's having to quickly watch the last 30 episodes in the last 4 days of the year
  8. Better still, I am endeavouring to watch every episode of my newly acquired (and by newly acquired, I mean I went and bought it in the middle of writing this blog. Thank you, Mr. True Rewards and 10 years old cd store vouchers) Complete Japan Collection box set before my birthday. I would consider my time on Earth a complete failure if I were to turn 30 and know that there were still episodes of The Transformers out there that I hadn't seen - even if they are poorly translated and completely ridiculous
  9. Maybe think about this caffeine addiction. Maybe
  10. Recording...

Well that is enough boring from me for 2009. Happy New Year to you all. Except you - yeah you with the Panic at the Disco t-shirt. You are a moron.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Darn I've Been Busy

It is 3:30am because I have just spent the last 2 days making some music and setting up my new MySpace page. Well, sure those things actually have no control over time and 3:30am would happen every day regardless of what I do. But nevertheless, I have set up a brand new MySpace page and - shock horror - have uploaded some new tracks! I've been working hard all weekend and made 2 songs to put up (one was starting from scratch too) plus I gave a couple of other tracks a bit of a reworking, and I think they all sound pretty good. But then, I'm all goosed up on brownie and caffeine and am going to get up in 2 hours to resume my employment with Evil Corp, so what would I know?

I know that I rock. And you should too.

So yeah, for those that are interested, I have updated the link on my little sidebar thingee for the blog (you know, that little thing there that says kid ego MySpace? Yeah, that thing). Or if you like have it bookmarked because you are a super fan and totally can't wait to hear what I'm doing next, then the new address is

That's all from me for now.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Oh Gods of the 80's, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Logman is not happy.

No it isn't because of the four - yes, FOUR - coldsores now trying take over my bottom lip (perhaps I'm working too hard? Yeah I know I am super funny).

The source of my unhappiness lies in this article I discovered last night:

NZ Herald Article About MC Hammer and Twitter and... Mike Hosking???

It isn't until about halfway down that I realised the unthinkable: MC Hammer was in Auckland.
And I wasn't.

I'm adding this to my list. You know, my list of times when I should have been in the right place to meet one of my heroes, but for some reason didn't even know he or she was in a place I could storm and give them a giant hug.

If Tyra gets out of this country without me saying "Hi" to her, that could very well be the last straw!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

OH NO! A SQUIGGLY LINE ON MY PACKAGE! Or, How to Show Your Love for Xenophobia

So, the latest email scam/lie/bullshit fest that is doing the rounds seems to be this one about Cadbury supporting terrorism. Seen it yet? Well lucky Log has - and now you can enjoy the stupidity as well!

Have you ever seen this symbol on your food products?

This is a Muslim Association that collects money from the Australian Food Industry for this symbol so that Muslims will purchase the product. Yet we are told the Muslim population are only one and a half percent of Australia 's total!
On a recent radio talk-back show a well known host was alerted to this practice.
He hit a stone wall when trying to find out HOW MUCH money was paid to this organization and WHERE the money went.
It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life or at the other extreme the money MAY be supporting terrorism. Many Australian Companies are paying this money including BEGA, CADBURY and many other well known companies.
Check before you buy.

My head hurts from the ignorance. Let's go back over this again:

"This is a Muslim Association that collects money from the Australian Food Industry for this symbol so that Muslims will purchase the product. Yet we are told the Muslim population are only one and a half percent of Australia 's total!"
So therefore they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy everyday products like chocolate bars and Vegemite? I didn't realise they were reserved for the white/christian community. Bastard minorities! How dare they want to enjoy food like the rest of us!

"On a recent radio talk-back show a well known host was alerted to this practice."
Good work - get a radio host on to it! Because they are well known for their detective work and morals on air. Especially in Australia! Remember when that morning crew made some 16 year-old take a lie detector on air and talk about being raped? Classy.

"He hit a stone wall when trying to find out HOW MUCH money was paid to this organization and WHERE the money went."
Because it is TOTALLY for public knowledge. Tell him to call Rupert Murdoch and ask him how much money he gets paid and what he spends it on. Better yet, did the radio host tell you how much he gets paid and where it goes?

"It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life"
Of course! Because the money MUST be going back to the religion, and all Muslims want to do is destroy Australia and stop them from being drunken racist losers. To be honest, that sounds like a pretty cool religion.

"Many Australian Companies are paying this money including BEGA, CADBURY and many other well known companies.
Check before you buy.

Do YOU know where the money you spend on every item you buy is going???
I would venture a big fat no. And considering most Australians and New Zealanders didn't give a complete shit about Cadbury using palm oil and thus helping to destroy the habitats of Orangutans, I honestly fail to understand how companies are supporting terrorism because they are choosing to target a minority market while not compromising their current market at all. I guess it's just me, but I would have thought a company's complete disregard for the environment and future of an entire species was a bit more disgusting than them deciding to start marketing towards a minority group.

"Our products are helping to kill off the Orangutans.. "
"That's OK - your chocolate is yum"
"And now Muslims can enjoy our yum chocolate too!"
"You bastards!"

I myself work for Evil Corp Inc., and we have a similar situation; every so often we CHOOSE to be FSC Certified, which means every few years a guy from some company comes and goes through our forests and inspects our processes so he can say we meet their requirements and then we get to put a stupid FSC logo on all our products. They get paid lots to do it for us and it means very little, but most companies like to have it for piece of mind. Doesn't mean we support organised crime or anything.

Don't get me wrong - I can't stand Cadbury or religion. But the whole thing is so narrow-minded and ill-informed (like most things christianity like to promote) that it makes about as much sense as grabbing a box of crackers and going 'The Griffins logo is red! They must support communism!'

Grow the fuck up

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Delay #7644

For those wondering (all .25 of you); Yes - I am aware today was the day I had proclaimed my first album would be 'released'. Unfortunately, (as I am sure you have guessed by now) I have been forced to delay it yet again... mainly because it is nowhere near finished.

I thought for a while that I might have been able to get it finished on time, even after the whole messing around putting together a bass thing. Hell, even as close as October I was still kidding myself thinking that it might be done by today. But once I took a week to join my family in New Plymouth, followed by 3 weeks of practising for the 2 TSW gigs I got called up for, that really put an end to those plans. And this month started out as party-time which was great, but caused even more delays...

But I am back to it now. Honest. Sunday was my first day off from it in a good couple of weeks, and that was only because I was dead tired from kicking everyone's arses at Rock Band the night before. Seriously, I was more tired from that than after the gig a couple of weeks ago!

Speaking of gigs, this might give someone else a laugh.
I spent 3 weeks practising for a good few hours every day. Even learnt all the new songs that Brad asked me to, as well as spending a good deal of time on ABBA songs that were extremely unnecessary (all Brad had written was "ABBA songs... " so I assumed that meant I should brush up on as many as I could. Even, apparently, ones they haven't done in about 2 years). Then I got up to Hamtown on the Thursday afternoon for a good 5 hour practice session, only to find that our Saturday night gig had been canceled. And then the next night we started late and only ended up playing for 2 hours.

All that for 2 hours of playing!

And out of all the 'new' songs Brad got me to learn, we only played 2 of them.
Classic stuff.

I might keep you all updated during the recording process. Just depends if there is anything newsworthy/entertaining (which only tends to happen when I record with the mic capsule round the wrong way. Ooops!). But with all these delays, it is probably a good thing I am not signed to some big record company!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Who Says You Can't Go Home?

I do, Mr. Bon Jovi.
I do.

See, Logan had a gig last night in Tokoroa. Good times. But now I am in Hamilton until tomorrow night... and bored out of my brain.

The funniest part was Brad asking me who I need to catch up with while I am here - and I couldn't think of a single person. Quite sad, considering I'm nearing 30 and lived here for most of my life. Perhaps one of these days I will stop being a complete bastard and try to make some real friends...
It has put me in a slightly nostalgic mood, wondering about a few people I was friends with before moving to giant city of Dog River - I mean Christchurch. But I am sure they are fine and happy and that is good.

I blame the organisers who cancelled the gig I was supposed to do tonight.
Lame, guys. Really lame.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Soy Latte + V Shot

I just tried it.

I had a quick sip of the V shot first because those things are seriously not good. Then I dumped the rest in my coffee, stirred it up and knocked it back.

Can't say it was the smartest thing I've ever done...
But I live by that whole adage that you have to try crazy things before you get too old and 'bizarre' becomes 'immature'

You mean I passed that age years ago?


Monday, 5 October 2009

True Love Travels on a Gravel Road

I just realised that there have been many a reference to the mighty Elvis Presley in my bLogs as of late. I'm going through a bit of an Elvis phase at the mo' (lucky I always have plenty to keep myself going) and that could explain it. Well, explain it better than maybe saying a Stegosaurus once battled my ancestors in a game of Chess and the winner was declared the new Emperor of Star Fleet in the year 3524... though I do like that theory.

Elvis rules so get over it.

Anyways, the good vibes of From Elvis in Memphis has gotten me in a good mood for blogging for once. So I might drop by tomorrow and let you all know my opinion of the Abbey Road remaster as I had a good listen the other day (Managing Director brought it in for me to listen to as he was interested in my opinion - like everyone else is, I am sure).

But of course, now that I have said that I will probably look at my blog tomorrow and go 'Nah, I'd rather just see what happens when I mix this shot of V with a soy latte'

The BLog is Mightier Than the Blog... or something

I think Baron von Aaron of the Flying Doofus Brigade must read my blog; he's barely said a word to me since I posted my rant on how annoying he is. Hasn't even told me about how awesome it was to play lots of guitar in the weekend with his amazing musician friends, or even commented on the quality of the mix for the Elvis songs I'm listening to (for the record, right now it is disc 2 of I Believe. Awesome set this). I was half expecting a pointless conversation where he acted like he was seeking my advice on what to do about his broken Telecaster, only to completely ignore what I suggest (I've told him to purchase a new neck from the same place I purchased the one for my bass, so any day now I expect him to come to work and brag about how he fixed it himself with some parts from a ukulele and a lot of polyfiller).

While I am sure the good life won't last, it would be pretty awesome if everyone I worked with started reading my blog and following my advice. Especially the parts where I tell them they suck in comparison to my barrels of awesome! I doubt any of that would get me fired...

So for my work colleagues or whatever the crap you fools want to call yourselves, here are some more things you can do to make our office a better place to spend the day:

Better Use of the New TV
Our office won a fancy new TV, but instead of just giving it to me they decided that having a closed auction between staff would be better. Personally, I don't agree but am willing to compromise: place it behind my computer monitor and hook it up to my PC so I can play DVDs all day. You don't know how many times a day I think "This productivity analysis is boring - I wish I were watching Aloha From Hawaii right now"

New Computer Speakers
I realise that I really only get to use them on Fridays or lucky days when Claudine is sick or something. We'll get to that next. But I'm thinking to go with the TV, we should get some sort of home theatre system. I'm not in need of anything too fancy. A simple Wharfdale system will suffice. You can get rid of that big ugly cupboard behind me to make room for the rear speakers - it only has old papers and things in there anyway.

My Speakers Go Up to 11
Yeah the whole headphones thing is tiring. I get sick of having to take them off all time - effort is not my strong point. So you guys can all just start closing your office doors. And by closing, I mean lock them and build new ones that lead you through each other's offices and nowhere near my little space out here. Then I can watch Queen rock Wembley at an appropriate volume.

I Win All the Damn Time
You know that saying 'Are ya winning?' that you all just LOVE to use? Yeah... it sucks. Even more than you guys. I am not a lame old southerner like the rest of you so that automatically means I win whatever crappy game you think we are playing. And I drink Brawndo, so you are all completely p'wnd right now.

Where is My US Trip?
I've been here 3 years now and there is still no sign of my company paid trip to the good ol' U.S. of A. And on greater thought, Seattle is pretty lame; I mean, sure, when I was younger I wanted to go there because that was the home of grunge and my favourite bands like Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains and I wanted to see if the Mother Love Bone wall is still there. But I was young and foolish then. Now I have grown up and realised the error of my youth and really couldn't care less about any of that. Plus, learning more about the logging industry and spending all my time with Americans in a Starbucks really doesn't sound all that appealing. So why not send me to the one place in America I really do want to go: Graceland! Anything I learn there would be much more beneficial to my future than in our head office. I mean let's be real, what am I going to be doing in 10 years time; cutting down trees or performing as a washed up Elvis tribute artist in dingy clubs all over New Zealand?

Just don't touch my stuff while I'm away - especially my empty energy drink bottle collection that is now so large it takes up half my desk and blocks the calendar. That's just part of its charm.

I think this would be a good start to improving the moral in the office. And by "the", I mean 'my'. And by "moral", I mean 'possibilities to do even less work than I do now without being interrupted'

The King Liked His Burgers

I was just looking at the CD holder I have sitting on my desk today; quite fitting that being a big hamburger, it is filled with Elvis CD's today.*

There are a couple of Lindsay Lohan CD's in there too - and she could probably do with a couple of hamburgers herself.**

*Even when Elvis was overweight, he was still a hundred times cooler than should have been humanly possible.

**I still love you, Lindsay

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Lessons in Annoying LOGMAN part 53

A workmate and colleague...
And by far the biggest jackass I have ever met. You know those people who know nothing about a subject, but because you do they talk about it like they do? Well, that is Aaron; a guy in his very late 30's (pretty sure he turned 39 this year) with a wife and 2 young children, who for some reason (mid-life crisis perhaps?) decided when he started working here that he too needed to become a guitarist. And that means that every damn day I have to hear some story about his friends who happen to be "awesome musicians" (whoopideedoo) and his own exploits with the guitar. Then there are days I have to hear about some crappy New Zealand band or artist that he is currently listening to. Hey guess what? I don't care.

A fellow guitarist and I have a code name for him when discussing his latest idiotic ramblings - Australian Wood is Crap Guy (or AWCG); for you see, he asked about my acoustic one day and decided he would never buy one like it because it is Australian made and "Australian wood is crap". Oh really, fool? So my acoustic guitar that I have owned for 8 years and traveled all over Australasia with and is still in great condition and sounds beautiful and in fact gets better as it gets older is "crap"? Am I the one that bought a Telecaster that 3 months later developed a split in the neck, despite a knowledgeable guitarist (i.e. ME) telling you not to buy it?

Shut the fuck up.

Oh what was that? Today you want to take your stupidity to a WHOLE NEW FUCKING LEVEL OF DOOM???

“Last night I played all 4 of my guitars AND my

Yes, because that makes a huge difference to how much of a complete tool you are. I mean, obviously the way to get better as a guitarist is just play on a range of shitty guitars instead of playing on one good guitar for an extended period of time. And I'm sure your young boys love that you choose your guitars over spending time with them. Well done *clap clap*

“That sounds like a good mix of Heartbreak Hotel”

Ummmm so you are an expert in mixing now? And considering it is the ORIGINAL mix, and I'm listening to it through the damn speakers on a PC, WTF DO YOU KNOW??!?!?!!??!??!

Please, just go back to playing your hilarious songs about putting the kids in the Hilux and going up to the mountain. At least I can get a chuckle out of that stuff.

Some days I just want to punch him in the face he makes me so mad

How About a 'Thank You' Next Time?

I went out busking today during my lunch break. Was fun; with some Sound Workshop gigs coming my way early next year, and some vocal recording planned in the next couple of months, I figured it would be a great way to keep my voice in top shape and such. And today was good as I felt really confident hammering out Third Eye Blind's Narcolepsy so that was kind of heart-warming.

Anyways some homeless dude came up and asked for a couple of dollars, to which I chuckled and explained that there was no real money in my guitar case - I use old NZ coins that are no longer in use (as in the old big 20's 10's and 5's) plus a couple of Australian coins I found around the house, and I hadn't been making anything (I legitimately had only made about $1 at this point). After he finally clicked as to what I was talking about, he took an Australian $2 coin and some old 20 cent pieces and said he was going to use them and just walked off... I couldn't help but just watch and think 'Y'know, a thank you would have been nice'

Homeless bums just have no manners these days

Friday, 25 September 2009

Curse You and Your Meaningful Lyrics

Well c'mon darlin'
The stars are burning bright
C'mon now darlin'
Our luck is good tonight -
'Cause we're the all time winners
In the all time loser's game
Yea we're the all time winners
And here we go again

The king & queen of America...

Yea it's the king of nothing
And the queen of rage
With a pile of confusion
Upon a glittering stage
You know we never did anything
To make ourselves feel proud
You know we never did anything
So let's play it loud
Let's hear it for the -

King & queen of America...

So c'mon darlin'
There's a big moon in the sky -
We're gonna build
A little satellite -
We're gonna make it fly...
We're gonna send it up to heaven
All the way up to the stars
And all of them aliens
Are gonna find out
Who we are -
We're talkin' 'bout the

King & queen of America

Shut Up You Moron

So John Key was on Letterman last night and had this to say about New Zealand:

"Unlike the rest of world, we still like Americans"

Speak for yourself, dickhead

Friday, 18 September 2009

Americans Are STUPID

Paul McCartney Voted 'Best Beatle'

And dear GAWD some of the comments from people are ludicrous. Paul's "gotten better with age"? REALLY???


Tuesday, 15 September 2009

RIP Patrick Swayze

How many more great icons of the great '80s must be taken before you are pleased, oh great gods of the '80s?

Yet another one gone. A man that brought joy to almost everyone I know with his fantastic roles in Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Road House and Donnie Darko (OK that last one didn't exactly bring joy, but he was still awesome in it). A man that I never read a bad word about - a true rarity in Hollywood. A man that fought through to the end and showed great courage.

What will it take, oh great gods of the '80s, for you to stop stealing the ones we admire? I can only hope you are preparing for an eternal 80's party in the afterlife, so Swayze and MJ are now working on some dance steps.

So long, Patrick Swayze. May you always live on in your work.
And when you tell me to choose love instead of fear, or to not put baby in the corner, I say "Ditto"

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Happy Beatles Invasion Day!

So today is the day The Beatles launch their assault on the world again, with the re-release of their music and their own branded Rock Band game - complete with, of course, Paul McCartney replica bass. I'm not sure if others agree, but considering you are supposed to be playing guitar in the game, I don't get why you should be using a replica of the bass players instrument. Just saying.

Anyway, I was wondering why they would have chosen the whole 09.09.09 and decided that it was most likely due to how cool that date really is. But figured I should check out The Beatles history to see what other events may have occurred on the 9th day of September in years of past...

1946 - Billy Preston is born. OK so he wasn't really a Beatle, but that is still significant. I think we can all agree that The Beatles probably would have disintegrated a year earlier had he not been brought in to jam. And his piano playing on John Lennon's God is nothing short of awesome.

1965 - Broadcast of a performance for The Ed Sullivan Show. I wonder what they played...

1966 - Eleanor Rigby hit number 1. Something else that was sure to make Paul happy.

1968 - Takes 4-21 of Helter Skelter recorded. THAT must be why they chose the 9th - 41st anniversary of the insane Helter Skelter jam that lasted something like 25 minutes. I'd celebrate that!

1971 - US Release of Imagine album. Hells yeah to that!

Wow - the next few on the list are concerts that Paul did. What the hell? Does he just always do stuff on this day every year? Because other than the release of Imagine and Billy Preston's birthday, EVERY event is Paul McMarketing centred!

That settles it; I plan on buying the box sets, but I will have to wait until a day that means something in Beatles history.

Of course people should know I jest on this, as John Lennon felt something very mystical about the number 9 in his life so it is probably fitting that they released everything today. But I certainly don't have a spare $1000 sitting around to buy both those box sets, so I'll keep pretending it is some sort of protest against Paul or something...

Friday, 21 August 2009

LOGMAN Builds a Bass or: How To Make Something Take 20 Times Longer Than it Should Have

Our company's managing director recently made a trip to America, so while there I managed to get him to bring me back a large quantity of parts for a bass guitar. I figured this would be the cheapest way to make a great sounding bass guitar for all my recording needs - and I was right. However, as brilliant as I am, the process was not all smooth sailing, as you will find out below in:

The LOGMAN Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Bass Guitar

Step 1: Purchase parts as per below

Step 2: Attach pickups to control plate, feeding pickup wires through bass body chamber.

Step 3: Attach pickups to bass body.

Step 4: Attach control plate and bridge to bass body.

Step 6: Realise you forgot to place the mounting pads under the pickups, which was why you were having such a hard time screwing in the pickups.

Step 6: Remove pickups, attach mounting pads and replace pickups.

Step 7: Attach pickguard.

Step 8: Go to attach neck, but realise there are no screws to do so.

Step 9: Go to Mitre 10 to purchase screws that look the correct size but are too big.

Step 10: Laugh. A lot. Go watch Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan set a steel cage match for Halloween Havoc.

Step 11: After a week of ignoring the bass, install tuners to head of neck.

Step 12: After another week of ignoring the bass, finally order screws for the neck.

Step 13: Screws arrive a week later. Look for power drill that has somehow disappeared into a black hole so attempt to drill holes with someone's cheap and powerless drill. Fail.

Step 14: Borrow power drill, drill holes and attach neck.

Step 15: Install strings. Cut the G too short and have it somehow disintegrate during the tuning process, leaving it completely unusable and impossible to successfully set intonation and tuning.

Step 16: Order another set of bass strings from the US

Step 17: Install strings.

Step 18: Go to adjust action. Discover you do not have an allen key small enough to make adjustments on the bridge.

Step 19: Go to Mitre 10 and Bunnings to buy another set of allen keys - one that contains a super small allen key to adjust the bridge on the bass. They are lame, so you will fail.

Step 20: Find a cheap clearance open set of allen keys at The Warehouse that actually contains the desired size allen key. Say 'boo-yaa' and purchase.

Step 21: Make necessary adjustments to the truss rod and bridge, adjusting string height and intonation.

Step 22: Discover one pick-up is shorting out, so re-cut and solder neck pickup wire.

Step 23: Re-attach ground wire properly and screw control plate back on.

Step 24: Channel Strong Mad and go dow dow dow dow dow DOW DOW DOW DOW because you now have a kick ass bass!!!

Step 25: Don't worry that it could have been done in a matter of days instead of a month.Freak out because you no longer have any excuses to keep delaying your recording. SNAP!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

LOGMAN is a Basterd

And he has his ticket to see Inglourious Basterds on Thursday night.

Quite looking forward to that...

Friday, 14 August 2009


Well this was odd. For such a long time now I have seen the Head Automatica album Decadence around, and for some strange reason I was sure I had heard it was kinda dancey and groovy.

So LOGMAN found it brand new for just $1 today and bought it.

And it is really kinda emo.

I'm not saying it is awful, or emo awfulness on the level of Panic at the Disco, but it is not at all what I expected.

Dance Party Plus is pretty kick ass. The vocals of the Dupree sisters really adds something to the sound.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

To Kill a Mockingbird

So LOGMAN had free tickets to go to the Christchurch Repertory Theatre's production of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Being quite familiar with the story, but not overly familiar (I read the book back in High School, and have the seen the movie twice) I felt this would be a bit of an interesting experience. Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to witness.

So the show opened with slides of black slaves with an old gospel recording of We Shall Overcome playing. This might have been a great way of building an emotional response in the audience before the play began... except the sound system in the Repertory is awful. It is like a couple of speakers taken out of an old car have been put on the wall and mixed through a cardboard box. You are unlikely to even appreciate Queen Live at Wembley through those so you can imagine how much emotion this stirred in me.

Then we begin the show, and I am immediately drawn to my most biggest peeves of all peeves when it comes to acting: accents.

I've always had the opinion that if you can't do an accent, don't try. And if your whole cast are incapable of doing an accent, then you best just scrap the whole idea. Obviously the directors of this play do not share my disdain for such inconsistencies, as for the next 2 hours I got to listen one boy mush his words so bad that at times he just sounded like a cockney young boy from Oliver Twist, an old man that sounded like he had just come down from the Highlands, and old ladies that didn't know if they were American or New Zealanders. Apart from Atticus, NO ONE IN THE ENTIRE CAST was capable of doing a convincing southern accent for more than a few words, some even less. Fortunately, the worst of the accents was to come in the 2nd half of the play...

Next thing that impressed me was the women wearing shoe polish to look African-American. Classy.

Wait! Here comes a legitimate black man! Yes, the one Maori person to be cast in this play was - for some reason - placed in the role of the Reverend. At first I questioned why he wasn't automatically given the role of Tom Robinson (the black man accused of raping and beating Mayella Ewell), but once he too attempted to create a southern accent by speaking like Kermit the Frog with a blocked nose - and thus causing LOGMAN to suffer a bout of hysteria - I found the casting decision a bit more agreeable. But seriously, is Christchurch suffering from that much inherent 'white pride' that they can't even let Maori people be part of their theatre scene?

At this stage LOGMAN is asking himself 'How could this possibly get more enjoyable?'

And then the gods of theatre answered my question, when Atticus Finch walked on stage... looking like Colonel Sanders

Mutha fucking

I kid you not; the guy looked like he was wearing a Colonel Sanders outfit. And a cheap one at that.

To the actor's credit, his performance was the strongest and he handled his accent well. But the costume just left me waiting for him to say something like "Tom Robinson is an innocent man... just like my 13 secret herbs and spices"

ON TO THE TRIAL and bah gawd Alan Partridge is prosecuting! "I call to the stand Mayella Ewell.. A-HA!!!" Oh how I wish he had done that. Another Colonel Sanders lookalike serves as the judge - I believe he might have been Admiral Sanders or something because he had a nice grey suit instead of his counterpart's chicken frying outfit. And this brought about a superb performance of Bob Ewell. And by superb, I mean a man with massive padding to make him look fat who spoke in an accent I couldn't define and delivering brilliant dialogue like "You are tricking me with your trickery!" like he was an extra on Shortland St. LOGMAN laughed some more.

After the 1st act plodded along with all the grace of Johnny Rotten with Mad Cow disease, I found the intermission a great chance to regain my senses and ponder what might happen in the 2nd half: would Tom Robinson be sent to his death? Would Oliver Twist ask for more supper? Would the people of Maycomb run out of shoe polish? Was Rambo going to save the day? I just couldn't wait!

So the 2nd act continued the trial and that meant it was time for Tom Robinson to take the stand. Again, the shoe polish effect was strong, as was the actor's constant moving of his lips to make them look big. Because, you know - African-Americans have big lips.

I kid you not.

And even better, I believe he had been watching Malibu's Most Wanted to get inspiration for his accent. I don't think I ever imagined Tom Robinson to sound so gangster in 1932 - bravo to you, young sir!

Of course the trial ended, lights faded, something happened that I couldn't understand because the children were talking and their accents were all over the place. Then Bob attacked and Boo Radley made his entrance like Jason in Friday the 13th. And looking like Don Johnson. Then again, it might have actually been Don Johnson... I mean, does anyone even know where he is these days?

I should also point out here that Boo Radley has barely been mentioned until now, apart from one boring occassion at the start of the play where the children were playing outside his house. I'm pretty sure he was a rather big deal in the book which made his appearance at the end all the more important...

And that was the end. But not before we got another performance of We Shall Overcome through the cardboard speakers of doom. But this time with slides from the Million Man March, and Martin Luther King, Jr, and Malcolm X and... Obama? Yes - it ended with a picture of Obama in the White House.

I guess the moral of the story is a black man was wrongly convicted and put to death so the USA could have a black President

Either way, it was a fun night for the whole family.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

A big 'OOPS' on my part - in my little tribute to the late John Hughes, I forgot to mention one of my absolute favourite movies of all time; Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

I have to give John Hughes a big truckload of respect for that film, as that movie is just so much fun. I don't think my life would be the same without it. Seriously. It is right up there with The Last Starfighter in terms of 'movies that define my childhood and subsequent years in my 20's when I was rediscovering my childhood because there is something disturbing in my brain'

If you haven't seen it, I can only imagine you are not my friend and you will be watching it in the next 24 hours. If you have seen it and don't enjoy it, I can only imagine you have no soul and were sent by the devil himself to make life miserable for others.

For everyone else, let's just watch some highlights and remember the talent that John Hughes had for giving us all some genuine good times in the 80's

Friday, 7 August 2009

In Our Most Convenient Definitions...

RIP to Mr. John Hughes.

Sad to think that another icon of life in the 80's has passed away - obviously the god of the 80's are not happy! How may we appease you, so that we that don't lose any more great artists who brought us joy in the decade of awesome???

Anyways, I just wanted to say that John Hughes was great. Even if he hadn't actually made a movie since 1991 (according to IMDB he was still writing under the name Edmond Dantes though). Seriously, I had no idea! Despite that, The Breakfast Club, Weird Science, Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles were core parts of growing up in the 80's. To this day I still remember the first time I watched The Breakfast Club when it was shown on TV, and they edited Judd Nelson's line of "Eat. My. Shorts." to "Eat. My. Shoes." Because somehow that was less offensive??? Still a great movie and def not the sort of thing Hollywood would try and attempt again - 5 kids stuck in a room all day with no other characters except a jackass of a principal.

And Sixteen Candles is just pure gold. Very easy to forget how funny that movie really is; I watched it with some friends a couple of years ago (they are a few years younger than me and had never even heard of it) and they were cracking up the whole way through. Good to see it still has relevance.

Thank you Mr. Hughes for all the memories.

Friday, 26 June 2009

R.I.P. King of Pop

Today the world lost one of music's true great artists. A man who re-invented pop music and inspired countless others.

I still remember as a child just how much worldwide each of his releases were; every new single was a major event - the premier of the new video was always heavily promoted and given its own time slot; gosh, I even remember how much of a big deal his new Pepsi commercial was!

Without Michael Jackson, dance would not be the same. Pop music would not be the same. The art of making a music video would not be the same.

He was my generation's Elvis; he contributed more to the evolution of music than we can comprehend, only to have later generations ignore his accomplishments, before being robbed so cruelly of his chance for a last hurrah. I wish he could have made those 'farewell' concerts in London and shown the world one last time why he is still loved by so many.

Let us all remember the man for giving us great music and spine-tingling performances like this:

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

A Tale of Heartbreak

Today was a very sad day in my life, as I found out that I missed out what could only be described as my lifelong dream come true...


I don't how this managed to fly under my radar, but I am thoroughly distressed to know I missed what was most likely the concert event of the century.

I have already ordered my commemorative t-shirt from ebay, but it just won't be the same knowing I wasn't there to see Hammer and Ice join forces on U Can't Touch This

Friday, 5 June 2009

I Wonder...

If there is anything in this world better than drinking caffeine and rocking out to Queen power ballads...

I highly doubt it

Thursday, 28 May 2009

The Curries are Awesome

I'm going through a full on classic punk-rock phase at the mo; after being left at work with the actual option of music BUT forgetting to bring in the Beck cds I had got out and thus had to fill my day by loading Joan Jett and The Runaways playlists all day. And in one of those playlists was this absolute GEM of a song.

I love Joan Jett, I love The Runaways... and I now love the Currie sisters

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Has Anyone Ever Noticed...

How much Beck sounds like Marilyn Manson?

Albeit a much more fun Marilyn Manson, but still... sitting here listening to Midnite Vultures, I can't help but make the comparison.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Star Trekkin

So last night was Logan's first venture to the cinema in 2009. I was going to refer to it as the fist of my biannual trips, but this year could be better than last year. More specifically, the next month will be better than last year, thanks to me being a sci-fi geek that only leaves his dwellings for the spectacle of an action blockbuster bonanza on the big screen... of doom

You see the first trailer I cared for was a surprise - Terminator: Salvation. Terminator 3 was lame and quite frankly I've not been too interested in this, despite it starring my favouritist actor in the ever, Christian Bale. The trailer, however, had me thinking 'whoa nelly I have to see this movie'. Word up to you, McG - master of the Charlies Angels movies.

In case people don't quite get it, I am being facetious; the only good thing about Charlie's Angels was Bill Murray was in it. Never saw the 2nd. And how McG went from there to here is a mystery.

This trailer was followed by a certain sequel that I couldn't possible hate that involves some sort of robots that transform or something... I dunno...

But yes - they both come out in June, so that right there would fill my quota for the year... if I hadn't already made a trip to the cinema last night to view Star Trek. 'Twas rather enjoyable, I must say.

Now I'm no Trekkie, but I did grow up with a good understanding of most the original show; my Dad is a bit of a Trekkie and I would occassionally watch the show with him, and I also watched most of the movies with him too. And I can admit I watched The Next Generation pretty regularly - that show is awesome. I have to say I thought the film was perfectly cast (particularly Eric Bana - can't remember the last time I thought he gave a performance that good) and while some Star Trek purists may have a few things to complain about, I think it is a movie that everyone can enjoy.

So if you like a bit of sci-fi action with your big screen visuals, then I would thoroughly recommend seeing it - even you don't like Star Trek.

A Message to Claudine

That jangling of whatever the fuck it is you are wearing - I don't care if it is stirrups or a mass of expensive bangles - is annoying and for someone who demands total silence you should be ashamed of yourself.


I'm a little confused - this is supposed to be the worst Manic Street Preachers album, yet I find it to be one of their most consistent.

I'm not saying it has the passion or up-tempo hooks of albums like Generation Terrorists or Everything Must Go, but this is like listening to a very well polished Radiohead album. And I'm not talking Hail to the Thief or anything, I'm talking The Bends type pop-rock class here.

Granted, I haven't listened to Know Your Enemy yet. Mainly because having finally ordered it I found that there is copy in Pennylane that includes The Masses Against the Classes as a bonus track, and now I feel I will need to trade my copy in for that. But even including that wonderful song, I can't see how Know Your Enemy could be better than Lifeblood.

Just saying

More Ways to Scare Off Friends

Apparently drunk chatting on Facebook also does the trick. Though I don't remember saying anything particularly offensive...

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Logan's Afternoon at Work

So a friend who works at The Press was working late last night doing something that involved rugby - that was all the information I had, as she knew saying her work was rugby related would be more than enough to describe the pain. So I decided to utilise my impressive MS Paint skills to help her out:

Saturday, 14 March 2009

I'm Not Funny

When did I become so unfunny? Is it because I am getting old? Is it because I am so uninterested in putting forth the effort to construct witty dialogue? Or is it just I am unfunny?

The answer is... all of the above

So, until I can think of humorous content, I will put this blog back on hiatus.



House of the Dead was funny. In no way whatsoever did that movie make sense or even look good. And I'm pretty sure they were going for a whole Terminator thing with the zombies and their red glowing eyes... but yeah, the main zombie was like Dr Frankenstein or something... brilliant stuff. Quick plot summary: rave on a deserted and evil island gets destroyed when zombies eat everyone so a small group of friends decide that they can't get to their boat so they fight their way back to a small house where they will protect themselves, only to discover the house is the head zombie's base of operations (where he continues to mutate his blood so he can live forever) and all to the beat of Prodigy rip-offs and HILARIOUSLY awful editing - complete with scenes from the video game it is based on. And I'm not joking at all

And as for Saw II - how many ways can we say 'predictable'?
The supposed big swerve was about as shocking as Robocop shooting a criminal; if you didn't guess it within the first half hour then you are a moron. A grade A flying moron (though I am quite sure you might be too stupid to be able to fly, so you would most likely crash. So I guess what I'm trying to say is you are stupid. Whoever you are). Quick plot summary: bad people get tortured. And most of them die.

Haven't watched Halloween yet (the Rob Zombie version). Not quite sure if my brain can take the insanity right now... though it might provide some distraction from the fact that I have nothing else to do. Though I feel some tequila would make it more interesting. But it doesn't matter because I have none and it is late. I should get some friends.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Friday the 13th part 51

So today is Friday the 13th.

When I was a kid, I really used to love Friday the 13th. No, I'm not superstitious at all. It was just that every time it came around, Channel 2 (you see, there were only 2 channels then so it is very easy to remember who did what) would play lots of horror movies until the early hours of the morning. And for the record, they also played a horror movie every Sunday night around 10:30, though it slowly got later and later until they stopped doing it. Wimps.

Anyways, I loved horror movies. People doing unspeakable things to other people and making everyone fear for their lives - grand entertainment. I don't love them so much nowadays, but I still enjoy the occasional horror film now and then... but mostly if it involves zombies. But back then? Well, let's just say I had all the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm St movies on video and I found them hilarious. Since then they have made another 2 Friday the 13th movies (plus a 'remake' of the 1st, even though they kinda changed the main plot point) and I might have to watch them some day...

Is there going anywhere? Probably not.

So it is Friday the 13th, and as tempted as I am to don a hockey mask and go around butchering teenagers on camp, I have decided instead to stay home and resurrect that lost tradition of horror movies on Friday the 13th by renting out Saw II (lord knows what I was thinking), House of the Dead (z-grade zombie movie that looks amazingly laughable) and Rob Zombie's Halloween (you might as well just write "train-wreck of insanity" all over that one). Should be interesting. Especially considering how much my flatmate can't handle horror at all - she couldn't even sit through half an hour of I Am Legend, and couldn't sleep after watching Donnie Darko.

I'm just wondering why I couldn't find any horror movies that involve robots - it's always some form of monster. I've seen Killer Klowns from Outer Space more times than I should admit, but why are there none about robots going crazy and killing people all over the world? I would love to watch something like that... I guess Robocop is probably the closest to that I can get, but if you happen to know of one please let me know.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Simon Barnett is a Fool

I started writing a post about how awesome robots are, but for some reason I can't be bothered finishing it right now. Which is saying something, because robots really are awesome. Instead, I will just quickly mention the annoyingness of Simon Barnett and people who so clearly care about social status.

You see, this morning on the radio (which I actually happened to be listening to for once) Simon and Gary were talking with an American man with a strong environmental message; he had kept all his rubbish for a year and worked hard to find ways to limit the amount of rubbish he created (he got it down to some incredible figure that I can't recall right now). It was very interesting and something that people should be thinking about because recycling isn't the one final answer to our waste problems and humans should be doing what we can to cut down.

Then as they are wrapping up, instead of giving everyone his blog address or any sort of information on anything they talked about, how does Simon sign off?

"I read you were a cameraman on the movie Wedding Crashers. I'm a big fan of Owen Wilson, and it was really sad to hear about that incident with him last year. What's he like as a person?"

Are you for real, Simon? I realise you crazy pentecostal christians think rich and famous people are what we should aspire to be (hence you all love John Key so much) but was that really what that interview should have ended with? The final impression you want to leave with your listeners is not how they can help reduce their waste and thus promote environmental awareness - daresay, the reason this man spoke to you in the first place - but that Owen Wilson is funny and how cool it is to work in Hollywood???

Where's Mr. T to pity some fools when you need him...

Monday, 23 February 2009

To the NZ Media, Sporting Communities and General Public:

Domestic violence is NOT acceptable, and the more you continue to praise and support a man who has admitted to beating he his former girlfriend, the more you make his actions seem insignificant. All people should be allowed justice and forgiveness, but this man has done everything in his power to avoid the justice system and until he is actually made to face up to his crimes, you should be reserving this unconditional love and support you all throw so willingly at at a man who has shown nothing but cowardice.

Is this really want we want to teach our children? That it is OK to beat your partner and then bribe her to avoid any police involvement? And then when things go wrong you should run into the woods threatening to kill yourself so your lawyers can get the trial delayed? Twice?

There is a reason Wrigley's have suspended all their advertising involving Chris Brown.

I am sick of hearing about Tony Veitch. Being involved with rugby is no excuse for what he has done; and until he can be a Man and stop crying, stop delaying this trial and just plead guilty and take whatever justice he deserves, he does not deserve to be on television feeling more important than the low-life that he truly is.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Shoot. Me. Now.

Sure - sensational headlining that isn't really followed up anything major. But the statistics make me sad that people's priorities are this out of wack.

Sky TV finds recession easier than All Blacks losing

Russell Crowe + Ridley Scott = Retarded

I have respect for Ridley Scott; the man has done some great sci-fi films.

Unfortunately for him, Robin Hood is not a science fiction character.

I just finished reading this interesting interview with Ridley Scott. And by interesting, I mean not really; it's basically the usual yawn-ish arrogance from a Hollywood director, who is then asked about the upcoming production of Robin Hood (original title there). Now my gripe with this film since I first heard about it was of course that the awesome Russell Crowe was cast as Robin himself. I don't think I've liked Crowe in anything since he did that budget Australian film where he played a gay man that put his life on hold to look after his sick father (I can't remember the name right now. Sue me. Or disconnect my internet - just say I have infringed on your copyright and laugh all the way home. Unless you are already home; then just laugh your way to the couch or something)... where the hell was I? Oh yeah - I can't stand Russell Crowe. I don't even begin to understand the stupidity of casting the man as Robin Hood - it's actually making Kevin Costner look good right now. When he was supposed to be doing both parts, I did kind of see him as the Sheriff of Nottingham, but oh well...

But now Ridley Scott is saying crazy stuff like: '“Robin Hood is in the army of Richard Coeur de Lion,” he said of how we’ll find the character early in the film “He is a bowman in the army of Richard Coeur de Lion.”' And then there is that whole thing about the French being the villains...

So not only is this rogue a big ugly doofus, but he's in the army? And battling the French? Even a 5 year-old with access to Wikipedia could tell him that stories of Robin Hood actually show him to be from around the 14th or 15th Century - despite Scott going on to give us a history lesson that shows he about as much understanding of this era as Oliver Stone does of Alexander the Great, meaning they've probably read the same encyclopedia written by Donald Rumsfeld (you know, the one that also omits how the US were responsible for putting their dreaded nemesis Saddam Hussein in power in the first place. They didn't realise he wasn't a REAL American!)

Considering the awesomeness that this movie will possess, here some others they could cast to take the film to that 'blockbuster' position that it deserves:

Scott 'Big Poppa Pump' Steiner as 'Little' John

It's been a while since he of the negative percent body-fat has appeared on my blog, but who better to play the role of Robin's right-hand man? I can just hear him shouting at Robin now - "ROBIN HOOD! YOU 'N ME... GONNA GIT THIS RICH BASTARDS... AND GO FOR SOME ACTION WITH... WITH MAH FREEK, MAID MARION... HOLL A IF YA HEAR ME!!!" Plus he has his own medieval head-dress already.
And he hates France

Ben Stein as Friar Tuck

With Ridley Scott's blistering historical knowledge, he will be looking to cast this film in the most accurate manner. And what says 'Friar' better than a weedy old Jewish creationist who used to write speeches for Richard Nixon?

Hood?... Hood?... Hood?...

Judge Dredd as The Sheriff of Nottingham

The role may be a lot less important to Ridley Scott, but he will still need to be an authoritative character nonetheless, and Judge Dredd has authority stamped all over his helmet (it's on the inside - that's why you can't see it). Plus his outfit is weird - just a like French person! Probably gets all the ladies too, the bastard...

You don't need to be a Hollywood director to make a movie look stupid.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

The World Loves a Moron

First off, all those fans of The Killers I read on Stuff are full of crap; they all were saying how canceling the concert means they will no longer be fans and they are going to sell all their CDs on Trade Me But so far, no one has listed any. Doesn't matter to me as I have them all, but you people should have damn principles and do what you say you are going to do!

Secondly, this auction proves how stupid people can be, as while a large quantity of the bids are about half an hour after The Killers made their announcement (which I blame on a pre-existing auto-bid - I am willing to cut them a little slack), the current winning bid was made almost 3 hours later!

In saying that, if the guy bought the ticket from an actual outlet and NOT on the internet, the winning buyer would be able to take the ticket back to Ticketek and make a good $50 on the refund.

Either way, somebody is stupid.

Monday, 16 February 2009

I Feel Your Pain, Joaquin

My sideburns have been pretty itchy today.
But it's not a nervous tick. It's just them eating my face.

You said “And it's so cold - It's like the cold if you were dead” And then you smiled… For a second

After the mad fun that is always my Kiss phase (which seems to have become an annual Summer tradition to replace my old punk tradition of starting Summer with The Living End's first album), I have hit the 'come down' part which has resulted in one of my favourite phases. Yes, The Cure are back.

More importantly, Disintegration is back.

In fact, it has been so long since I last listened to this album that I feel kind of like I am re-discovering it. And at the same time, the moment the grandiose synth and pulsing bass of Plainsong hit my ears I felt like I was home again - which isn't that surprising considering I basically listened to this album for 9 months straight in 2005 (along with Wish and Pornography - which I will also listen to later).

I'm not going to write too much about this, other than there are 12 reasons this is my favourite album (least of all not being the epic Prayers for Rain which I am currently enjoying, nor the ever incredible Disintegration with its spiralling lyrics and such driving musicality that the song could have lasted another 10 minutes and I still would not tire of the one bass riff and Boris' heart-drilling beat. I've even gotten better at picking the end!).

This album is well worth the headache I am going to get.

But it does beg the question: if this album is the result of Robert Smith's depression about his impending 30th birthday, what the hell does that mean I am in store for next year? I can understand his view that most great artists produce their best work before they turn 30 - in fact, when I was studying film and dreaming of being a director, I felt my real goal was to direct my first film before I turned 30, and I am currently a little concerned that I am yet to finish even my first album - meaning my best are a couple of years off completion (my first is by no means close to being my best, but my OCD compels me to record everything in order of creation. [Homesick is just winding back - forgot how beautiful Roger O'Donnell's playing is in this. The man is a great keyboardist and I wish he was still in the band]. And this isn't for a lack of wanting to get them done - believe me, if I could find a dang Avantone CV12 again I would be purchasing it and getting right back to work. But I guess as it stands now, the completion date of December 1st 2009 will have to stand. Hopefully I will then get number 2 finished before my 30th (though I still can't remember the awesome title I had thought of back in 2002... I know it had something to with Jet Li in a round about sort of way - like a play on the title of one of his films. And I'm saving Zombie Street Fight for Star Guitar's release). Of course, I say some of this in jest, as there is no way I could see me feeling like Robert Smith next year - I won't be consuming the amount of drugs he was at the time, and I'm not in a very popular band that sells millions of records and sells out concerts worldwide.

Aaaaaahh the final accordion notes of Untitled.
So long Disintegration. May we meet again later today - perhaps if I get all my work done, I will revisit the album and make a proper blog about you. You deserve it, old friend.

If it is cold and dreary where you are, I recommend finding a copy of that album and giving it a very solid listen. Anyone who can't understand the epic brilliance of Pictures of You is not someone who should be bothering to read my blogs.

ooooooooh yeah - Open. Simon's bass is so kick ass.
Wish is pretty cool. Apox on The Cure fans who say otherwise. Sure, the lyrics aren't overly great... but that is for another blog sometime.

This is Why I Should Never Get My Hopes Up

So my tickets arrived for The Killers... I gave my boss his 2 this morning... and then The Killers cancel the concert and reschedule the one in Auckland.

Guess how much swearing is happening right now in my head?

Friday, 13 February 2009

Too Quick to Judge?

In a minor update, it would seem I gave some Christchurch residents even more credit than they deserved: This morning on my way to work, not only did I see more green recycling bins next to the new yellow bins (and in my area as well - so not even on the right day) but one resident had the great idea of using the old green bins for recycling and then filling their yellow bin with rubbish.

How do you people even remember how to breathe?

No wonder we have a Prime Minister who can't even walk down stairs.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

ABBA Were Right

No Pay Rise For MPs

I like that they waited until after they received their latest pay rise to do this. And I am especially impressed with John Key's attitude; I guess if I was earning more than even the Australian Prime Minister, I wouldn't want to miss out on a pay-rise next year either. Hopefully the tax-rebate he gets from those 'generous charitable donations' that he brags about will make up for it this year.

Yr City's a Sucker...

Sometimes I wonder how much of colossal mistake it was to move to Christchurch; I mean sure, I got a free trip to Brisbane thanks to it, but otherwise I am often plagued by the decisions I have made whilst living in Christchurch that completely go against the personal and moral principles that I have developed over the last 29 years.

And Cantabrians are fucking stupid.

You see, at least the temporary abandonment of my socialist/anti-establishment attitudes that resulted in me trying to conform to bullshit propaganda that I hold so dearly in contempt has helped reinforce my original beliefs - and given me new reasons to laugh at right-wing religious nuts. That I can live with, and I am sure I will forgive myself in time. But the people of Canterbury... goddammit, sometimes they just make me weep for their future as a society. And nothing sums it up better than all the drama surrounding the new recycling system.

So let's take it from the top: last year the council announced the current rubbish bags/green recycling bin system was to be replaced with 3 different large wheelie bins. I didn't care at first, but upon closer investigation I saw the benefits - New Zealand is light years behind other parts of the world when it comes to recycling and it is about time we stepped up our game. But how did the general population of Christchurch react? Why, with complete disgust of course! For the last 6 months, The Press has been filled with articles regarding the system and constant letters complaining about various aspects - people have nowhere to put these bins and the majority find the whole thing confusing. Because, you know, 3 different coloured bins for your 3 different types of waste is a pretty radical concept!

Now as much as I bitch about how corrupt the Christchurch City Council are - and they most surely are - I think they have gone about the changes to the waste management very well; they sent out a large pamphlet with all the information on the bins and what type of waste goes in which, the sort of things you can recycle, and a calendar for collections . They even got the new recycling bins out months before the changeover and taped over the lids with a great big sticker that read "DO NOT USE UNTIL THE WEEK BEGINNING 2nd FEBRUARY 2009". So not only is it clear you start using it in February, but you also had a good couple of months to find out if your collection day had changed. And I can't count how many times the council advertised that the little green bins would no longer be collected once collection had started with the new bins (you know - 2nd February).

The week beginning 2nd February was of course last week. And what happened? People got confused and put out their green bins. And complained when they weren't collected. Most of the people in my area actually put their new yellow bins out on Monday - even though our collection is and has always been Wednesday. And my laughter at the public's inability to comprehend any form of change led to a rather telling conversation with a very lazy/snobbish Cantabrian (and for the record, we are talking someone approaching 40 here):

Me: "It's a great new system"
Fool: "Oh no it isn't - it's really confusing! Why give me a bin if I'm not supposed to use it? And how am I supposed to know when to use it?"
Me: "It says on the top that it started this week"
Fool: "Yes, but why won't they collect the green bins now? And there's all these new rules about your recycling..."
Me: "Like what?"
Fool: "Well, now you're supposed to rinse your recycling before you put it in the bin"
Me: "You should have been doing that all along, actually..."
Fool: "Well I'm not going to wash things - why should I have to wash out my cans? I'm just going to put them in the rubbish bin from now on - save the hassle"
Me: "How is that a hassle? Just run them under a tap and clean them out a bit-"
Fool: "Why should I have to wash the cans for my cat food? They're so smelly and yuk!"
Me: "!?!?!?!?"

The conversation did actually go on further, where we discussed why she was happy to have a bin for her rubbish because she refuses to handle dirty smelly rubbish bags. But to make this even funnier, this was someone who had just moved to a very posh area that isn't actually a part of the Christchurch City Council and therefore their rubbish WON'T EVEN BE COLLECTED BY THEM!!!

You wacky Cantabrians and your wacky logic - who needs common sense, eh?

To quote James Murphy, "Yr city's a sucker, my city's a creep"

If You TRULY Believe This

Pastor blames abortions for bushfires

Then you, sir, are a complete jackass and obviously did not lose anyone or anything in those fires. Any god that chooses to destroy the lives and cause incredible suffering for hundreds of creatures - humans and animals - most certainly won't be getting any praise and worship from me.

Who in the Dark Blue Hell is Jeremy Clarkson?

And why does he have to be on every single book and DVD I see???

The man should at least get a decent hairstyle if he plans on having so much public exposure...

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


So it has only taken 4 or 5 years since I first decided they are one of my favourite bands, but The Killers have finally announced a NZ tour!!! And even better, one of the shows is in Christchurch, which almost gaurantees me going.

Trying not to get my hopes up too much after the bitter disappointments of Christina Aguilera, Duran Duran, Ryan Adams and Kanye West, but this does fit in with my theme of the last few years (the whole 'see one awesome gig at the start of the year and miss out on every other good one after that' theme that has plagued my existence since moving to Christchurch)

Thursday, 8 January 2009

All We Are Saying...

During my recent John Lennon Marathon (where I listened to all my 40 hours of John Lennon music during work hours for a full week. Also referred to as my 'Lennonthon') I felt a pang of inspiration while listening to Amsterdam:

"...what we're really doing is sending out a message to the world, mainly to the
youth, especially the youth or anybody really that's interested in protesting
for peace, or protesting against any form of violence and we say everybody's
getting a bit heavy or bit intellectual about it. Everybody's talking about
peace, but nobody's doing anything about it, except for a few people, and the
things are - the Grosvenor Square marches in London - the end product of it was
just newspaper stories about riots and fightings. And we did the bed event in
Amsterdam and the bag piece in Vienna just to give people an idea, that there's
many ways of protest and this is one of them. And anybody could grow their hair
for peace or give up a week of their holiday for peace or sit in a bag for
peace, protest for peace any way, but peacefully cause we think that peace is
only got by peaceful methods and that to fight the establishment with their own
weapons is no good, because they always win and they'd been winning for
thousands of years. They know how to play the game violence and it's easier for
them when they can recognise you and shoot you. They don't know how to handle
humour, peaceful humour, and that's our message really."

Anyways, one line of that really stood out while I was listening to it: "anybody could grow their hair for peace"

And I figure that with all the violence in the Middle East right now, and the constant reminders of racism in this country - all this bullshit in the world - I am doing my part and growing my hair for peace. Luckily, I was going to get it cut on New Year's Eve (I haven't had it cut for around 2 months already - maybe I was subconsciously beginning my peaceful protest...) but didn't end up getting it done, so it will be interesting to see how long I get it.

Also, I think my flatmate may be starting a 'Grow Your Hair for Peace' group on Facebook (I would, but I am allergic to Facebook)

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Happy New Year

And so here is my first post of 2009 - don't get used to it. The next month or two will be awfully busy for me, and I have nothing to say these days so I can't imagine I will be posting on here often.

But anyways, 2008 is now long gone. I can't remember much of it; just one of those years you look back and go 'Gosh, I really didn't do anything in the last 12 months' so here's hoping I actually do achieve a little more this year.

On to the point of today's blog:

In the mail today arrived some mail for the Human Resource Manager (we don't have one, so I decided that was me) and it was an ad for a seminar. A seminar on 'Dealing Effectively with Unacceptable Employee Behaviour'.

Now you may be saying "But that is a good idea!". You may also be saying "I have a bag of cashews" in which case I am saying to you "Give me some!"

But what makes this advertisement so fun is the following info:

If you supervise one or more of these employees, you need to take action NOW!

Is rude and unpleasant to co-workers,
suppliers and
Blameless Bob: Always has an excuse for
Whiner: Complains no matter what he or she
is asked to do
Thumb-Twiddler: Lacks motivation and
Insubordinate Subordinate: Challenges you in
front of
other workers and managers
Tortoise: Shows up
late or not at all
Amy Attitude: Has negative attitude that
brings everybody
Hand-Holder: Needs constant
Early-Retiree: Has been around awhile and is
beginning to
practise at-work retirement
Worrywart: Has
personal problems that infringe on the
Clock-Watcher: Refuses to work weekends or even a minute
beyond "quitting time" - even during deadline crunches

While I would consider myself a strong candidate for Early-Retiree, the name Amy Attitude just cracked me up. And if you have an "Insubordinate Subordinate", then it probably means you make stupid decisions and someone is just smart/brave enough to call you on it. Also, if your contract states you work Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm, I don't really see that refusing to work weekends makes you a difficult employee. I work extra hours when I need to (always is my own decision to do so, and they are completely unpaid) but I do it so I too do not have to work weekends. I also used to work with a girl who left 5 minutes early everyday no matter what, and my boss thought she was the greatest employee she had!

OK I need to stop being a Thumb-Twiddler and do some work...

2025 in 2025: Day 30

The Bridge - Billy Joel This surely has to be Joel's most 80s sounding album, production-wise; the guitars on A Matter of Trust sound s...