Thursday, 22 November 2007

Is There Anybody Out There?

I'm really quite curious as to who is actually reading my blog nowadays.

After offending the entire congregation of Northwest New Life Church and taking a long hiatus to finally earn myself a living, I'm of the opinion that I'm probably left with 2 readers. One would be a 39 year-old man named Kyle that lives in his parent's basement in South Mexico (Hi Kyle, glad you are still with me) and the other I'm sure is Vince McMahon. Because he likes to make sure I still hate him. True story. Why else would WWE suck so badly?

So in order to actually discover whether or not I have any readers left (other than the mighty Kyle) I am going to dedicate my time to making a few blogs that are sure to garner the interest of anyone foolish enough to still be reading.

Sorry, Kyle - looks like we'll have to discuss the comparitive analysis of the original Star Wars trilogy vs the prequels at a later date

1 comment:

Lou said...

Hello. I am here.
- Louminator

2025 in 2025: Day 11

August Sky - The Latest Fallout I used to work in a musical instrument shop and there was a young dude I always talked guitars with. He was ...