Friday, 7 March 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 34

Releasing CARROTS and STiCKS as two separate EPs before releasing this album was also probably their biggest scam until the whole 'we are disbanding... one day'. This was the biggest switch to being a straight up pop band, in my opinion; there's still full on punk stuff going on here and some badass riffs and whatnot, but also some very catchy radio-friendly pop rock sort of things. MORE THAN LiKE may well be their best pop song ever and Glasses' delivery on that one line is awesome. It's a pity the mastering on that one song is really messed up. STiCKS in general, as an EP, was the most chill pop stuff they had released up to that point. It also features some serious great bass playing, particularly on I am me. And then CARROTS was mostly crazy. So needless to say, this album is all over the place and totally schizophrenic. 

CARROTS and STiCKS [Bonus Disc] - BiSH
Of course I purchased the deluxe version of this album, because the bonus disc was a collection of all the singles released between their previous album and this one. Well, before the CARROTS and STiCKS EPs. Sure, another disc totally obsolete thanks to the pizza box that I am yet to import to my iTunes library, but I have no regrets. This disc is awesome and there is not a bad song on it. 
Highlights: HiDE the BLUE, NON TiE-UP, 二人なら

Carved in Stone - Vince Neil
Remember when I was going to do my Mötley Crüe Marathon, but had to quit halfway through because of another lockdown, which meant I watched every episode of UWF instead? What a time to be alive... Anyways, I actually listened to this album for the first time ever during that time and even wrote a mini-review that is still sitting in draft:
I remember seeing this album on sale, but never actually picking it up. I was too busy spending all my money on Pearl Jam bootlegs like a clown. Anways... what the actual fuck?!? Vince doing rap/rock?? One Way has a funky R&B saxophone solo. In fact, it sounds like new-jack-era Michael Jackson. Now that I've realised that, this album is getting high marks! Black Promises is more in that standard 1995 rock sound. And then we get a ballad about his dead daughter. I'd criticise a lot of aspects, but I'm sure it wasn't easy to do, considering the timing. Still doesn't excuse it from being a bad song, though. Can we go back to rap/rock new-jack swing? Instead I get more Alice In Chains meets Audioslave inspired angry music. Which Vince sounds surprisingly good singing. But, dammit, you started this album with weird genre-mashing stupid music and I want more of that!!! Liar.
Highlights: One Way, Find A Dream

Catching Tales - Jamie Cullum
I am so familiar with this artist that I couldn't even spell his surname properly... he would seem to be kind of like Amy Winehouse, except not nearly as interesting. 
Highlights: Hopefully this CD was cheap?

Ceremonials - Florence + the Machine
This is all very melodramatic and theatrical. But I'm not saying that is a bad thing - I quite enjoy the drums from 1412 and the overall epic nature of almost every song. Only issue is it all really sounds the same; like I feel like this was just one big 95 minute song, with varying bits of quality. 95 minutes. That is just ridiculous. That is longer than Blazing Saddles. And there were much less fart jokes.
Highlights: Shake It Out, Breaking Down, Remain Nameless, No Light No Light
7/10 album 6/10 deluxe version

Challenge 4Da Change - Kinetic Flow
This is probably the first time I'm listening to this album; I don't know a whole lot, other than this is another Korean hip-hop group. It is mostly chill and pretty groovy. Also, one of these dudes has the weirdest voice - almost Muppet-like - so it makes it almost impossible to take them seriously. And considering I do not understand Korean and therefore have no idea what they are rapping about, that probably doesn't matter too much.
Highlights: The Night We Separated, Comics 2006, Peace 4da Kidz

Charango - Morcheeba
Definitely not as strong an album as Big Calm, but similar in vibes; chill out groovy London alternative pop with a side of electronic trip and other buzz words.
Highlights: Aqualung, Way Beyond

"Albums" listened to so far: 282

Thursday, 6 March 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 33

The Captain & The Kid - Elton John
An Englishman singing about how wonderful New York City is always makes me curious. But then, I'm not about to make a song about anywhere in NZ, so probably more likely write a song about the joys of visiting another planet. And Elton John has likely been to New York a few more times than I've been to Jupiter, so I guess I'll allow it. This album is genuinely decent, I just have a lot to criticise (e.g. the trite lyrics, the blatant similarities to other Elton John songs, his's vocals eating an autotune salad), but I'll let him slide today.
Highlights: Just Like Noah's Ark, And the House Fell Down, The Captain & The Kid

Car Wash - Christina Aguilera & Missy Elliot
This is the kind of Christina I like. Or is it just that I really like Missy Elliot? Because she da bomb. This is not as awesome as the original, but still enjoyable.

Cardinology - Ryan Adams & The Cardinals
This is the album where DRA started singing like he can't sing? I never really noticed it before. Very Neil Young. Somewhat enjoyable album - feels not so pretentious, perhaps?
Highlights: Go Easy, Fix It, Magick, Sink Ships

Cardinology Rarities - Ryan Adams & The Cardinals
Not much to say here; these are not that great. Except the weird version of Fix It. That is actually very great!
Highlights: Fix It

Caribou - Elton John
More Elton John is always welcome. Especially if it involves 70s or 80s Elton John. Bernie Taupin sure likes talking about very American things, doesn't he? Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me is great and all, but George Michael's version is actually better. George Michael's versions of most things were better. Hot take: the bonus tracks are better than anything on the album.
Highlights: The Bitch is Back, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, Ticking
7/10 (6/10 without bonus tracks)

Carl Carlton - Carl Carlton
But not really? I mean, it is the artist Carl Carlton, but I don't think both of these songs are from that album. I need to sort out a Carl Carlton collection, because the dude was a disco-funk master. And these will be the best songs I will listen to today.
Highlights: Everlasting Love, She's a Bad Mama Jama (She's Built, She's Stacked)

Carnival of Souls - Kiss
Hahaha what a change of pace. I have discussed this album in detail. It's a bit all over the place, in that Kiss seemed to lose their identity. That doesn't mean it is bad as such, just not your typical Kiss cool-times,
Highlights: Hate, Childhood's End, Jungle, I Confess, I Walk Alone

Carnival, Vol. II: Memoirs of an Immigrant - Wyclef Jean
Wyclef is not someone I would say I think is awesome, but when I listen to this album, I think he is probably better than I would think. I like that he likes to announce whenever he's going to jam a guitar solo - feels very 80s rock of him. Quite an eclectic styling of an album. And Sweetest Girl is one hell of a jam.
Highlights: Riot, Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bill), Slow Down, Hollywood Meets Bollywood (Immigration)

"Albums" listened to so far: 275

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 32

C-Note - Prince
This is mostly instrumental jams. I'm not sure if they are actually live or just have added crowd noise to make them sound as such, but they are pretty funky and also moody.
Highlights: Copenhagen, Empty Room

California (Deluxe Edition) - blink-182
Hot take; I think I prefer blink-182 without Tom. With Skiba, they seemed to balance the serious lyrics and fun music really well. San Diego is a perfect example of that. There is still a bit of immature stupid stuff, but it is kept to a minimum with silly little songs, and instead the main focus is actual good songs.
Highlights: Built This Pool, San Diego, California

Californication S6 (Music from the Showtime Series) - Various Artists
I have never watched Californication. Isn't that a Red Hot Chilli Peppers song? This is not that, either. It is simply Wasted Years by Ryan Adams. Brilliant cover, this one.

Candlebox - Candlebox
Candlebox were one of those bands kind of between the 80s rock sound and the Seattle/grunge sound of the 90s, so they probably struggled to really catch people. Which is a shame, because they certainly had some good songs here and there. I really wanted to hate on Far Behind today, but nope - it holds up. So does that solo on Change
Highlights: Change, You, Far Behind, Blossom, Cover Me

Cape Goat - The Bilge Festival
Fun fact: LOGMAN did not always have an allergic reaction to New Zealand music. This was a CD I bought probably back around 1994? I remember some of the songs being played on a late night music video show and I thought it was all pretty cool. It is very typical of the New Zealand sound at the time; kind of like the whole grunge thing, just a bit more reverb. At least these songs are short.
Highlights: Wildebeast A Go Go, Lollyscramble, Sick of Renown

"Albums" listened to so far: 267

Monday, 3 March 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 31

Brothers Gonna Work it Out - The Chemical Brothers
Massive DJ mix from The Chemical Brothers. It's mostly pretty funky. Mostly. I just did a google on this and my tracklisting does not match wiki. Nor do the times. Weird, because mine is a direct rip of the CD. And it is impossible to properly rate or anything, because it's just one massive DJ mix, really.

Bryan Adams - Bryan Adams
When I was about 13 or 14, I bought Gold Signature Tour Editions of Bryan Adams' albums, from You Want It, You Got It to Waking Up the Neighbours. I foolishly passed on this album and Live! Live! Live! and have never been able to find said versions of them again, so almost 20 years later I had to settle for just a normal edition of this album. As an album, it is quite different to everything he released after; more light-hearted and poppy. And no Keith Scott.
Highlights: Hidin' From Love, Win Some Lose Some, Remember

Buddah Mix - Cypress Hill
This was a bonus disc that came with Temple of Boom; it's just one track - a 20 minute DJ mix of songs from the first two Cypress Hill albums. They're all great songs, so there are worse ways to spend 20 minutes. Obviously a morning for DJ mixes!

The Buddha of Suburbia - David Bowie
I can appreciate this album for being both adventurous and having some wonderful songs buried within the weirdness. The instrumentals are really more like soundscapes or interludes; they certainly aren't musical or something you would put on to jam to. But the songs are generally pretty darn great and fit somewhat with some of the songs from Black Tie White Noise, which was only released a few months beforehand.
Highlights: Buddha of Suburbia, Strangers When We Meet, Untitled No. 1

Buhloone Mindstate - De La Soul
De La Soul with James Brown's old horns section and sampling some Run-DMC? And Michael Jackson? And an appearance from a legit Japanese hip-hop trio? As you might imagine, all this adds up to make a genuinely fantastic groove.
Highlights: En Focus, Long Island Wildin', Area, Breakadawn

Burlesque: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Christina Aguilera and Cher
This journey through Christina's catalogue has forced me to accept that I just don't like her doing big band songs. In fact, I may have to face the reality that... I actually... don't really like much of what she has put out in general. She has been a totally mixed bag since Stripped. Her vocals sound super processed on this album, and I can not imagine why. I really liked this movie, but there are two standout songs on this album - and only one is by Aguilera.
Highlights: Express - Christina Aguilera, You Haven't Seen the Last of Me - Cher

Burn in the Night [Single] - Ryan Adams
Another one of his singles from 2015. These are actually good; very 90s garage rock.
Highlights: Burn in the Night, Cop City

Bury the Hatchet - The Cranberries
Hmmm... I find this woman to be one of the absolute worst singers I have ever heard in my life. And their guitarist produces some of the worst guitar solos I have ever heard in my life. At some point, I actually found I had about four of their albums in my iTunes library. And they were all deluxe editions. Thankfully, I saw sense and deleted all of them bar this; I kept it because Promises is a very good song. Starting this album, I am not sure that song is worth 70 minutes of The Cranberries. Halfway through, I was ready to eat my words, because things didn't start off too badly - and there was even another song I thought was very good! But then it slowly trailed off and got to Copycat, which is not only utterly terrible, but hilariously ironic in that the lyrics are complaining about bands copying other bands - yet there is ZERO originality found in The Cranberries. Heck, most of their songs they are trying desperately to sound like The Cure. At least a really terrible version. The singer seemed to really hate women; most of her songs are complaining about bad Mothers and the like.  If I could skip the rest of this dreck and delete now, I wouldn't even hesitate. 
Highlights: Promises, Shattered

Business as Usual - Men at Work
This is purely Who Can It Be Now? and I think I needed some fun 80s to try and recover from that. I could go for more Men at Work - I don't have this whole album, but an entire album from The Cranberries? Make it make sense...

Butterfly - Mariah Carey
I remember all the hullabaloo around this album when it was released; Carey had been strictly R&B/pop and this album was supposed to be more of her getting a sexier image and trying to get in the hip-hop scene or something. Sure, that influence is definitely there on a few songs like Honey and Breakdown, which hilariously samples Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, but it is still mostly the middle of the road Mariah Carey of old with the songs about love and singing insanely high. Great background music.
Highlights: Butterfly, The Roof

BYE-BYE [Single] - Ayumi Hamasaki
I think this was Ayu's most recent single? It's... okay? My wife certainly wishes Ayu would say "Bye-bye" for a while...

Bye-Bye Show [Single] - BiSH
This was the culmination of a year-long BiSH is OVER campaign, where they released a single (2 songs) each month and would then disband. Of course, WACK realised the money they were making from this so milked it for an extra month... and then decided they would keep touring until their final concert in June - six months later. And of course, this would not be the final single...  Which is a shame, because ending things with a song called SPARK when their first song was called スパーク (Spark) seemed like a great full circle kind of idea. And also it is an awesome song.

The Byte is in My Blood - Robot Goes Here
This is some random punk dude that is also a scientist and makes solo electronic punk music. It's kind of fun; I'd almost be interested to hear how they could have ended up if not completely programmed, but I still admire his execution. This was one of those wonderful $1 CDs I bought back in the day. I miss getting fun surprises like this. Bahaha I forgot about his full electronic version of Back in Black - complete with computer generated vocals. I actually recall on his MySpace he had an EP that was just him covering other heavy metal classics, like Iron Maiden's The Trooper. Hilarious stuff.
Highlights: Back in Black

Finally finished with B albums!

"Albums" listened to so far: 262

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 30

The Bridge - Billy Joel
This surely has to be Joel's most 80s sounding album, production-wise; the guitars on A Matter of Trust sound so thin and there is a fair bit of synthesizer in Running On Ice. A little bit of Cyndi Lauper is always welcome. And some Ray Charles, though he is more timeless than 80s, I guess. And Liberty DeVitto's drums still sounds aggressive, so maybe I'm just full of it and don't really know what I'm talking about?
Highlights: A Matter of Trust, Modern Woman, Code of Silence

Briefcase Full of Blues - The Blues Brothers
This is a live album from that legendary rhythm and blues act, The Blues Brothers. Must have been recorded before Jake went to jail? He sounds half in the bag, which only adds to how polished and downright solid the band sound. 
Highlights: Messin' with the Kid, I Don't Know, Flip Flop and Fly

Bring Ya to the Brink - Cyndi Lauper
Back to 2008? And more Cyndi Lauper? And she's doing full on dance music? I've always kind of dug this album; it isn't her best work or anything, and vocally she kind of phoned it in, in my opinion, but it still works. Because Cyndi Lauper is super cool and can do whatever she wants.
Highlights: Into the Nightlife, Same Ol' Story, Give it Up, Grab a Hold

It's 7am on a snowy Wednesday morning and I'm eating budget pizza purely because of this album. Surf's up, mofos! This may not be the greatest album on the planet, but I'll be darned if it isn't trying. The first half is probably the best 15 minutes you could ever have, outside of Jet Li beating up some fools.
Highlights: Surfrider Association, No. 13, ジターバグ, Insane

Bringing Down the Horse - The Wallflowers
This feels so quiet after that! I don't think I have listened to this album in at least 20 years; it was totally my jam in '98 and I remember busking a few songs from it back in the day, but over time I forgot how good it was? At least, how good some of the songs are. Like, it is all just harmless radio-friendly pop-rock like Matchbox 20, but with less emotion. I'd really like to hear Bob Dylan sing Josephine
Highlights: 6th Avenue Heartache, Bleeders, Angel on My Bike

Broadcast - Cutting Crew
As expected, this is purely the hit single (I Just) Died in Your Arms. Classic 80s.

Broadcast to the World - Zebrahead
I'm fairly sure this was the first album with this lineup - which seems to be the only Zebrahead lineup I like. And this is that lineup's weakest album. It's... fine? A few stand-out songs, but nothing that ever reaches the heights of their next couple of albums. I have the Japanese release, and the bonus songs from that are possibly better than anything on the actual album!
Highlights: Broadcast to the World, Postcards From Hell, Here's to You, Down in Flames

"Albums" listened to so far: 249

Monday, 24 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 29

Brainwashed - George Harrison
The last album recorded and by George Harrison and released a year after his death. It isn't his most exciting work, but I mean at this stage he was an old man and dying of cancer, so it's more of a chill musing on religion and just being an old man in a dumb world. And when I simplify it to that, I find that whole thing a bit relateable! George Harrison was cool.
Highlights: P2 Vatican Blues (Last Saturday Night), Looking for My Life, Brainwashed

Brand New By Tomorrow - Money Mark
Yes, that Money Mark! This is all very laid back keyboard-driven almost soul/R'n'B groovy stuff. Musically, very reminiscent of the instrumental jams Beastie Boys were known for. Which kind of makes sense, really. It's all very harmless. The song title Eyes That Ring made me think of Eyes Like Twins by Wilson Phillips, and I'm questioning why I don't have Wilson Phillips in my library. Stupid me having all the great stuff like that only on vinyl.
Highlights: Pick Up the Pieces, Black Butterfly

Brand-New Idol Shit - BiSH
BiSH's debut album is actually the last one I got; I'm not sure if it was the songs I had heard or simply the very different lineup, but I was not initially interested in this album - and this is after I became a raging fan of this wonderful group. I was missing out, because there are some insanely ridiculous tracks on here. There are a few that were re-recorded later with the next lineup (and then again with the final line-up for their final release - nice and pointless), and I legit have no idea what in the blue hell is going on with カラダ・イデオロギー. Are they imitating chickens or Muppets or Muppet chickens? Otherwise, this is a highly enjoyable album that will be rendered obsolete once I finally upload their pizza box set to my iTunes library...
Highlights: DA DANCE!!, Lonely girl, Story Brighter

Brass Knuckles - Nelly
Listening to Nelly make MySpace references is about as out of touch as I could possibly be. This is all pretty standard Nelly stuff; which LOGMAN generally enjoys. And we get a lot of cameos on this album; from LL Cool J to Snoop and Nate Dogg to Chuck D to... R Kelly. Ugh. That... does not surprise me. Anyways, this album is actually much better than I recall. It's no Nellyville, but it is groovy.
Highlights: U Ain't Him, Hold Up, L.A., Who Fuck Wit Me

Break My Stride - Unique II
I loved this song back in '98. Which is only two years after it was released - so I probably felt pretty current! This single is just 3 different version and the all sound similar, just one is shorter than the others.

Break Out - The Pointer Sisters
How do I only have two songs? I certainly know of a few more that should be here, but oh well.
Highlights: Jump, I'm So Excited

THE BREAKDOWN [Single] - Prince
Had I known this song would be released on an upcoming album, I likely wouldn't have purchased it, but it never hurts to have more Prince in your music collection.

Breakfast at Sweethearts - Cold Chisel
Conversations almost sounds like a demo, the way Jimmy's voice is so darn rough and raw. A lot of harmonica on this album. This must be Chisel's least commercial album? It's fine and all, but it does just kind of meander about and doesn't really go anywhere. A lot of songs about Sydney's nightlife. And Jimmy sure sounds like he's been up all night.
Highlights: Dresden, Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye)

The Breakfast Club (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Various Artists
Interestingly, I only have two songs from this soundtrack. You would think I would have the whole thing. But at least it is the two most important songs from the soundtrack.
Highlights: Don't You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds, Fire in the Twilight - Wang Chung

Breakout - Miley Cyrus
Time for some early Miley pop fun. And, funnily enough, this is the second or third album from 2008 today. This is all upbeat pop/rock and it is mostly great fun.
Highlights: Breakout, 7 Things, The Driveway, Full Circle, These Four Walls

Brick by Brick - Iggy Pop
Naturally, this is only the song Candy. Iggy is so terrible but Kate Pierson is so awesome it balances out and makes for a fantastic song.

Bricks Are Heavy - L7
It took me listening to the whole album to finally realise where I know Shitlist from - it's in Natural Born Killers. Very fitting. This album is like most L7 albums; heavy and dirty and big dumb fun. 
Highlights: Pretend We're Dead, Everglade, Shitlist, This Ain't Pleasure

"Albums" listened to so far: 242

Friday, 21 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 28

The Box Set - Kiss
I reviewed this. After Kissathon II, I cleaned up my Kiss collection and The Box Set in my library no longer contains all the songs I have elsewhere - because I don't need to have a copy of Black Diamond on every album. I also removed all the Wicked Lester demos and all the other garbage. So now I have what equates to a single-disc compilation of Kiss rarities. And except for one or two songs, is basically limited to the original line-up. So this is now good times!
Highlights: It's My Life [Original Version], Got to Choose [MTV Unplugged], Strutter [Demo]

A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings [Disc 1] - Elvis Presley
The birth of Rock'n Roll! Admittedly, the earliest recordings are pretty forgettable - they are just Elvis on guitar and singing, although his voice is very lovely. Once he hooks up with Scotty Moore and Bill Black, however, it is time for history making music. And in all honesty, some of it is such serious good times. And it is actually amazing how good it can sound for 70 year-old recordings. Essential listening.
Highlights: That's All Right, Blue Moon of Kentucky, Just Because, Mystery Train, Tryin' to Get to You

A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings [Disc 2] - Elvis Presley
This is all the outtakes from Disc 1. Which is amazing, really; why on Earth would anyone have thought to have kept these all those years ago? This was a time when music and film companies had no issue dumping works in the gawdam river to save them some storage space. Think about that. Some of these are just little fragments and clearly they've salvaged anything they can from wherever they can, but it is amazing there is anything at all. So I really shouldn't be complaining about 9 takes of Blue Moon...
Highlights: That's All Right (Takes 1-3), Blue Moon of Kentucky (Alternate Take), I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine (Takes 1-3/M)

A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings [Disc 3] - Elvis Presley
This is every recorded live performance during the period. Again, how any of this even exists is pretty amazing. It's not like every home had a tape recorder or anything. Some of it is not exactly all that listenable - sounds like someone couldn't tune their radio properly. Elvis's dialogue between songs is often hilarious. You can get a photo of Elvis for $0.25. Get in quick before they sell out! And avoid Bob Neal so he doesn't make you buy him a hot dog...
Highlights: Blue Moon of Kentucky (Live), Shake Rattle & Roll (Live), Maybelline (Live)

A Boy Named Goo - Goo Goo Dolls
I used to really like Goo Goo Dolls. Name was this quintessential 90s alt. rock emo acoustic song, but Long Way Down is just a super rockin' awesome track. What I will say now is that John Rzeznik writes some great lyrics. What is easily forgotten, given their transition to full-on commercial pop/rock on the next album, is how much of an alt. rock band these cats were. This album is totally 1995 and I dig it. Even Robby Takac is not nearly as annoying as I used to find him. 
Highlights: Long Way Down, Naked, Name

Another fast-paced E.P. from the coolest punk rock band this side of ELLEGARDEN. Good times.
Highlights: Traveller, 光の射す部屋, Boys Will Be Boys

"Albums" listened to so far: 230

Thursday, 20 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 27

Boogie Wonderland: The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire - Earth, Wind & Fire
This right here is over 2 hours of funky disco tunes and soulful ballads. It may surprise you to find that I enjoy the disco songs more than the ballads. And the disco songs are mostly fantastic. There's also random guitar shredding on a few songs, which is hilarious. On Your Face is most recogniseable to me as being sampled for MC Hammer's song. This album is a serious groove for the full 2 hours.
Highlights: September, Saturday Nite

Pink Venom is such a weird track; everything except the chorus is awesome, but man that chorus is dumb. The rest of these songs kind of suffer from that problem where you think the song is going to go somewhere awesome, but then doesn't, so it kind of falls just short of being special. Still pretty solid, though. So this is all my BLACKPINK done before we even finish a couple of months? BLACKPINK are no longer in my area?
Highlights: Pink Venom, Shut Down, Yeah Yeah Yeah, Tally

Born This Way - Lady Gaga
As with most Gaga albums, the opening track is pure FIRE. Actually, a whole bunch of songs of this album are straight-up awesomeness. Some average songs sprinkled in, as well. Judas has the same problem as Pink Venom, though the chorus isn't quite as dumb, just a let down from how badass the rest of the song is. Well, apart from the gawdawful lyrics. There's really a lot of talk about Jesus on this album, as well. I have always felt that maybe the album is a bit too long. It's 17 songs. No interludes or skits. 17 actual songs. Sure, I'm part of the problem by buying the deluxe edition, but the extra songs from that are actually worth it - there were a couple of others I would cut instead of them. But not Brian May. He should be on every song. Also, why is there no uncensored version of this album available? It was insulting that I wasn't able to get The Fame Monster on CD in uncensored form, but not even iTunes carries Born This Way with bad language. Wild.
Highlights: Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Hair, Yoü And I, The Edge of Glory

Born This Way [Special Edition] - Lady Gaga
This is the bonus disc that came with the special edition of the album. It is merely remixes of a bunch of the songs. And they are mostly decent. If you want to get your dance on to some Lady Gaga, you could do much worse.
Highlights: Born This Way (Country Road Version)

Talk about a poptastic day! One of the strongest releases from ITZY. And I say this as a total long-term fan that has been listening to them for a total of maybe 9 months. Crown On My Head is awesome and all, but the live version with the band was about 10 times more awesome. I even appreciate that gif that iTunes does for the album cover. Flawless release.
Highlights: Crown On My Head, Escalator

Born to Die - Lana Del Rey
I remember the massive hype on this album when it was first released. A beautiful woman singing dark and moody songs about murder and death and mafia gangsters and all sorts of American classics. Of course people were going to go nuts about her. So if that is your jam, then this album is tops. What I find most interesting is her way of changing her voice to give different characters for each song. It's all very dramatic.
Highlights: Off to the Races, This is What Makes Us Girls, Lolita

Boston - Boston
Obviously the opening track is super legendary and awesome, but the rest of this album is super rockin' and awesome as well. A whole lot of harmonising guitar solos! I recall listening to this in high school a fair bit - perfect summer vibes. Because we spent high school listening to and pushing 70s rock. You got a problem with that? Shiizz, I ain't afraid of you mofos!
Highlights: More Than a Feeling, Piece of Mind, Rock & Roll Band, Let Me Take You Home Tonight

Bounce - Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi is angry about 9/11. Me too; that was the date of the Montreal Screwjob and we must never forget such treachery. This album features some of the absolute heaviest of Bon Jovi songs - it also completely goes from awesome to awful super quick. JBJ's attempt at Sprinsteen storytelling is kind of cringe to me. Richie Sambora's playing and singing on this album is awesome, but even he can't save some of these ballads from being absolute dreck. BUT the good songs are VERY good. The Distance is one of their very best power ballads. I could very easily listen to this album again. Well, half of it. They should have stuck with this producer.
Highlights: Everyday, The Distance, Misunderstood, Bounce

"Albums" listened to so far: 224

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 26

The Blueprint - Jay-Z
By Prime, what an album to start my day. This album is just pure cool Jay-Z; before the dreads and becoming a billionaire, so he still had stuff to talk about (like rocking bucket hats and having girls all over the country) and the production is tight as hell. Back when Eminem was good. Also, legendary beefs getting addressed. Takeover is a badass diss track - that last line telling a bunch of dudes they only worth half a bar is priceless. I sometimes wish Kanye West had just stuck to being a producer and help create awesome jams like that and Heart of the City. Where would we all be now...
Highlights: Takeover, Izzo (H.O.V.A.), Heart of the City (Ain't No Love), Renegade [w/Eminem]

The Blueprint 2 - Jay-Z
A Dream might well be my favourite opening track on a hip-hop album. The rest of this album really could have been trimmed down from a 2-disc set and made in to one solid disc instead. 
Highlights: A Dream [Ft. Faith Evans & Notorious B.I.G.], Guns & Roses [w/Lenny Kravitz]

The Blues Brothers: Original Soundtrack Recording - The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers is one of the greatest movies ever made. And the soundtrack is a lot of fun. Who would have known two comedians could get together with legends like James Brown and Aretha Franklin and some of the greatest studio musicians ever and bang out some soul classics like this?
Highlights: She Caught the Katy, Gimme Some Lovin', Shake a Tail Feather, Think

Bodyswerve - Jimmy Barnes
Jimmy's debut album! I'm pretty sure I've barely listened to this; a lot of the songs appeared as either Cold Chisel songs or were re-recorded/remixed for For the Working Class Man and those sound much better. I think the mastering on this album is giving me a headache - some real harsh top-end going on.
Highlights: No Second Prize, Fire, World's On Fire

"Albums" listened to so far: 216

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 25

Bloodflowers - The Cure
If you ever want to feel depressed, The Cure are certainly the band to listen to. I think the first time I heard this album was watching them perform it in full on the Trilogy concert, and it immediately blew me away. I saw a bunch of online hate for it recently, which is odd because I remember it being hailed when it was released, much like their last album; lots of sprawling, spacious songs, with lyrics discussing the sadness of turning 40... yeah, imagine turning 40. In fact, that does make it funny now; in 39, Smith is constantly saying "The fire is almost out", and yet here we are 25 years later and they are still touring and making new music. I mean, they have only released 3 studio albums since Bloodflowers, and the last one took 16 years to release. So maybe he was right? Also, the solo in the title track is the best. A lot of noisy guitar solos on this one, compared to their usual thing.
Highlights: Watching Me Fall, Maybe Someday, Bloodflowers

Blow - Heather Nova
This is a live album that sort of bridges the gap on Nova's first two albums; it features a bunch of songs that would appear on her second album, but it all still sounds very indie alt. rock and crazy like her first album. Actually, the songs from her first album on here sound different still, as they feature a lot more instrumentation and are a bit more powerful. Her voice is definitely a lot rougher (not in a bad way, just a bit different) and adds a bit of an edge to some of the songs. I have always loved this version of Sugar, and the slower tempo on this version of Maybe an Angel makes it a bit more epic. Shaking the Doll definitely has more edge than the studio version. 
Highlights: Sugar, Maybe an Angel, Frontier, Doubled Up

Blue - Third Eye Blind
By Prime, the production on this album is tight! My man Brad Hargreave's drumming is massive, as well. I still remember the first time hearing this album and it sounding so different to their debut, I did not know what to think. Within a few listens, it soon became one of my favourite albums ever. Genuinely not a bad song on the whole thing. I may have soured on 3eb in the last few years and I try not to listen to music like this these day - depressing and whatnot - but I will never not enjoy listening to this album and this was a good reminder that when these guys were banging out the pop rock good times, no one did it better. 
Highlights: Anything, Wounded, The Red Summer Sun, Farther

Blue Light [Single] - Ryan Adams
This was when DRA was releasing singles online in rapid speed back in 2015. I think he may have released 10 in about 18 months, all with 2 or 3 tracks like this. And I think this may have been one of the strongest? Very much channeling his 80s synthpop influences like The Cure and The Smiths. 
Highlights: Blue Light

Blue Rock - The Cross
I'm not sure if I've ever really listened to The Cross before? I know I would have heard them, but I don't think I've ever actually sat down and listened to them properly. This was Roger Taylor's group on the side from Queen, where he played guitar and was the frontman. This is their third album and it mostly rocks. The slower songs are mostly forgettable. Apparently this is the only album from The Cross I have? I was sure my Dad had their first one, because that has Freddie Mercury and Brian May on it. Maybe only on vinyl? 
Highlights: Bad Attitude, Dirty Mind, Millionaire

Blue Sunshine - The Glove
Robert Smith doing weird collaborations with other 80s British new wave artists. Not having him sing on any of the songs make it sound like he isn't involved at all - except for Sex-Eye-Make-Up which sounds completely like a song by The Cure. It's all very much the result of a couple of guys doing a lot of drugs and messing around in a studio. I would have liked to have heard Mouth to Mouth with Smith on vocals.
Highlights: Punish Me With Kisses, Mouth to Mouth, Like an Animal [12" Club What Club? Mix]

Blue Sunshine [Disc 2] - The Glove
Of course I have the reissue with bonus tracks and a bonus disc. Sure, I'm not a fan of the album or anything, but it was released as part of that wave of The Cure reissues, so I had to buy it. This is basically all of the songs on the first disc, but in demo form with Robert Smith on vocals. It is actually quite interesting - kind of what the album could have ended up sounding like. I honestly prefer some of it; not only having RS on vocals, but also the music being stripped back this way.
Highlights: Looking Glass Girl [RS Vocal Demo], Mouth to Mouth [RS Vocal Demo]

"Albums" listened to so far: 212

Monday, 17 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 24

Blackout - Britney Spears
It's Britney, bitch! This album is enjoyable, but also completely laughable. It is very clear that Ms. Spears was involved in the writing purpose - and I do not mean that as a compliment. The lyrics are generally just completely ridiculously terrible. However, some of the production is banging. Some. And her vocals are more processed than ever, so it sounds like a fembot from Austin Powers is "singing". Again, I'm taking liberties using that word, because even with all the manipulation, these vocals are still equal to a talent quest for 12 year-olds and are invoking a lot of snickers. And not the chocolate bar (where's my sponsorship, yo!). The whole thing has serious 'moody teenager' vibes and I have to keep stopping myself from scoring the songs higher because they're mostly making me smile - just because they're so stupidly bad. And holy smokes this sample of Eurythmics is about the worst song of the bunch. The funniest part here is that this isn't even her worst album! I'm pretty sure everything she released after this gets worse and worse.
Highlights: Gimme More, Break the Ice

Now this is some proper pop music. Every BLACKPINK track released before The Album, I believe. And it is all FIRE. 
Highlights: Forever Young, As If It's Your Last, BOOMBAYAH, PLAYING WITH FIRE

Blak and Blu - Gary Clark, Jr.
This appears to be the song Ain't Messin 'Round. Honestly, I have never listened to this before. I don't know how it ended up in my iTunes. I have not even heard of this song or singer before. It's... good. Big horns and upbeat vibes. 

Blank Label 7" - Blank Label (Ryan Adams)
JLW is a massive Ramones ripoff. Also, this is trash.
Highlights: Only 7 minutes

BLAST! - ももいろクローバーZ
Someone really needs to clue me up on whether their group name is written in Hiragana like that, or if the English Momoiro Clover Z is the correct choice. I'll continue to call them MCZ for simplicity. Anyways, this is a very fun EP from a very inconsistent idol group. Idol is shit, but MCZ have their moments - mostly this EP.
Highlights: BLAST!, 何時だって挑戦者

Bleach - Nirvana
When I was 13, Nirvana were the stuff. Because I was edgy, this was my favourite Nirvana album - it was their most budget indie grunge record they recorded for cheap in a matter of days. I'm not saying anyone who says this is their favourite Nirvana album is also as much of an edgelord as 13 year-old LOGMAN, but this is definitely not their best album and I am now old and mature enough to admit I liked the idea of this album more than the album itself. Also, cool album cover? All this is not to say the album is bad; About a Girl is infinitely better here than that Unplugged version (thank Prime I don't have that album), and Negative Creep is like a gift that keeps on giving. And no Dave Grohl is like double awesome points!
Highlights: Blew, School, Negative Creep, Downer

Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World
What a dumb name for an album - I should delete it just for that title alone. But this is just the one song, The Middle, of course. Do Jimmy Eat World have any other songs? Are they titled stupidly like this album is? At least this is a great pop punk song that every home should have.

Bleed Like Me - Garbage
The first half of this album is awesome. Back in '05, I would play these first four songs all the time. Well, mostly tracks 2 to 4. It's an impressive way to peak early, that's for sure. The rest of the album still has some decent songs, but they get overshadowed by how awesome those first four are. 
Highlights: Run Baby Run, Right Between The Eyes, Why Do You Love Me

blink-182 - blink-182
So we just going to stick with my old emo songs from '05, huh? This is blink-182's best album, and I won't be taking any arguments otherwise. Dark, serious, interesting - just a genuinely strong album that often makes me mistakenly believe I am more of a blink-182 fan than I really am. I dig them, because I love pop punk. But usually their songs are immature silliness about sex stuff that I have no interest in. This album has none of that. And an appearance from Robert Smith! Great album.
Highlights: Feeling This, Obvious, Stockholm Syndrome, Asthenia

This is INKYMAP's fist album. It's a bit more rough and hard rockin' than ASTEROID. There's nothing bad, but nothing that really stands out as much as with their later works (ASTEROID onwards). But a great start.
Highlights: Rainy Day, New World, Saturation, Drunken Driver

Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix - Michael Jackson
If this was simply an EP of the new songs, this would be a really solid MJ release. Really solid. The music and production on Ghosts is epic. My only criticism would be that Is It Scary is MJ's worst vocal performance ever recorded. Then there are the remixes; Scream, Money and 2 Bad are all super funky goodtimes, but the others are just your standard club-beat dance remixes. The one for You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix) is actually pretty decent - probably because that is a boring R. Kelly song that could only be improved upon with a remix. And Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson certainly does go big. Look, it's MJ. You're going to have a good time.
Highlights: Blood on the Dance Floor, Morphine, Superfly Sister, Ghosts, Scream Louder, 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)

"Albums" listened to so far: 205

Thursday, 13 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 23

Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Soundtrack - Various Artists
This was probably my favourite movie when I was 15. I even dressed a bit like Bill S. Preston, Esq. The soundtrack is very not 1995; it's mostly hair metal and awesome shredding guitars from 1991, because that was still kind of cool in 1991. I watched this movie so much I could probably tell where each song appears - except for the one song that is not in the movie. It always cracked me up that Drinking Again by Neverland was on the soundtrack, but For the Love of by Neverland - which does actually appear in the movie - did NOT make the soundtrack. Did the person compiling this just get confused on which Neverland song was supposed to be used? Anyways, the rest of the soundtrack features Winger delivering possibly their greatest song, Faith No More pre-Angel Dust, Steve Vai shredding up a storm, and Kiss delivering possibly the greatest song ever. And the question still needs to be asked: how on Earth did Primus qualify for a local battle of the bands in San Dimas? This is a good soundtrack. It makes me want to watch Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey again. Maybe even the full trilogy!
Highlights: God Gave Rock & Roll To You - Kiss, Drinking Again - Neverland, Battle Stations - Winger

Binaural - Pearl Jam
This was the peak and end of my love for Pearl Jam - it completely dropped off a cliff after this album. Not because I hate this album or anything, but because of everything they did after. In fact, LOGMAN 2000 loved this album! Eddie Vedder's voice on this album is kind of annoying. And Mike McCready seems to have been listening to a lot of Radiohead or something. Jeebus, Vedder's mumbling is killing this album. Matt Cameron's drumming is solid, though. I remember seeing a live clip of them performing Insignificance and he was just murdering his drumkit. Okay, I'm bored. LOGMAN 2000 was stupid.
Highlights: God's Dice, Evacuation, Light Years, Insignificance

Bionic - Christina Aguilera
Well, this is a change of pace. From a boring rock album to a confused pop album. This was Christina's answer to Lady Gaga and what was happening in pop at the time. There are some good songs and it all opens strong, just extra... raunchy? Well, I think that's what she was attempting; Not Myself Tonight works, but Woohoo gets a little gross (though it is still a very enjoyable track). Elastic Love is probably Christina's worst song ever. Maybe even in my top 10 of absolute worst songs by anyone. The middle of this album seems to veer heavily into ballad territory. Then it's finally back to girl power pop, except it's kind of all over the place, and Monday Morning sounds like some indie band I can't put my finger on. Holy smokes, Bobblehead is trying to give Elastic Love a run for it's money. This is the kind of garbage I would expect from someone like Fergie and would be super popular on tik-tok. This album could have used a lot more Linda Perry (her only contribution is one of the best songs on the whole album) and it is definitely too long - but that's probably my fault for getting the deluxe edition. My bad.
Highlights: Bionic, Not Myself Tonight, Lift Me Up

The Black Album - Jay-Z
Jay-Z at his peak, IMO. Just Blaze and Kanye sampling soul classics, Timbaland with a bigphat monster bounce, Rick Rubin dropping some old school beat - all while Jay raps over top about his life, how great he is and how this is the end. I think we can all agree that Encore is good, but the mashup version with Linkin Park is way better. The songs produced by The Neptunes and Eminem are clearly the weakest, so definitely not a perfect album, but the rest of the songs are so strong it doesn't really matter. I forgot about the Run-DMC sample in Justify My Thug. And the Michael Schumacher reference. Jay-Z the F1 fan, huh? Actually, I just straight-up forgot how darn great his lyrics on this whole track are. Awesome album and perfect way for Jay-Z to retire and say goodbye to being a rapper. Oh, his "retirement" lasted all of two years? Well, at least that is a longer retirement than your average pro-wrestler's...
Highlights: December 4th, What More Can I Say, Dirt Off Your Shoulder, 99 Problems, Public Service Announcement, My 1st Song

The Black Album - Prince
By Prime, this album is so funky. Just straight up FUNK. I'm hoping if we one day get a Lovesexy box set they will include this as well. Or just re-release it properly. Until then, I will sit here and get my funk on.
Highlights: All 8 songs are as funky as one another

The Black and White Album - The Hives
Yeeeeaaaah! These guys know how to open an album. This isn't quite the usual raw punk rock'n roll that The Hives deliver - instead a little more modern production thrown in. It also feels longer than they would usually do, but that might be just me? It is still The Hives in spirit, though. It's like having a beat up old noisy car, but throwing a new coat of paint on it. And then deciding that paint really doesn't work and looks silly.
Highlights: Try It Again, Tick Tick Boom, Hey Little World, Bigger Hole to Fill

Black Clouds - Ryan Adams
Black Clouds itself is such an Oasis ripoff, I can kind of see why he excluded it from any album. But then, when he eventually released Love Is Hell, it still included a ripoff of Purple Rain. So maybe he just wanted to limit the number of ripoffs per album? I didn't even enjoy listening to this when I did my Ryan Adams marathon - not exactly lighting my world on fire when I'm tired and find this dude fairly insufferable. 
Highlights: It finished

Black Market Music - Placebo
This is purely Without You I'm Nothing with David Bowie. I'm not entirely sure how I ended up with this, but I think I might prefer the original version in some ways. Either way, it's a very dark and somber song. Just what I needed after a miserable Ryan Adams "album"...

Black Sheep [Single] - Gin Wigmore
This... wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Sure, I still think she is nothing more than an Amy Winehouse imitator, but it is an enjoyable and catchy song. Probably would have sounded even better with Amy Winehouse singing!

Black Sunday - Cypress Hill
Hot Damn! This is one of those albums that just never gets old. Cypress Hill were one of those earliest hip-hop acts that crossed over to the rock/alternative crowd as well as the hip-hop heads. This album in particular; some of these beats are just straight up hard, and B-Real's voice is so unique, it just gave them a character that connected with the skate kids as well. That harmonica in Ain't Goin' Out Like That is awesome. I do not partake in the marijuana, but even I will tell you that these are the coolest songs about smoking weed you will ever find. 
Highlights: Insane in the Brain, Lick a Shot, Hits from the Bong, Break 'Em Off Some

Black Tie White Noise - David Bowie
We staying in 1993 for this one! I think this may actually be the first time I have listened to this album in full? It's such a mix of soul and 90s pop. Hard to explain. Maybe I'm just tired.
Highlights: Black Tie White Noise, I Feel Free, I Know It's Gonna Happen One Day

"Albums" listened to so far: 194

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 22

What better way to start the day than with a chronological compilation of all of YUKI's b-sides? And this wasn't compiled by me. Totally official. It's since been updated (online only) to celebrate her 20th anniversary as a solo artist, so that version is now totally complete (even with a new title and everything), and this album is stuck in 2012. But via iTunes means I would have to have all the romaji in the song titles, and I would rather avoid that plague of silliness. 
Highlights: ありがとう, 17才, 舞い上がれ, 首輪

Honestly, not much to say here. These are good songs - genuinely nothing bad going on here. Just a mixed bag of styles and varying between folky and dance bops - which is totally par for the course when it comes to YUKI. I think all I'm missing in my collection is a couple of singles and the b-sides on that 20th anniversary release.
Highlights: just life! all right!, 誘惑してくれ, Wild Ladies

BEYONCÉ - Beyoncé
This has videos as well? I wonder if my iTunes will play those... Anyways, I have never listened to this. Seriously. Was added to my iTunes by someone else and I have no idea why, as I am not a fan of Beyoncé and find her fandom annoying. Not as annoying as Taylor Swift fans, though. Come at me, Swifties. Shiizz, I ain't afraid of you mofos! These songs are too long and just not good. Well, they are somewhat fine musically, but the melodies and vocals and lyrics are just totally naff. Also, Drake is on a song? So I have Drake in my iTunes?!? Yeah, this is going to be a HARD delete. I curse the person that put that MF in my iTunes. At least the videos did NOT play.
Highlights: XO

Beyond Good and Evil - The Cult
This is only the song Rise. It rocks. It was most welcome after an hour of mediocre Beyoncé.

Big Band... Small World - Jools Holland and His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra and Friends
I was sure I had the whole album, but seems to be simply George Harrison performing Horse to the Water. Apparently Harrison's last recorded performance? And he wrote it with his son - that's pretty cool. And so is the song. Because George Harrison was cool.

Big Boi & Dre Present... Outkast - Outkast
This is a compilation of pre-Hey Ya! Outkast. I must have picked it up cheap at the time, because I really didn't know much of Outkast. In fact, I think I may have disliked them. I certainly could not stand The Whole World - terrible song. B.O.B. however is all kinds of cool. Otherwise... still not that impressed.
Highlights: So Fresh So Clean, Rosa Parks, B.O.B., Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik

Big Calm - Morcheeba
This album is typical late 90s UK trip-hop folksy stuff. It's been so long since I last listened to it, that I had forgotten which song it was that caused me to get this album. I dig the instrumentals as well.
Highlights: Blindfold, Bullet Proof

Big Willie Style - Will Smith
Bah gawd this album is fun. Some of his lines are so corny, it is impossible to hate on it. And just makes me smile. Taking the same sample from a Tupac song and turning it into a fun party song is just the ultimate swerve. Songs about Jada and how he's going to get an Oscar are pretty funny now! And Jamie Foxx doing skits back when he was just the dude on In Living Color. Crazy world. Also, did Eminem steal lyrics from Left Eye on the title track?
Highlights: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It, Candy, Don't Say Nothin', Yes Yes Y'all, Big Willie Style

Bigger, Better, Faster, More! - 4 Non Blondes
Somewhere around the turn of the Century, I discovered how awesome Linda Perry can be. Her voice is so strong and has so much passion. This album is not the best example, as it is certainly very early 90s alt rock, but there are shining moments of greatness. I know most people are sick of What's Up, but it was a massive hit for a reason. It's probably the strongest song on the album, in all honesty. Linda Perry still rocks.
Highlights: What's Up, Dear Mr. President

"Albums" listened to so far: 183

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 21

Best of Van Halen, Vol. 1 - Van Halen
Man, the David Lee Roth era flies by so quick on this compilation. I've never considered myself a huge fan of Van Halen, but when I listen to this I just dig it so much. Except for Dance The Night Away and And the Cradle - they're just kind of okay. The rest are absolute killer. The Sammy Hagar era is not represented entirely well, IMO; I feel like there were better songs that could have made the cut. However, Dreams is awesome and the guitar solo is one of my absolute fav Eddie Van Halen moments. And Right Now always gets me air-drumming. The return of David Lee Roth at the end is pretty awesome, too. Pretty sure we've been singing "Trampoline" in Me Wise Magic for 28 years now. This makes me regret not picking up the Van Halen box sets when I saw them cheap a while back, because clearly I need more Van Halen in my life. Or maybe this is the perfect amount, and that's why I like this CD so much?
Highlights: Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love, Runnin' with the Devil, Unchained, Jump, Panama, Dreams, Right Now, Me Wise Magic

The Best of WCW Vol. 1: Nitro - World Championship Wrestling
Well, I guess this makes up for me not watching WCW for the past few months. Oh you want to watch Bret Hart stick fools in the Sharpshooter? How about 90 minutes of playing 'guess the pro-wrestler's entrance music' instead? The Total Package theme almost sounds like a Chariots of Fire ripoff. And it's been 30 years and I still can't tell the difference between Rey Misterio and Dean Malenko's themes when I first hear them. Pro-wrestling themes with lyrics are always way funnier - especially when they talk about doing all the wrestling moves and what not. The Four Horsemen theme is legit badass. And after watching so much WCW and no Pearl Jam, I'm now convinced this Chris Jericho theme is how Even Flow actually sounds. La Parka's theme is so funk-rock it's awesome and makes me want to play air-guitar on a steel chair. Wait - The Four Horsemen have a second theme song? American Made is no Real American, but it still rocks hard. Luckily we save the best for last with Bret Hart's second WCW theme.
Highlights: Four Horsemen, Satan's Sister (Hollywood Blondes Theme), Parental Advisory Explicit Acts (La Parka Theme), Hart Attack Comeback (Bret Hart Theme)

The Best of WCW Vol. 2: Thunder - World Championship Wrestling
Oh, I still haven't learned my lesson? Voodoo Child would have been good right now, but those nWo quotes in it are mixed way too loud. At least I get some more disco music with Disco Inferno's theme song? I mean, I'd prefer Disco Inferno from The Trammps again, but sure. Buff Bagwell doesn't even seem to know what's going on with his theme song. 3 Count is just laughable - and purposely so, given their gimmick. Hitman in the House has grown on me, but still stands as his third best theme song. the nWo Midcard theme is super funky. Oh cool - Badstreet U.S.A. is on here! I will never tire of A Man Called Sting. Wolfpac in the house! Wait - almost three hours and no appearance of Brad Armstrong's theme song? I feel cheated.

Highlights: Disco Fever (Disco Inferno Theme), Hitman in the House (Bret Hart Theme), Tear It Up (nWo Midcard Theme), A Man Called Sting (Sting Theme), Billy Kidman (Kidman Theme)

Best Shots - Pat Benatar
I think we must be almost done with Best ofs! This is some serious 80s power ballad stuff. Hit Me with Your Best Shot really is so weak - needs to be rocked up a notch or two. 
Highlights: Love is a Battlefield, All Fired Up, Hell is for Children, We Belong

No, this is not a best of. This is SCANDAL's debut album. Maybe they called it BEST★SCANDAL because they think they are the best? They might not be, but they can come close some times. These days, anyway. Their early work is more in the vein of pop-punk idol music. Which is totally cool with me! In fact, some of this seriously great.
Highlights: DOLL, ひとつだけ, SAKURA グッバイ

Between the Black and Gray - MONOEYES
Ugh American spelling. Anyways, more 細美さん means more good times, even if this album is more of a darker vibe. Likely a product of the times, as this was released at the end of 2020, so in the midst of the pandemic and lockdowns and awesome stuff. This is overall probably the weakest MONOEYES album, but the highlights are SUPER highlights. And a weak MONOEYES album is still better than a lot of band's stronger efforts.
Highlights: Fall Out, Interstate 46, Outer Rim, 彼は誰の夢

"Albums" listened to so far: 174

Monday, 10 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 20

The Best of Dark Horse - George Harrison
A George Harrison compilation of his 80s output plus two new songs. What's not to like? Especially when the new songs are very good - it is a shame that they have not been released elsewhere, even with all the reissues. Otherwise this album would be 100% redundant in my collection. Now it's only 80% redundant. But it at least gives me a good indication of how much better the reissues sound.
Highlights: Got My Mind Set on You, Cheer Down

Best of Geto Boys & Scarface - Geto Boys & Scarface
As one would imagine, this is simply Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta. Damn It Feels Good to Listen to This Song.

The Best of Gloria Gaynor - Gloria Gaynor
This is purely I Will Survive. Stone cold disco anthem. 

The Best of Meco - Meco
Possibly the best collection of Meco's tunes. As it should be, I guess. But since I have every other Meco album, this should really be redundant. Hahaha like I care. I'll gladly have more disco movie themes. This Empire Strikes Back medley is about the coolest thing from Star Wars ever. Then there is the strangest departure from everything with Werewolf (Loose in London), which sounds like Queen. In every possible way (just with a worse singer).
Highlights: Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band, Empire Strikes Back (Medley), Star Wars (Medley), The Asteroid Field

The Best of Miami Vice - Jan Hammer
The 2004 remix of the Miami Vice theme is just terrible compared to the original version. Almost everything else sounds just like it did in the show. It doesn't quite compare to the songs used in the show, but this is generally a good little capsule from one of the greatest television shows of all time. And nobody does midi guitar like Jan Hammer.
Highlights: Lombard Trial, Airport Swap, Runaround

The Best of New Order - New Order
I've stuck with this for many years instead of getting the early albums, but I need to change that once I'm finished with this mission. Because when New Order were on, they were unbeatable. When they were bad, they were very very BAD. Like, Run Pt 2 just makes me laugh with that blatant rip-off of One Night Love Affair. And they were clearly hitting the E in Ibiza too hard when writing songs like Fine Time
Highlights: True Faith, Regret, Bizarre Love Triangle, Vanishing Point

The Best of Patrick Hernandez: Born to Be Alive - Patrick Hernandez
Okay, so this is only the song Born to Be Alive - which is another stone cold funky disco jam. I've never heard anything else from the man, which is odd to think about, considering disco is what fuels my heart.

The Best of The Trammps - The Trammps
Today is a disco day! Not only does this album feature a whole slew of disco good times, it even has the full 11 minute version of Disco Inferno - which I think features the smoothest disco strings and funky guitar solo and makes me want to get down and boogie. That's really the main groove of this entire album; LOGMAN wants to go back to wearing flares and burning up the dancefloor. This is one of those albums that I would just hit on repeat right now if I didn't have another 22,000 songs to listen to...
Highlights: Hold Back the Night, Disco Party, Disco Inferno

"Albums" listened to so far: 168

Friday, 7 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 19

I do love 遥か彼方. Like, it's hard to explain how awesome that song is. The rest of their hits? It's mostly okay. Nothing awful, but again fairly same-same. Although I have a feeling that if I weren't so tired and in the mood for something else, I would probably listen more intently and find more to really get into. However, my lasting memory of these guys will always be them absolutely murdering ELLEGARDEN's at the Nana-Iro Electric concert. 
Highlights: 遥か彼方, アンダースタンド, 藤沢ルーザー

Best In Show - Grinspoon
There was a time when I was unemployed and living in Melbourne, so I would spend a lot of my days at Borders listening to music (you could just scan a CD and load up the tracks to "preview"). Grinspoon's New Detention was high on my rotation at the time. But this is their greatest hits collection, so that story means nothing. This includes all their early heavy punk stuff like Dcx3, Just Ace and More Than You Are. Classic Aussie rock, this. I mean, it is over 20 years old now, so I can call it classic now. Like my time living in Melbourne. Crazy how time goes by.
Highlights: No Reason, Lost Control, Chemical Heart

The Best Of Acid Jazz - Volume 2
Fun story: I ordered, if I remember correctly, a Corduroy CD from ebay, and in the case was this CD instead. Which wasn't so bad, in the end, because I got the reissue of said Corduroy album instead, while getting more Acid Jazz in my life. This is mostly a lot more electronic than I remembered. And I was sure there was an early Jamiroquai song on here, but clearly I'm mistaken. It is quite the chillout groove vibes, though.
Highlights: Ain't No Use (Mo' Soul Mix) - Pure Wildness, Girl Overboard - Snowboy & Anna Ross

The Best of Blind Melon - Blind Melon
No Rain
is the only song I have from this? That's odd - they had many great songs other than this. And ones I like a lot more. I need to get more Blind Melon.

The Best of Blondie - Blondie
Another 'best of' when I should really have their full discography. 
Highlights: Rapture, One Way or Another, Call Me

The Best of Both Worlds - Jay-Z & R. Kelly
Oh dang. This... has not aged well, has it? Particularly songs like Take You Home with Me. There are some seriously solid grooves here, but these two MFs rapping and crooning about getting it on with the ladies is a very uncomfortable listen now. And this last song is just straight up gross.
Highlights: The Best of Both Worlds, The Streets, Honey

Best of Bowie - David Bowie
This is a large compilation I should do more editing on; probably the first Bowie 'album' I owned, but have since accumulated many actual albums that contain about 70% of the songs here. Otherwise, it's 2 1/2 hours of Bowie's hits in chronological order, including songs from movies like Labyrinth. Mostly just singles versions. I need to get the full version of Absolute Beginners, because it is one of my favourite songs on the planet (I have the full soundtrack on vinyl). Suffragette City is a straight-up 12/10. Hallo Spaceboy sounds so much better live.
Highlights: Changes, Ziggy Stardust, Suffragette City, Young Americans, Fame, Modern Love, Blue Jean, Absolute Beginners, Magic Dance and just so much!

"Albums" listened to so far: 160

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 18

Begin to Hope - Regina Spektor
I only first heard of Regina Spektor when I read an interview with Jeff Lynne praising her as a songwriter, which certainly piqued my curiosity. My initial reaction was that this album was way overhyped and I tended to gravitate to her earlier work. Boy, was I wrong! This album is just as clever and pretentious! And seriously fantastic. Not sure how I missed all this before. 
Highlights: Better, Après Moi

Begin to Hope [Bonus Disc] - Regina Spektor
Of course I bought the deluxe edition with a bonus disc! Who do you think I am? Some sort of novice? Plus, if I remember correctly, it was actually cheaper than the regular version. I miss when The Warehouse sold music and movies. Definitely not as strong as the album itself, but that's not really a surprise.
Highlights: Summer in the City, Uh-Merica

Beside You - Dave Dobbyn
A best of Dave Dobbyn? This is not something I wanted... Admittedly I do think Be Mine Tonight is a fantastic song. But I already have that in my iTunes *checks iTunes lilbrary* two other times? I have this song 3 times in my iTunes library?? I don't know what else this dude has ever done that might interest me, especially when it appears he has re-recorded some of these "hits". So, crappy songs made worse by being sung by an old man that sounds like a drunk playing at the local pub? Holy hell this album is 90 minutes long. I'm sure this MF has talked about weather in about 80% of the songs I've listened to so far. You know what the funniest part of this is? Numerous times I looked at this album in my iTunes library and thought to myself 'Should I delete this? No, there are a couple of songs I might want to keep' and if I had just checked I would have found ALL of those songs in my iTunes library on other compilations and then I wouldn't be here listening to this MF croon about kisses being like rain. Sounds wet. Who the hell kisses like that?!?!
Highlights: Be Mine Tonight, Slice of Heaven

A BEST - Ayumi Hamasaki
Talk about a palette cleanser! This was the first Ayu album I bought - for $1 at the opshop. Bargain. I've held on to it purely for the re-recorded songs and Love: Destiny, which I believe is not found anywhere else? I'm not really sure. But it is also good to have this little compilation, because it may be the only Ayu my wife will allow outside of Power of Music. My first impression of this album, and thus Ayu, was that maybe I had wasted $1; I didn't think much of her voice and thought the songs sounded very dated. My opinion has certainly changed somewhat... 
Highlights: A Song for xx [New Vocal & Mix], Depend on you [New Vocal & Mix], Who... and all the other awesome songs

Look, I'll be real here; most of SPYAIR's songs sound the same. Half of this album genuinely sounds so similar that I have a hard time telling the songs apart. Luckily, it's a darn great song so all these songs sound like a good time. And the ones that actually sound different? Well, they are mostly EVEN BETTER. 
Highlights: 虹, Beautiful Days, サムライハート (Some Like It Hot!!), ジャパニケーション, Last Moment

BEST [Bonus Disc] - SPYAIR
I have not listened to this very often; the opening track is absolutely worth having the disc and there is nothing terrible, but this one gets even more same-samey than the main disc.
Highlights: Trust your anthem, MOVIN' ON, Just Like This

Best Fiction - Namie Amuro
Ayu's main rival! And I know a lot of people that seem to prefer Amuro and her R&B styles. I haven't listened to much of her work outside of this album. And even then, I have not really given this more than a few passing listens. It honestly reminds me of Aaliyah and wouldn't feel out of place in a movie like Cradle 2 tha Grave or Romeo Must Die. I don't associate R&B with Jet Li, but that just seemed to be how Hollywood tried to place him. I need to give this another run one of these days.
Highlights: Put 'Em Up, Alarm, Funky Town

"Albums" listened to so far: 153

Monday, 3 February 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 17

Be Here Now - Oasis
There was a time when I hated Oasis. When this album was released was probably the peak of that time. Then a couple of years later, I decided this album was the reason I was now a big fan of Oasis. The opening two tracks are pretty much perfect album openers. Magic Pie is also great, but goes on about 3 minutes too long. I absolutely adore the harmonies and melodic lead guitar in Stand By Me. The Johnny Depp thing confuses me; teenagers at the time thought it was cool to find out he was playing guitar on Fade In-Out (this was before he turned into... whatever he is now), yet they didn't advertise it or anything. I used to love Don't Go Away, but now I find the horns a bit cheesy. The last few songs are big messes of noise and too long, but oh hell, they're still great. You know, I came back to this album today expecting to be a bit negative towards it (it sounds like it was mixed by me - and I am not a professional mixer), but I'll be damned if I don't still think it is the best Oasis album. My only regret is I don't have a guitar with me to jam along to this whole thing.
Highlights: D'You Know What I Mean?, My Big Mouth, Stand By Me, I Hope I Think I Know

Be Not Nobody - Vanessa Carlton
As you might expect, this is simply A Thousand Miles. I have no idea why I have this song; it's okay, but I'm not a fan and I probably never listen to it. And I could not name you another Vanessa Carlton song.

Be Yourself Tonight - Eurythmics
Now this is a band and an album! This album is such a perfect fusion of soul, funk, pop/rock, 80s new wave, and 80s British whiteness (I have no other way of describing it right now). I also love their minimalist approach to some songs, like Conditioned Soul. Normally I'm against the bonus tracks thing, but I actually really enjoy the alternate version of Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves. I really should at least split out the cover songs and make an album of those!
Highlights: Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves, It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back),

Beast Is The B2ST - Beast
Another one of those random K-Pop songs I ended up with - this is just Bad Girl. Which kind of ties in with Bad Girl II from the other day? Either way, this song is actually slammin' and I need to hear more Beast.

The Beatles - The Beatles
Oh here we go! The greatest mix of awesomeness and sheer awfulness. The album, of course, starts with three awesome songs and then a song I usually despise, but today it isn't annoying me so much. Maybe because I haven't listened to it in forever? Nope - iTunes says I listened to it 18 months ago. That feels like much too soon. I do actually love The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill, though, and it goes so seamlessly in to While My Guitar Gently Weeps it is brilliant. And that song is the greatest work of Eric Clapton's long and boring career. Then Lennon does his own version of Bohemian Rhapsody - except he manages to cram 3 different songs in less than 3 minutes. I'm So Tired is such a great bluesy rock'n roll song. Blackbird is, in my opinion, a most atypical McCartney song. Except it is actually good. Between Beyoncé and every white dude with an acoustic guitar, I'm pretty sick of hearing it, to be honest. Yeah, I don't want to listen to Beyoncé. Shiiizzz, I ain't afraid of you mofos! "You were in a car crash and you lost your hair" has to be one of the greatest song lyrics of all time, right? The second LP/half kicks of with another rockin' McCartney song. And then more Lennon songs mocking the Maharishi. That trip to India really did inspire him to write awesome stuff. Long, Long, Long is one of those songs that you don't think about, but when you listen to it, it is actually great. Revolution is a fantastic song - no matter the version. And there sure are many versions! I'm glad there is only one version of Honey Pie. Okay, I've written enough. Number 9, number 9 number 9, good night.
Highlights: Dear Prudence, Glass Onion, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Happiness is a Warm Gun, Yer Blues, Helter Skelter

Beatles For Sale - The Beatles
Oh, more of The Beatles? Don't mind if I do... Anyone else get triggered by No Reply and get Vow by Garbage stuck in their head? Overall, I'm actually a fan of this album; it features a fairly fed-up John Lennon starting to write a bit more caustically, McCartney belting out classic rock'n roll numbers like Kansas City, Ringo kicking butt on Honey Don't, and Harrison summing things up with Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby. The Beatles are one of the only bands I will let cover Buddy Holly without being overly critical - plus they do a great job of Words of Love. Look, this isn't the strongest album they released, and they clearly rushed things (which is why they had to record all these rock'n roll songs from their setlist), but I'll be damned if isn't a fun way to spend half an hour.
Highlights: No Reply, Rock And Roll Music, Honey Don't, Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby

The Beautiful Experience - Prince
In case you don't know, this is an EP by Prince that is just remixes of The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. I had no idea this was released like 18 months before The Gold Experience finally saw the light of day. What a world we lived in. One of Prince's most perfect pop ballads. The remixes are very different to that. Some a big more sexified, if you will. The Mustang Mix is especially cool, because Prince re-recorded all the vocals NOT in falsetto.
Highlights: Staxowax, Mustang Mix, The Most Beautiful Girl in the World [Single Version]

Beautiful Girls (Soundtrack) - Various Artists
This is purely The Afghan Whigs' take on Can't Get Enough of Your Love. I really dig the way they build it and he goes for it vocally by the end. Legendary song and a cool cover

A Beautiful Life - Mumsdollar
Would you believe this is a Christian pop-punk band from New Zealand? And that I have their CD in my collection? Well, believe it. And if not for the Christian lyrical themes, I would give this album a 10/10, because musically it just cranks. So all you pop-punk bands out there; more music like this, please. Just study some Bad Religion so you can write meaningful lyrics to go with it. And copy this bass tone, because BY PRIME it is badass. LOGMAN would give you 20/10 if you can do all that.
Highlights: Into the Night

The Beauty Process: Triple Platinum - L7
Bahahaha more punk, but about as far removed from that last album as punk gets. Four angry women that aren't trying to tell you to accept Jesus into your heart and make some dirty rock'n roll.
Highlights: Drama, I Need, The Masses are Asses

Beef of Chicken? - PASSPO☆
I have written more than enough today and I have already written about this album. It's still gawddam amazing and makes life worth living. I may even like it now more than I did then.
Highlights: Literally the whole album

"Albums" listened to so far: 146

Thursday, 30 January 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 16

Barcelona - Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé
Oh man, this is one of those albums I kind of grew up hearing - but mostly in the background. But it is so engrained in my head that I when I once listened to the re-recorded version with the orchestra, something sounded off. Musically, it is more theatre than pop/rock. And it all totally works - I would see this show. But only in 1988 with Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé in the lead roles. I really need to give the orchestrated version another attempt.
Highlights: Barcelona, How Can I Go On

Bare Bones - Bryan Adams
One of my genuine favourite pop/rock songwriters performing his hits stripped back - what's not to like? Darn this man's voice is solid on this. Hearing the crowd singalong with Everything I Do reminds me just how massive that song was - and how much it kinda killed Adams' career. It's also funny hearing him sing these heartfelt songs and then throw in some joke line to completely kill the mood. Clearly the man does not take himself so seriously. There are a few songs on here that are not found elsewhere, as well. Smart man, that Bryan Adams. But not that smart, because I miss Keith Scott.
Highlights: You've Been a Friend to Me, All For Love

Barely Legal - The Hives
Well, this sure is a change of pace. The Hives doing raw fast punk rock. It's a lot of fun. It is only the start of how fun they will get.
Highlights: Closed for the Season

Barracuda - Kinky
This album takes me back to a more peaceful time when one could purchase CDs from ebay for US$1 and get them shipped for only a few dollars and not have to worry about taxes or GST or anything else. Because that is how I managed to get most of my Kinky discography. And my life has been all the better for it. I pity our youth who do not get to experience such joy. Sure, they can access any music in the world thanks to streaming music for free and can probably access more Kinky albums than I own, but I still pity them. Oh yeah, this album. It's great. Probably the most straight electro-funk album they've made? It's groovy.
Highlights: Masacre Sónica, Avión, TachiMariPedónCocongo

Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf
This is simply You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth. Fun fact: I have never actually listened to this full album. Or much Meatloaf at all! You would think a highly-acclaimed 'rock opera' would be right up my alley, so I should change that one day...

Batman - Prince
Think about the future! If you take the Batman thing out of this, it is still an awesome album. Just about perfect, really. And really just encapsulates my progression as a human: when this came out, I hated Prince and I hated this music. Someone go back in time to 1989 and beat LOGMAN with a Batpole. And this album.
Highlights: Electric Chair, Batdance

Batman Theme - Neil Hefti & His Orchestra and Chorus
This is the theme song for the 1966 Batman television series. The greatest Batman television series. And such a wonderful theme. I recorded my own version and then made a video of me in my Batman onesie, rockin' out and defeating Godzilla. Because LOGMAN knows how to spend his free time.

Battle Born - The Killers
I genuinely liked The Killers. A lot. Their first album was an absolute masterpiece. But please note the past tense used - liked. Somewhere along the road they started thinking they were some sort of modern Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi. I'm not saying this album doesn't have a few good songs, but boy does Brandon Flowers need more autotune. And some of this is bland; like, The Way it Was sounds like it is commercial on Spotify or something. Actually, it just hit me - this sounds like modern Ryan Adams with keyboards! It's all a bit of a shame, because amongst this mediocreness are some genuinely good songs. They need to change their name, because nowadays all they are killing is my attention. 
Highlights: Battle Born, Runaways, 

The Battle of Los Angeles - Rage Against The Machine
This is the kind of energy I need after that. The real difference I'm finding here is these songs seem almost ready for the radio. Almost. I mean, these dudes are still super angry and expressing that through swearing and whatnot, but they have some neat hooks going on and the songs are all in that 3 to 4 minute range. But it is still RATM in the best possible way. 
Highlights: Guerilla Radio, Born of a Broken Man, New Millenium Homes

Baywatch - Various Artists
If you don't love those opening and end credits songs to Baywatch, then I don't know what to tell you. They bookend this album and in-between we get the worst Beach Boys song I've ever heard, some early-90s R&B, a couple of actors from Baywatch, and plenty of David Hasselhoff. Now excuse me while I go run along the beach...
Highlights: I'm Always Here - Jim Jamison, I Believe - David Hasselhoff, Current of Love - David Hasselhoff

Be Ambitious - JUDY AND MARY
YUKI and her punk rock roots are always good times. Nothing like 2 weird instrumentals and 3 quick punk rock songs to perfectly do a punk EP. This was the debut from JAM and it is the first of their releases I'll be listening to; their final album starts with W, so will likely be the last of their releases I will listen to! That's how you do it, people.
Highlights: Judy is a Punk Rocker, Make Up One's Mind, Blue Tears

"Albums" listened to so far: 135

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 15

Bad - Michael Jackson
I still remember when the video for Bad was released and it was this major moment in pop culture - pretty sure everyone in the world gathered around their television to watch the premiere. This is one of those albums that I'm like 'oh yeah, that's a good one' and then I listen to it and I end up having the best time. This may well be Michael Jackson's most perfect album. I especially like the way in Bad that he's singing all this tough rap, then the end verse is MJ saying 'let's make the world a better place!' but in a tough way, like he's going to dance on your face if you don't do it. I am a rather large fan of Steve Stevens, so him appearing to make some lazer noises is always a highlight. 
Highlights: Bad, Speed Demon, Man in the Mirror, Smooth Criminal

Bad Girl II - One Two [Feat. Seo In Young]
One Two are a rap duo from South Korea. Seo In Young has a nice voice. And this song is a good groove.

Bad Meets Evil - Bad Meets Evil (Eminem & Royce da 5'9)
This had me confused because I forgot everything going on, but basically this is just the song Scary Movies. It is classic Eminem rapping about killing people and doing all the noises to go with it. Royce da 5'9 completely outshines him, though.

Bad News - Bad News
I have some 80s re-release that features a whoooole lot of skits. And they are actually hilarious. Because it's Bad News and these guys are hilarious. There's even a comment about Brian not being there, so they should drink - the Brian they are referring to is Brian May, who produced this album. And plays a bit of lead guitar here and there. His stuff is quite obvious, because he's the only person on this album that can actually play guitar well. Who would have thought "La-ger" would be a good vocal warm-up? I definitely prefer the original 'faster' version of Warriors of Ghengis Khan. I can only imagine how much Brian May must have been laughing when they recorded that guitar solo in Bohemian Rhapsody. Bah gawd this makes me want to watch The Young Ones. 
Highlights: Bohemian Rhapsody, Cashing in on Christmas

Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Joan Jett comes storming through the wall with a leather jacket and a genuine 'outta my way' attitude. This is another case where the bonus tracks are a detriment to the album; they are fine, I guess, but just not on the level of anything on the original album, and just serve to make things longer. Otherwise, this album is pure kickass fun.
Highlights: Bad Reputation, Make Believe, Too Bad On Your Birthday

A Ballads - Ayumi Hamasaki
Now, iTunes do alphabetical properly by ignoring anything that starts with "A" or "The". However, that probably shouldn't apply to this album - Ayu does tend to use that "A" as genuine naming. Which would have made half of her discography start my whole marathon. So I'm very happy that didn't happen (I like having the good stuff spread out - I couldn't imagine not getting any Ayu for like 6 months). This is more of a compilation of remixes, plus two new songs. RAINBOW is magical. The alt. rock version of A Song for xx is also very cool.
Highlights: RAINBOW, HANABI, Dearest, A Song for xx "030213 Session #2"

Bananarama - The Very Best Of Bananarama - Bananarama
Well, that album title is stupid and needs to be changed. But for now, I guess this is what I get! And what I get is a collection of fun UK pop songs from the 80s. So I'm going to accept this gift very happily. Although I'm pretty sure I could cut this album down to ten tracks and it still be plenty more than "essential". 
Highlights: Venus, Love in the First Degree, I Want You Back, Only Your Love

Band of Dynamic Duo - Dynamic Duo
I ended up with a bunch of songs by Dynamic Duo, somehow. And I have a sneaking suspicion that they may not all be labelled correctly; I mean, these songs, for one, have song names like "ºÒ¸éÁõ". Now, I'm not expert in Korean linguistics, but that doesn't seem correct. Thank Prime for Shazam so I can sort these out...
Highlights: Guilty (my copy of this at least has the English title in brackets, so am at least a little more confident in the labelling on that one)

Bangerz - Miley Cyrus
This album is peak Gen Z or Millenial or whatever that generation is that were born in the 90s. The people that were like 15-22 when this album came out. Because Miley was everywhere then. Sticking her tongue out and twerking her non-existent butt. I was in my 30s and have the personality of a grumpy old man, so I just found her annoying. It all kinda distracted from her singing... which is dumb, because she is effortlessly awesome at singing. Twelve years on, I can remove all that and just reflect on the music. And this album is pretty darn good. Sure, there are a few duds, but most pop albums have those. Otherwise, the album is pretty much what it claims to be: Bangerz. Writing a song in TXT speak is about as peak whatevergeneration as it gets.
Highlights: Adore You, Wrecking Ball, FU, On My Own

Barbra Streisand [Single] - Duck Sauce
Get down with your funky self! Or even Barbra Streisand. This song definitely wins awards for being so random. I need to get to that auto-biography soon...

"Albums" listened to so far: 124

2025 in 2025: Day 34

CARROTS and STiCKS - BiSH Releasing CARROTS and STiCKS as two separate EPs before releasing this album was also probably their biggest scam ...