Friday, 3 January 2025

2025: The Year of Stupid Plans

My iTunes library tried to tell me I now have 2025 albums in my library. Now, I'm not 100% certain of how accurate that actually is; I've seen it split some things randomly and I don't know if it counts those as 2 different albums. But what I do know, is that this is 2025 and it's about time I do a silly thing I've been considering doing for some time:

I'm going to listen to everything in my iTunes library. Everything.

Looking at my phone/glorified iPod, the funnest plan for this is to select All Albums, which is sorted alphabetically by title, and then just hit Play All. According to my iTunes library, this will take something like 64 days. Obviously, I'm not going to be listening 24 hours a days for 64 days, so my calculations have this taking around 6 months. Six months of not being able to purposely choose exactly what I listen to. Which, to be honest, may actually be helpful, because some days I spend far too much time trying to decide before settling on the same stuff I always listen to.

So why am I telling you this? Because, of course, I will be bLogging about this as I go. I'll just keep it brief like the Ryan Adams (is cancelled) marathon. Some of the "albums" may well just be a song or two - sometimes I might have a single or just downloaded a song I like from a band I care nothing for, or somehow ended up with something random. There will also be a whole lot of stuff I haven't listened to in a very long (my iTunes library would have you believe I have never listened to Ten by Pearl Jam). And the benefit to playing by album title is that I won't just get stuck listening to one band all day. Well, that's going to happen a few times, like when I hit some of the massive box sets that are compiled as one album title, but at least it will happen a lot less. Just looking at the first day alone, I'm going to be hit with ABBA, Ace Frehley, The Beatles, MC Hammer and Tool. Hilariously mixed up! So that should keep me on my toes.

As I go, I will also be giving everything a rating so I can update the star rating in iTunes. And fixing any errors I might see, like incorrect years, genres or album art. And there may also be stuff I've never listened to before - and it might be terrible, so then I can delete it from my iTunes. Because my phone keeps telling me I have no space to add more music and I can barely remember what I have going on amongst the 24,245 songs. I know there has got to be some trash in there, and I may as well get rid of some of that to make room for trash I actually enjoy.

So in 2025, let's see take a serious deep-dive through my music collection...

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2025 in 2025: Day 35

Charisma.BEST - Gawddam I have a lot to say about this album, but I'm just too busy right now. Sure, it's a compilation...