Monday, 9 April 2007

Logan On Holiday part 2

OK so my plan to write every couple of days was thwarted; the internet connection at my Mother's home proved to be slower than a stone tied to a brick in a field while watching paint dry on a sloth. I seriously don't know how she lives with it - very glad I never moved there.

So the holiday is over now and I am back on my own computer with a weird desire to blog about nothing... where did we leave off? Tuesday was my Mother's birthday and we went out for dinner to some cafe on the outskirts of Wairoa. Not a bad meal (I had mushroom pasta for those that care, and was very tasty despite the white wine cheese sauce that upset my stomach). Then Wednesday was another good day scanning photos - finished them actually. All 1900 of them!!! Some are good... some are terrible... some make me laugh like you wouldn't believe. And a lot made me remember just how much fun Steve always had. Darn I do miss him.

Anyways I don't actually really want to talk about my holiday much - I'm sure if anyone wants to actually know anything about it, you can ask me. But I have to tell you that I raided my old collection of board games and found a few that need to be played, one being an old game called Nightmare. For those unfamiliar with the game, it was one of the original board games where you watched a video at the same time; there is a 60 minute time limit, and on screen the 'Game Keeper' likes to interrupt and give you tasks which can help or hurt you. I remember playing it once on my own, and it's really a game that needs a good amount of people (up to 6 players). We have an add on game too (with a different video and cards) that I'm fairly sure was only played once... jeepers, sounds like I'm selling it on Trademe... anyways, I'm thinking it would be great to get some sort of game going on at least one of them if anyone is keen. Perhaps a birthday event in a couple of weeks???

Well that's it really. And like all my travels in the last 4 months, it's disappointing to be back in Christchurch. Not that I'm trying to whinge and say Christchurch sucks or anything... more like I would like just one trip where I get some darn sleep (again, if anyone cares just ask me why I didn't get much sleep this time). But I have a found a new love for Mum's farm and the animals - Rochelle and I even named a cow! I think I will be heading back there sometime later this year...

Oh and I did fit in a few episodes of Miami Vice, including possibly the saddest episode ever. But that is for another blog

And now Logan goes to bed - another boring blog down. Really wish I could find the energy to write something of interest here, but I have to say I'm filled with a scarily uneasy feeling tonight...

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