Thursday, 17 December 2015

LICK IT UP (1983)

Kiss decided to skip the album cover shoot and instead were replaced by some temps in the office...


That's pretty much the only way to sum up this album. Exciter sounds like the cheesiest 80s hair metal possible, Not For the Innocent is somewhat of a classic Gene track. Apart from the super 80s metal guitar sound and shredding. The title track is super cheese, but in such an awesome way. Young and Wasted has the honour of not only being the worst singing Gene could possibly do, but also being a terrible attempt at some sort of 80s thrash metal that I don't really understand or care to listen to. Gimme More is similar in the speed metal stakes, but Paul is singing so I'm not laughing. Just cringing at how Kiss could go from making awesome radio pop music in 1980 to making a shit album like this where every song just blends into the same sound. Seriously, only Lick It Up so far actually sounds like a song - the rest have all sounded to be the same chords and tempo and melodies, just with varying singing quality. All Hell's Breaking Loose at least has a change of tempo... Fits Like a Glove is more terrible Gene singing to fast paced shit. Dance All Over Your Face may well be the most listenable thing since the title track. Can't understand a damn thing Gene is singing though. And On the 8th Day, God created rock'n roll. On the 9th, he gave Kiss the idea to just make shit instead

Lick It Up

Kiss turning into a generic hair metal band without giving Gene Simmons some singing lessons

Verdict = 3 Sad Tears of the Catman

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