Thursday, 12 March 2015

WrestleMania March Madness, Day Eleven: WrestleMania XI

2 April 1995
Hartford Civic Center
Hartford, Connecticut

Attendance: 16,305

Commentators: Vince McMahon & Jerry 'the King' Lawler

My thoughts before this viewing:
I first saw this show in 1998 while catching up on my Bret Hart viewing. The event took place in 1995 so I wasn't overly behind, but boy was it different to wrestling at that time - you will see what I mean once we get to XIV and XV. Anyways, this show has left a lasting impression on me... as one of the worst WrestleManias of all time. Now there are others I've thought were terrible going in and they've turned out really enjoyable, so let's see how this one goes down in LOGMAN town...

Opening Video Package
We get a countdown of the previous WrestleManias. Well, it is actually just the celebrities from every WrestleMania. Including this year's:

Home Improvement's Jonathan Taylor Thomas!
Some guy from NYPD Blue!
Jenny McCarthy

Pamela Anderson!
Salt'n Pepa!

And a house full of football players...


I love this theme music. I must remember to download it illegally hit up iTunes for it later on.

We get a bunch of sound problems to start the show - you can hear 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper ranting about something and he obviously isn't supposed to be heard.

America the Beautiful
Vince gives a super half-arsed shit introduction for Kathy Huey, a Special Olympian who will be performing the song. She is obviously classically trained and very talented. For a spaz. This really ain't my jam. I have nothing against this lady, but I don't enjoy classical singing. Or this song.

Vince starts the show by thanking the "loyal fans for being here". In other words, business is down and we are really grateful some people are stupid enough to pay for this shit.

Opening Match
The British Bulldog & Lark 'the Lexissist' Lex Luger vs Jacob & Eli Blu (w/Uncle Zebekiah)

Holy shit - Bulldog and Luger have the greatest theme song. It is The British Bulldog's theme remixed with Luger's - another theme to download. Vince says the Blu Brothers are "big hairy mountain men". Lawler makes fun of Vince for being old, despite there being only 3 years between them. The crowd are excited, but then give absolutely no shits when Luger hits his finisher. Weird.
Winners = The British Bulldog & Lark 'the Lexissist' Lex Luger via pinfall

Jim Ross ambushes wrestlers on the way back to the dressing room after losing the match. That seems like a great use of the guy. Uncle Zebekiah rants about nothing.

Nicholas Turturro is backstage. The audio fails completely so they scrap this. I guess having money and success is relative to the WWF putting on a good show?

Razor Ramon and the 1-2-3 Kid are getting ready for Razor's match. 1-2-3 Kid is terrible on the mic. Just terrible. And he looks about 12.

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Razor Ramon (w/The 1-2-3 Kid) vs Jeff Jarrett (c) (w/The Roadie)

Vince claims "there have been so many near falls!" after only the second. I guess that's relative, so he can say there have been so many great matches once they can scrape one out of this show. The 1-2-3 Kid looks like he's from a bad 80s Ninja movie. The kind of movie where a bad guy has recruited from the local High School to form a gang of young Ninja and 1-2-3 Kid is the gang's leader - the bad guy's protege. And when the hero of the film wants to put a stop to their evil plans, he has to battle the 1-2-3 Kid - all the other kids realise the error of their ways and go back to their families, but 1-2-3 Kid is stupid and loyal the bad guy. Irony - Razor Ramon's nick name is The Bad Guy. And 1-2-3 Kid is stupid.

The match was longer than that movie.
Winner = Razor Ramon via disqualification

The 1-2-3 Kid beats up the Roadie and makes all sorts of stupid gestures like he is still in that bad movie.

Until Jeff Jarrett beats him up instead. So then Razor beats Jarrett and Roadie up. Then I beat up my TV...

Jim Ross ambushes Jarrett and says he should be ashamed of himself about 20 times.

Nicholas Turturro again. They are actually pretending this is live when it obviously not, because everything happens exactly like it did before. Except this time we have sound. He can't find Pamela Anderson so settles for Jenny McCarthy instead and I'm pretty sure she is drunk.

Shawn Michaels comes in because he sees a pretty lady - and boy Jenny seems excited to see him. He and Sid rant about Diesel.

Shill for merch.
There are all sorts of combo deals this year. This is like a full on infomercial. The poster doesn't feature Mr. T, so why would anyone buy it?

The audio problems continue.
This company is actually falling apart.

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) vs King Kong Bundy (w/'The Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase)
Oh shit, it's Bundy! And he is even fatter than when we last saw him!

He has obviously been devouring midgets while not at WrestleMania. The Undertaker has an awesome entrance with thunderbolts and lightning. Very very frightening.

The Undertaker's urn is now as big as King Kong Bundy. And it has a light in it...

What am I watching here, Indiana Jones?

Hilariously, I started wondering who The Undertaker was going to face at WrestleMania in 1995 - I actually forgot I was watching WrestleMania!

People keep fighting over the urn and it makes it super obvious there is nothing inside. Except an LED, I guess.
Winner = The Undertaker via pinfall following clothesline

More thunder - ah ah-a ah ah-a aaah aaaah.

Nicholas Turturro is still trying to find Pamela Anderson. He says word is her and Shawn had a big argument so she bailed. The truth is Shawn tried to put the moves on her and Tommy Lee threatened to beat his ass all over the building. I'd actually pick Tommy Lee in that fight. Nicholas runs into a group of American football players. And then Bob Backlund playing chess against Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Backlund lost.

Don't tell me we've peaked already?

Razor Ramon and the 1-2-3 Kid are crying on the hotline. You too can pay $2 a minute to listen to them be all sad voice because they got beaten up!

In The Crowd
Todd Pettingill is talking to yet another American football player. If you are a big fan of American football, then this is the WrestleMania for you! Alas, I give no shits whatsoever. None.

The next PPV is called In Your House and the WWF are going to give away a house. The what?!?!? It looks nice, too. How about you guys skip ridiculous prizes like that and instead use the money to improve the show? I still remember the In Your House video game, it was really fun. If anyone ever finds it for the Playstation, please send it my way.

WWF Tag Team Championship
The Smoking Gunns (c) vs Owen Hart & Yokozuna (w/Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette)
The Smoking Gunns are cowboys. And if their tight pants, cowboy hats and stupid moustaches didn't give it away, they do some pretend gun twirling to really hammer it home.

Yokozuna is now even bigger! Lawler thinks he has been eating dinosaurs - and I'd believe it.

Bart gets dumped out of the ring and takes out a photographer, because they are absolutely lining the ring. It is crazy. This is one of those matches where the bad guys are being cheered at the end for winning. Seriously. That's a sign your good guys are fail.
Winners = Owen Hart & Yokozuna via pinfall following squash with fat ass
New Champions!

It actually makes sense that two guys who have beaten the amazing Bret 'Hitman' Hart would make a formidable tag team.

Fan fest happened again. It looked cool and all, but I was too busy staring at this woman's hair:

Todd Pettingill is with Bam Bam Bigelow who plans to beat Lawrence Taylor. I admire his confidence.

'I Quit' Match
Bret 'Hitman' Hart vs Mr. Bob Backlund
Guest Referee: 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

To win this match, you must make your opponent say "I quit".

Vince McMahon thinks Bret beat the Bulldog at WrestleMania VIII because he really knows nothing about his own show. Piper keeps sticking a microphone in everyone's faces and asking "What do you say?". Even Bret looks pissed about it. Though it does lead to comedy; Bret has Backlund in a hold and after getting a "No" from Backlund, Piper decides to ask if Bret would like to give up instead. Bret doesn't say anything, just gives him a look of "Fuck off, you goof." And then the PPV feed dies.

You can't even get your show to work during a Bret Hart Match?!?!?
Fuck you and your company, Vince.
We finally come back and the match is over. Oh that's just super! Now I have to find an online stream of this match...
Turns out Bret had Backlund in his own 'Chicken-wing' submission hold and Backlund just kept screaming "Yes!" instead of "I quit" because he is a moron and can't even finish the match properly.
Winner = Bret 'Hitman' Hart via submission

Jim Ross ambushes Backlund - he claims he saw "the light". Guess someone had the Undertaker's urn in front of him.

Nicholas Turturro announces Pamela Anderson has left the building. Everyone is sad face.

Todd Pettingill is with Diesel and a whole lot of sound issues. Vince sounds exasperated by now. Todd asks how Diesel feels about Shawn Michaels saying there is no way he won't be leaving with the belt and Diesel responds "Well, that's exactly how I feel.". So you agree there is no way Shawn Michaels isn't leaving without the championship belt? He continues to suck up a storm by stumbling over everything he says and tries to recover by shouting. Bahahahahaha.
Fuck off.

Worst WWF champion ever.

Vince decides he is going to blame Jerry Lawler for all of the sound issues. Typical boss, blaming the workers for shit failing.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship
Diesel (c) vs Shawn Michaels (w/Sid & Jenny McCarthy)
Guest Ring Announcer: Nicholas Turturro
Guest Timekeeper: Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Vince and Lawler absolutely bury Nicholas Turturro. Dude, you are the moron that hired the guy!
Michaels comes out with Jenny McCarthy instead of Pamela Anderson because he has a much better chance with her - I refuse to believe she is sober.

Diesel then surprises the crowd by bringing out Pamela Anderson.

You know, it is easy to forget that both of these women were once very attractive. Very attractive. And very easy to forget...
Crowd are chanting for Michaels and booing when Diesel kicks out of nearfalls. Worst champion ever. Vince is trying to claim that Diesel is the underdog; so a guy with an advantage of 2 feet and 100 pounds is the underdog? Diesel 'hulks up' - WTF? Then he pulls on Michaels' pants and tries to give the crowd a view...

Jonathan Taylor Thomas looks incredibly bored by all of this.

Diesel looks like he needs to go to sleep. Michaels gets another near fall and the crowd BOOOOOs when Diesel kicks out. Worst champ ever. Diesel 'hulks up again! And to more boos! He and Michaels completely fuck up the powerbomb finisher but go with the pin anyway because fuck 'em.
Winner = Diesel via pinfall following botched powerbomb

Sid is angry! Both ladies now join Diesel to celebrate - I guess to the winner goes the spoils. Oh shit, Vince McMahon just said the exact same thing! Fuck you.

Todd Pettingill is with Shawn Michaels and Sid for more angry yelling. Boo hoo you lost and can't do promos.

Musical Performance
Salt'n Pepa performing their hit song Whatta Man. And they've changed the lyrics to rap about the main event. Good stuff

Main Event
Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow
The media frenzy for this match is like the first WrestleMania all over again! It is honestly insane. Pity they saved this hype for the worst WrestleMania of all time - they should have done this shit when the Hitman was champion and the WWF would have made millions. Bam Bam has a team of bad guys to surround the ring.

But don't worry, LT has a group of popular American footballers to combat them!

Bam Bam Bigelow comes out and is most displeased with Salt'n Pepa's lyrics so threatens to destroy them and eat their gold records.

And here comes LT - Lawrence Taylor.

Jerry Lawler seems intent on blaming Diesel for everything that happens. I'm really not sure why - he isn't in the match or even near the ring. Are they going to blame him for the audio problems as well?
Winner = Lawrence Taylor via pinfall following clothesline

Ted Dibiase calls Bam Bam an embarrassment. What a jerk, kicking a man when he is down.

LT and all the NFL guys party with Salt'n Pepa, who decide to perform Whatta Man again to play us out.

WrestleMania X: The Awards

  1. Best Match
    Bret 'Hitman' Hart vs Mr. Bob Backlund
    It wasn't even a great match - certainly not by the Hitman's usual standard - but everything else on this show sucked. Most of them quite badly. And this match could have been a lot better if 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper hadn't been in the way so much. Lo and behold, Piper tries to ruin yet another WrestleMania match with his awful.
  2. Worst Match
    The Undertaker vs King Kong Bundy
    What a surprise - a zombie against a big fat piece of shit made for an un-entertaining match. Notice a trend lately? The Undertaker's matches have been terrible. That's because everyone loves a zombie with magical powers... until it has to wrestle like a zombie with magical powers.
  3. Highlight of the Show
    Watching 'Diesel Power' lead this company to the brink of failure.
  4. Lowlight of the Show
    Watching 'Diesel Power' lead this company to the brink of failure.
  5. Star of the Show
    Bret 'Hitman' Hart. He didn't have a promo. He didn't have a great match. In fact, he barely did anything. But he got the biggest crowd reaction next to Lawrence Taylor and Pamela Anderson, so that makes him still the best.
  6. Best Celebrity Appearance
    Salt'n Pepa. Their performance was great and changing the lyrics to fit with the main event was a really great touch. Respect.
  7. Worst Celebrity Appearance
    Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Kid looked like he didn't really want to be there. Except for the end when he got to stand in the ring with Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy. I was surprised he was willing to stand up, if you know what I mean...
  8. Tonight's Meal
    Tonight's wrap was a slight modification to the meal I had during WrestleMania IX; egg plant, mushrooms, tomato and spring onion on baby spinach, with beetroot & garlic hummus and topped with salsa and sour cream. I knew what I was getting into, WrestleMania-wise, and hoped having a delicious meal would help bring more enjoyment. I was wrong. A truckload of Pepsi-Max was needed to get through this show. The Oatmeal Creme Pie was fine. I think by then I was in shock and couldn't really taste anything.
  9. T-Shirt Cleanliness
    I would quite like to clean this t-shirt. Not just because of the food stains, but also just so it is clean of the awful that was this show.
  10. Overall Score
    You remember at WrestleMania VI when I said Rhythm & Blues' performance was the King of the Kickboxers of musical performances? Well, WrestleMania XI is the King of the Kickboxers of WrestleManias! It was one big trainwreck, from technical shit not working right, to their biggest celebrity refusing to take part in 99% of the show, to the guy they are trying to make the next Hulk Hogan completely screwing up his promo in a VERY hilarious way and then the crowd basically turning on him. It was a box of terrible with a really funny face on it - and that's the way I like my trainwrecks. Just listening to the defeat in Vince McMahon's voice halfway through this show brought a smile to my face.

    If there is a WrestleMania worse than this, I may need to start lacing the Pepsi with tequila.
    2 out of 10

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