Thursday, 12 March 2009

Simon Barnett is a Fool

I started writing a post about how awesome robots are, but for some reason I can't be bothered finishing it right now. Which is saying something, because robots really are awesome. Instead, I will just quickly mention the annoyingness of Simon Barnett and people who so clearly care about social status.

You see, this morning on the radio (which I actually happened to be listening to for once) Simon and Gary were talking with an American man with a strong environmental message; he had kept all his rubbish for a year and worked hard to find ways to limit the amount of rubbish he created (he got it down to some incredible figure that I can't recall right now). It was very interesting and something that people should be thinking about because recycling isn't the one final answer to our waste problems and humans should be doing what we can to cut down.

Then as they are wrapping up, instead of giving everyone his blog address or any sort of information on anything they talked about, how does Simon sign off?

"I read you were a cameraman on the movie Wedding Crashers. I'm a big fan of Owen Wilson, and it was really sad to hear about that incident with him last year. What's he like as a person?"

Are you for real, Simon? I realise you crazy pentecostal christians think rich and famous people are what we should aspire to be (hence you all love John Key so much) but was that really what that interview should have ended with? The final impression you want to leave with your listeners is not how they can help reduce their waste and thus promote environmental awareness - daresay, the reason this man spoke to you in the first place - but that Owen Wilson is funny and how cool it is to work in Hollywood???

Where's Mr. T to pity some fools when you need him...


Lou said...

Shame it was a radio programme so you couldn't see the look on the other dude's face when he was asked that.

It is not quite as bad as Jonathan Fuckwit Ross who gets paid literally something like £15m to front a shite talk show on bb"supposedly public service"c and who will interview a woman who is an actor or singer or designer or whatever... then at the end completely undermine everything that has gone before by making some sleazy comment about her breasts.

Super Masked Banana said...

hmmm... yeah that wins

2025 in 2025: Day 11

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