Friday, 22 June 2007

And to Add...

Just because that was so darn long...

I must point out that I haven't actually watched much WWF/E programming since 2001 (or was it 2002? I can't remember exactly). I made a point to start boycotting it then after watching a match that involved Chris Benoit where they just rehashed the Montreal Screwjob yet again.

I had been disappointed with all the trash that was going on, and for them to just bring up Montreal again and kick dirt on the legacy of Bret Hart one more time, I got fed up. I remember turning to Eamonn that night and saying "That's it - I'm not watching this show again" and I didn't until recent years. Eamonn kept me informed if anything cool was going on, although he was disappointed that the person who was responsible for his addiction was now refusing to watch it with him.

I broke my little boycott when living in Melbourne, and I was just so bored at one point that I began hiring out some pay per view videos that had come out. And that's how I discovered the joy of Matt Hardy's "Version 1.0" character. But that only lasted a short while, and I lost interest again.

Then the first WWE product I have bought was in 2005, when they finally released the Bret Hart Collection on DVD - I couldn't resist, as it was basically overseen by Bret himself. I figured that was an OK thing to break my rules for. And boy have I never regretted it! And I did watch WWE programming for the first time on televison in May this year when staying in Timaru; Raw was on Sky, and I thought "Hey why not? I haven't watched Raw in years"

It was OK. Nothing special. Pro-wrestling the last few years has had no real attraction to me.

And then I watched Wrestlemania XX (from 2004) just last week... just because. There were some good matches... not nearly enough bad promo action, but was still pretty good.

But I do admit that I still keep up to date with things online, and that's how I know of everything that happens. Sometimes it's cool, sometimes it's not. But like I said in my previous blog, I'm not going to be paying for anything from WWE again, or contributing to their ratings in any way by watching their shows. Especially if they continue to write junk like this.

The exception to this rule will always be Bret Hart. If he's involved then it's OK.

After all, they've been a lot worse to him over the last ten years.

But then again, he hasn't been watching the shows often

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