Thursday, 30 January 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 16

Barcelona - Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé
Oh man, this is one of those albums I kind of grew up hearing - but mostly in the background. But it is so engrained in my head that I when I once listened to the re-recorded version with the orchestra, something sounded off. Musically, it is more theatre than pop/rock. And it all totally works - I would see this show. But only in 1988 with Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé in the lead roles. I really need to give the orchestrated version another attempt.
Highlights: Barcelona, How Can I Go On

Bare Bones - Bryan Adams
One of my genuine favourite pop/rock songwriters performing his hits stripped back - what's not to like? Darn this man's voice is solid on this. Hearing the crowd singalong with Everything I Do reminds me just how massive that song was - and how much it kinda killed Adams' career. It's also funny hearing him sing these heartfelt songs and then throw in some joke line to completely kill the mood. Clearly the man does not take himself so seriously. There are a few songs on here that are not found elsewhere, as well. Smart man, that Bryan Adams. But not that smart, because I miss Keith Scott.
Highlights: You've Been a Friend to Me, All For Love

Barely Legal - The Hives
Well, this sure is a change of pace. The Hives doing raw fast punk rock. It's a lot of fun. It is only the start of how fun they will get.
Highlights: Closed for the Season

Barracuda - Kinky
This album takes me back to a more peaceful time when one could purchase CDs from ebay for US$1 and get them shipped for only a few dollars and not have to worry about taxes or GST or anything else. Because that is how I managed to get most of my Kinky discography. And my life has been all the better for it. I pity our youth who do not get to experience such joy. Sure, they can access any music in the world thanks to streaming music for free and can probably access more Kinky albums than I own, but I still pity them. Oh yeah, this album. It's great. Probably the most straight electro-funk album they've made? It's groovy.
Highlights: Masacre Sónica, Avión, TachiMariPedónCocongo

Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf
This is simply You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth. Fun fact: I have never actually listened to this full album. Or much Meatloaf at all! You would think a highly-acclaimed 'rock opera' would be right up my alley, so I should change that one day...

Batman - Prince
Think about the future! If you take the Batman thing out of this, it is still an awesome album. Just about perfect, really. And really just encapsulates my progression as a human: when this came out, I hated Prince and I hated this music. Someone go back in time to 1989 and beat LOGMAN with a Batpole. And this album.
Highlights: Electric Chair, Batdance

Batman Theme - Neil Hefti & His Orchestra and Chorus
This is the theme song for the 1966 Batman television series. The greatest Batman television series. And such a wonderful theme. I recorded my own version and then made a video of me in my Batman onesie, rockin' out and defeating Godzilla. Because LOGMAN knows how to spend his free time.

Battle Born - The Killers
I genuinely liked The Killers. A lot. Their first album was an absolute masterpiece. But please note the past tense used - liked. Somewhere along the road they started thinking they were some sort of modern Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi. I'm not saying this album doesn't have a few good songs, but boy does Brandon Flowers need more autotune. And some of this is bland; like, The Way it Was sounds like it is commercial on Spotify or something. Actually, it just hit me - this sounds like modern Ryan Adams with keyboards! It's all a bit of a shame, because amongst this mediocreness are some genuinely good songs. They need to change their name, because nowadays all they are killing is my attention. 
Highlights: Battle Born, Runaways, 

The Battle of Los Angeles - Rage Against The Machine
This is the kind of energy I need after that. The real difference I'm finding here is these songs seem almost ready for the radio. Almost. I mean, these dudes are still super angry and expressing that through swearing and whatnot, but they have some neat hooks going on and the songs are all in that 3 to 4 minute range. But it is still RATM in the best possible way. 
Highlights: Guerilla Radio, Born of a Broken Man, New Millenium Homes

Baywatch - Various Artists
If you don't love those opening and end credits songs to Baywatch, then I don't know what to tell you. They bookend this album and in-between we get the worst Beach Boys song I've ever heard, some early-90s R&B, a couple of actors from Baywatch, and plenty of David Hasselhoff. Now excuse me while I go run along the beach...
Highlights: I'm Always Here - Jim Jamison, I Believe - David Hasselhoff, Current of Love - David Hasselhoff

Be Ambitious - JUDY AND MARY
YUKI and her punk rock roots are always good times. Nothing like 2 weird instrumentals and 3 quick punk rock songs to perfectly do a punk EP. This was the debut from JAM and it is the first of their releases I'll be listening to; their final album starts with W, so will likely be the last of their releases I will listen to! That's how you do it, people.
Highlights: Judy is a Punk Rocker, Make Up One's Mind, Blue Tears

"Albums" listened to so far: 135

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2025 in 2025: Day 34

CARROTS and STiCKS - BiSH Releasing CARROTS and STiCKS as two separate EPs before releasing this album was also probably their biggest scam ...