Tuesday, 8 December 2009

OH NO! A SQUIGGLY LINE ON MY PACKAGE! Or, How to Show Your Love for Xenophobia

So, the latest email scam/lie/bullshit fest that is doing the rounds seems to be this one about Cadbury supporting terrorism. Seen it yet? Well lucky Log has - and now you can enjoy the stupidity as well!

Have you ever seen this symbol on your food products?

This is a Muslim Association that collects money from the Australian Food Industry for this symbol so that Muslims will purchase the product. Yet we are told the Muslim population are only one and a half percent of Australia 's total!
On a recent radio talk-back show a well known host was alerted to this practice.
He hit a stone wall when trying to find out HOW MUCH money was paid to this organization and WHERE the money went.
It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life or at the other extreme the money MAY be supporting terrorism. Many Australian Companies are paying this money including BEGA, CADBURY and many other well known companies.
Check before you buy.

My head hurts from the ignorance. Let's go back over this again:

"This is a Muslim Association that collects money from the Australian Food Industry for this symbol so that Muslims will purchase the product. Yet we are told the Muslim population are only one and a half percent of Australia 's total!"
So therefore they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy everyday products like chocolate bars and Vegemite? I didn't realise they were reserved for the white/christian community. Bastard minorities! How dare they want to enjoy food like the rest of us!

"On a recent radio talk-back show a well known host was alerted to this practice."
Good work - get a radio host on to it! Because they are well known for their detective work and morals on air. Especially in Australia! Remember when that morning crew made some 16 year-old take a lie detector on air and talk about being raped? Classy.

"He hit a stone wall when trying to find out HOW MUCH money was paid to this organization and WHERE the money went."
Because it is TOTALLY for public knowledge. Tell him to call Rupert Murdoch and ask him how much money he gets paid and what he spends it on. Better yet, did the radio host tell you how much he gets paid and where it goes?

"It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life"
Of course! Because the money MUST be going back to the religion, and all Muslims want to do is destroy Australia and stop them from being drunken racist losers. To be honest, that sounds like a pretty cool religion.

"Many Australian Companies are paying this money including BEGA, CADBURY and many other well known companies.
Check before you buy.

Do YOU know where the money you spend on every item you buy is going???
I would venture a big fat no. And considering most Australians and New Zealanders didn't give a complete shit about Cadbury using palm oil and thus helping to destroy the habitats of Orangutans, I honestly fail to understand how companies are supporting terrorism because they are choosing to target a minority market while not compromising their current market at all. I guess it's just me, but I would have thought a company's complete disregard for the environment and future of an entire species was a bit more disgusting than them deciding to start marketing towards a minority group.

"Our products are helping to kill off the Orangutans.. "
"That's OK - your chocolate is yum"
"And now Muslims can enjoy our yum chocolate too!"
"You bastards!"

I myself work for Evil Corp Inc., and we have a similar situation; every so often we CHOOSE to be FSC Certified, which means every few years a guy from some company comes and goes through our forests and inspects our processes so he can say we meet their requirements and then we get to put a stupid FSC logo on all our products. They get paid lots to do it for us and it means very little, but most companies like to have it for piece of mind. Doesn't mean we support organised crime or anything.

Don't get me wrong - I can't stand Cadbury or religion. But the whole thing is so narrow-minded and ill-informed (like most things christianity like to promote) that it makes about as much sense as grabbing a box of crackers and going 'The Griffins logo is red! They must support communism!'

Grow the fuck up

1 comment:

Lou said...

Oh. My. Allah.

That is amazing!! I didn't think ignorance could continue to surprise me so, but this one does!! Wow!!! These people MUST be the most narrow-minded ignorant bigots in the whole wide world.

Um, but just to forewarn you, you might have just started the next ignorant email with that red=communism quip... they'll probably ACTUALLY do that next...

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