Wednesday, 5 March 2025

2025 in 2025: Day 32

C-Note - Prince
This is mostly instrumental jams. I'm not sure if they are actually live or just have added crowd noise to make them sound as such, but they are pretty funky and also moody.
Highlights: Copenhagen, Empty Room

California (Deluxe Edition) - blink-182
Hot take; I think I prefer blink-182 without Tom. With Skiba, they seemed to balance the serious lyrics and fun music really well. San Diego is a perfect example of that. There is still a bit of immature stupid stuff, but it is kept to a minimum with silly little songs, and instead the main focus is actual good songs.
Highlights: Built This Pool, San Diego, California

Californication S6 (Music from the Showtime Series) - Various Artists
I have never watched Californication. Isn't that a Red Hot Chilli Peppers song? This is not that, either. It is simply Wasted Years by Ryan Adams. Brilliant cover, this one.

Candlebox - Candlebox
Candlebox were one of those bands kind of between the 80s rock sound and the Seattle/grunge sound of the 90s, so they probably struggled to really catch people. Which is a shame, because they certainly had some good songs here and there. I really wanted to hate on Far Behind today, but nope - it holds up. So does that solo on Change
Highlights: Change, You, Far Behind, Blossom, Cover Me

Cape Goat - The Bilge Festival
Fun fact: LOGMAN did not always have an allergic reaction to New Zealand music. This was a CD I bought probably back around 1994? I remember some of the songs being played on a late night music video show and I thought it was all pretty cool. It is very typical of the New Zealand sound at the time; kind of like the whole grunge thing, just a bit more reverb. At least these songs are short.
Highlights: Wildebeast A Go Go, Lollyscramble, Sick of Renown

"Albums" listened to so far: 267

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2025 in 2025: Day 34

CARROTS and STiCKS - BiSH Releasing CARROTS and STiCKS as two separate EPs before releasing this album was also probably their biggest scam ...