Saturday, 20 January 2007

I Am Not Rod Stewart

So this morning I follow my usual thing of getting on the bus to go to work... haven't done anything different or looking unusual in any way (well no more than usual). And as I get on the bus, the bus driver says this:

"Here he is - Rod Stewart!"


Really, I've been called many things in my time: Log, Logman, punk, dude, geek, who-dikky... but Rod Stewart????

I must admit, he isn't the first person I think of when I see myself in the mirror, but hey what do I know? Do I drive a bus? So let's do a little comparison

So let's start at the top - the hair. Granted, mine isn't usually that neat. But still, I have straight black hair, permanently styled. Rod's hair is a big crazy blonde mess. And sometimes I wonder if he even knows what a brush looks like... Now I'm no colour expert, but I don't think that our hair would look the same colour even if the world was coloured in sepia for the day

Next - the eyes. Logan = big blue eyes (yes I am that hot!). Rod = small brown/hazel eyes. Add the obvious things like my dark eyebrows (compared to Rod's blonde) and the huge dark bags under my eyes...

Then there is the nose. Granted, we do both have big annoying noses. But upon closer inspection...

mine is clearly wider at the bottom, and is broken the other way. Come on man, pay attention!!

The mouth... who cares. I think he has a bigger mouth, and I would assume that I have better teeth (he is British after all). I think the main thing we can all see is the rather obvious mole building a fortress next to his lips

Maybe I missed that when I was shaving this morning... but I would imagine something like that would beat my razor into submission as it went over

And we do both look sharp in our snazzy suits, so this calls for one last test: how do we compare with our shirts off???


WOW!! Well done Mr. Bus Driver. That is the best celebrity comparison I have ever had! The way you managed to look through all the obvious physical differences and see just how much I look like a beautiful 61 year-old singer must be a God-given gift. Now all I need is the dumb blonde floozy on my arm and the look will be complete

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