Wednesday, 8 February 2017

An Odd Thing to Realise Today...

So I was wondering why some of my WrestleMania reviews/rants were getting more views lately - not that I'm complaining at all. I mean, they are some of the best things I've written in years! Or the only things I've written in years. Either way, they cost me a month of my life and made some people hate me, so you should all read them and then leave comments about how great they are and how they improved your day and you totally agree with me that Kevin Nash is the worst WWF Champion ever.


I was reading my review of WrestleMania XX and it dawned on me. You see, there was a certain "billionaire" that used to appear at WrestleMania every so often. An Alan Partridge impersonator that I tagged in many posts, not knowing that less than 2 years later he would become President of the United States of America.

So if you are being led here by googlising Donald Trump, I hope you find something you were looking for. I mean, I have no idea what you are looking for - certainly, if you are looking for smart political commentary then this may not be the place for you. I specialise in the mockery of Paul McCartney, the torment of George Lucas and the stupidity of watching WrestleMania for 31 days then taking a couple of years off before deciding that my bLog is not complete if I don't review WrestleMania 32 before WrestleMania 33 takes place which I'll have to review as well.


So yeah. Welcome. If you are here for Donald Trump jokes, let me know and I am sure I can make more - it's pretty easy. If you are here for Donald Trump support... I don't know, maybe do some trick to replace the words "Bret Hart" with "Donald Trump" and you'll feel better? Though Bret Hart wore pink and I'm pretty sure if you are a fan of Donald Trump you would find that offensive. OK, well how about Mr.T? Oh wait, he's black - you guys aren't a fan of black guys, right? Or Mexicans? Or strong women? Because I have to be real with you - Bret Hart in the pink & black, Mr. T, Mexican wrestlers and strong women are pretty much my favourite things. I don't know if this is going to work out...

Maybe it's Donald himself checking this place out? I mean, we all know he loves him some twitter and some of his speeches sound like they were taken from the comments section in an MMA forum. Or it could be the secret service trying to track down people being mean about him. In which case, my name is Conor McGregor and I live somewhere in Ireland. Please feel free to come extradite me to the US and throw me in some illegal prison for the rest of my life.

This is going nowhere. Like my bLog - it's here forever, bitches!
Like WrestleMania?

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