Tuesday, 22 December 2015


Someone doesn't know the alphabet very well - their names don't start with those letters...

A big Kiss compilation!

And by "big", I really just mean lots of songs because this focuses purely on the first 6 studio albums. And why not? They are pretty much the best Kiss albums possible and this was a tie in to the reunion tour, so why waste time on the 80s?

The exception, of course, being God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II. Because that is the greatest song ever and can be on any CD it wants. Otherwise, this is 17 songs from a span of 3 years plus 2 songs from Dynasty, and every single one of them are different barrels of awesome. Oh wait, there is another exception - the new 'live' version of Shout It Out Loud. Which is even better than the original version. Though as someone who actually has the Tiger Stadium concert on DVD where this was recorded, I admire the studio trickery used to make it sound so good.

When the weakest track is God of Thunder, you have yourself a basically perfect Kiss Compilation. When I need Kiss and can't decide on an album or period, this album is my go to.

Pretty much everything, but special mention for the new version of Shout It Out Loud

The Tiger Stadium concert not actually sounding as awesome as that song would lead you to believe

Verdict = 5 Smoking Les Paul Guitars and a hearty thumbs up

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