Wednesday, 23 December 2015


Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada...

Ace is back again!!!

And this time he is invading from Space!

This isn't Ace's best work by any stretch, but it is still pretty fun. Gimme a Feelin' is a good fun upbeat song and Toys is a really badass song about being a manly man and doing manly man things - so needless to say I can relate to that one very well. Past the Milky Way is surprisingly epic and his cover of The Joker is a lot of fun as well. And of course, the album ends with another stellar instrumental, Starship.

The rest of the album, however, is a bit ho-hum. Not bad, per se, but certainly not at the usual Ace Frehley level. Like, there is definitely not a bad song on this album, but some of it is just repetitive and all sounds similar.

But I'll take repetitive mediocre Ace Frehley over any of the hot sweaty garbage Tommy Thayer tries to pass off as music.

Gimme a Feelin', Past the Milky Way, Starship

I still need more Ace in my life

Verdict = 4 Smoking Les Paul Guitars

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