Thursday, 5 March 2015

WrestleMania March Madness, Day Four: WrestleMania IV

27 March 1988
Historic Atlantic City Convention Hall, Trump Plaza
Atlantic City, New Jersey - USA

Attendance: 18,165

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse Ventura

This is being posted a bit later than the others because I had audio issues with my file. Luckily, I found the live PPV on Daily Motion so was still able to watch it, but by the time the show ended, I figured it was best to get some sleep and just write this up at work. What else am I going to do there? Work? Don't be silly.

My thoughts before this viewing:
This was probably the first WrestleMania I ever saw; 1988 was the year I started watching WWF, but it wasn't until just after this show (I remember being a fan during the build to SummerSlam in August. But then again, we were like 3 months behind here in NZ). I couldn't tell you much more than the results from a few matches. I did try to re-watch this a few years ago after watching the first 3, but I ended up getting bored and possibly falling asleep. That sounds like me. Now I have the original version, perhaps hearing Demolition's theme music will keep me excited? I am already very tired and grumpy, so let's see how this works out...

Opening Video Package
The sexy saxophone music has been replace with some stadium rock. Quick graphics showing a slot machine - so this show is a gamble?

This show is a bit different, as it is based around a tournament to crown a new WWF World Heavyweight Champion. The title was made vacant after a whole lot of shenanigans between Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan, which resulted in Andre being champion for about 30 seconds. Being the last 2 champions, they get a bye and will face each other in the 2nd round.

Shut up, Logman. No one cares.

America the Beautiful
Gladys Knight has come straight from her shift at Chotchkie's to sing for you this evening. Her acapella is better than 'Mean' Gene's.

Jesse is happy Vince isn't commentating with him tonight. Me too.
Bob Uecker is back so Jesse tells him he sucks. This is why Jesse is awesome.

20-Man Battle Royal
Hart Foundation are out first - because you need to start the show with awesome. Ignore the boos, everyone. The trophy is huge and impressive. Bob Uecker explains that he has five trophies like that at home because anyone can get a trophy made. Quite true.
These things are just mayhem and I never know what to watch. Gorilla says there are 4 men left where there are clearly 6. Then someone is eliminated and he says we are down to 5. Because 4 - 1 = 5? The Iron Sheik has been tutoring him in Math.
Winner = Bad News Brown

The trophy is actually much taller than him. Bret Hart comes back and shows his sportsmanship by beating up Bad News and smashing his newly won trophy. And yes, that makes him a good guy now.
I'm even putting up the score.

Robin Leach opens the WWF World Heavyweight Championship tournament by saying "Whereas" a hundred times.

First Round Tournament Match
My Uncle Alan 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan vs 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase (w/Virgil & Andre the Giant)
The Million Dollar Man is so rich he has a cheap looking dollar sign on his sparkly outfit.

Winner = Ted Dibiase via Andre the Giant interfering

'Mean' Gene is with Brutus 'the Barber' Beefcake who manages to rhyme "champi-un" with "done" while caressing his hedge-trimmers. This is why he is better than you.

First Round Tournament Match
Don 'the Rock' Muraco (w/'Superstar' Billy Graham) vs Dino Bravo (w/Frenchy Martin)
Don Muraco and Billy Graham come out looking like a couple of hippies from Woodstock. Hang, on didn't I ask for hippies in the first WrestleMania? That'll teach me...

Muraco is no longer 'magnificent'. He is also not that Rock.

The ref doesn't like croissants so disqualifies Dino Bravo.
Winner = Don 'the Rock' Muraco via disqualification

Bob Uecker is with The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. He says Brutus is his personal stylist and Honky isn't invited to his house.

First Round Tournament Match
Ricky 'the Dragon' Steamboat vs Greg 'the Hammer' Valentine (w/Jimmy Hart)
Steamboat comes out with his infant song which is cute but I don't think that kid will protect him from many bad guys. Though it is only Jimmy Hart, so maybe this kid will be enough.
I could probably take him, though.
Now Gorilla is calling Steamboat the excellence of exection. Bret Hart's next book is just going to be dedicated to how wrong Gorilla Monsoon was. According to the commentators, a thumb to the eye will stop anybody. I will try to remember that next time Godzilla attacks.
Winner = Greg 'the Hammer' Valentine via pinfall with a handful of trunks

Donald and Ivana Trump are sitting in the front row. Ivana genuinely looks like she would kill to be somewhere else.

'Mean' Gene is with the British Bulldogs and Koko B. Ware. Matilda the Bulldog is going to eat someone's lunch.

First Round Tournament Match
'Macho Man' Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs 'The Natural' Butch Reed (w/Slick)
Jesse recommends Gorilla buy a car from Slick.
Winner = 'Macho Man' Randy Savage via pinfall following flying elbow

Bob Uecker thinks he is better than Jesse with the ladies. Bobby Heenan and the Islanders don’t agree. Or think Bob is cool. Or like dogs.

First Round Tournament Match
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Oliver Humperdink) vs One Man Gang (w/Slick)
Two big scary dudes!

Two big boring dudes.
Winner = One Man Gang via countout

‘Mean’ Gene is with Hulk Hogan. He is going to slam Andre the Giant again and become a lifeguard. No Joke. Donald Trump will then become his disciple. The Book of Trump will tell great stories of the exodus to Atlantic City. We’re doomed.

First Round Tournament Match
Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts vs ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude (w/Bobby Heenan)
Rick Rude says the odds are in his “favourite” – probably because he a manga character on his bum.
This match is long. No wonder they run out of time.

‘Mean’ Gene is with Vanna White. They go over the tournament brackets/winners. She is skinny.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Hercules (w/Bobby Heenan)
Lots of grunting and punching
Winner = The Ultimate Warrior via pinfall

After the match, Hercules gets angry and chokes The Ultimate Warrior with his chain. Surely that makes Hercules a good guy now?

Shill for merch.
‘Mean’ Gene and a very scared woman look like dorky tourists. You too can buy the complete package and be ridiculed by your friends!

Video Package
We get a recap of the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant feud, which is basically the same video from WrestleMania III but with all the shenanigans of the last few months added. I approve of Ted Dibiase’s evil laugh.

Second Round Tournament Match
Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant (w/Ted Dibiase & Virgil)
Andre really should have a theme song. Surely someone could make a song called Real Frenchy? His shoe size seems to have decreased since the first WrestleMania… and he’s put on about 100 pounds. Hogan uses a chair but isn’t disqualified? Referee must be a bad swimmer or hate French people. They gotten a hard time from the referees tonight. And me. And I actually like French people!*
Double disqualification

*I've only met 2 - I liked one and don't like the other. So the next French person I meet will be the real deciding factor. That's a lot of pressure and I hope they are up for the challenge!

Hulk Hogan then beats everyone up because that is what good guys do when they don’t win.

‘Mean’ Gene is with ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage says Gene has never beaten Hulk Hogan. Are they setting up Hulk Hogan vs ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund for WrestleMania V?

Second Round Tournament Match
Don ‘the Rock’ Muraco (w/’Superstar’ Billy Graham) vs ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted Dibiase
Dibiase doesn’t have his sparkly suit this time, and Billy Graham no longer looks like a homeless hippie. More like a hippie with a medium wage job.
Wait, Dibiase actually won without cheating???
Winner = ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted Dibiase via pinfall with no cheating!

Bob Uecker is with Demolition and Mr. Fuji. Demolition have different rules for baseball than what I’ve heard.

Second Round Tournament Match
‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs Greg ‘the Hammer’ Valentine
Gorilla says something stupid and Jesse calls him on it. I’m noticing a trend here…
Winner = ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage via pinfall

‘Mean’ Gene is with Vanna White. She needs to eat some pies.

WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship
Brutus ‘the Barber’ Beefcake vs The Honky Tonk Man (c) (w/Jimmy Hart & Peggy Sue)
Honky’s theme song involves him singing about how great his music is. Andre needs a theme like that. Gorilla assures us that Beefcake’s hedge-trimmers are sharp enough to cut paper, while Jesse brags that Prince is at his house watching the show. I’d believe it. Probably making pancakes, too. Honky gets mad when Brutus messes with his hair – the guy is a trained barber, Honky. People pay for him to style their hair! Ungrateful… so with the ref knocked out, Brutus shows his stuff and gives Jimmy Hart a haircut. He’s just building his portfolio.
Winner = Brutus ‘the Barber’ Beefcake via disqualification

Bob Uecker is sad he can’t find Vanna White. He is even more sad when Andre the Giant comes in and chokes him.

The British Bulldogs & Koko B. Ware vs The Islanders & Bobby ‘the Brain’ Heenan
Heenan is wearing a dog trainer’s protective gear.
And he just pinned Koko B. Ware.
Winners = The Islanders & Bobby ‘the Brain’ Heenan via pinfall

Because the bad guys won, the British Bulldogs set the dog after them.

Once again, Jesse Ventura is introduced to the crowd and receives a huge ovation, so he poses and shows off his zebra print pants.

Ted Dibiase is in the ring to brag about the fact he gets a bye and is now in the final.

Tournament Semi-Final
‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs One Man Gang (w/Slick)
Savage and Elizabeth have another costume change. They are a tandem Cher concert. Slick gets all up in Elizabeth’s face, offering her a spot with his ladies.
Get it? Because he is a pimp.
Thank you, I’m here all night.
Winner = ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage via disqualification

‘Mean’ Gene is forced to say goodbye to Vanna White as she is blown away by a draught. Bob Uecker runs in hoping to find his biggest fan – Vance White. Hilarity!

WWF Tag Team Championship
Strike Force (c) vs Demolition (w/Mr. Fuji)
Demolition come out to heavy metal – Strike Force come out to cheese. Demolition win the walk out battle. And the match.
Winners = Demolition via pinfall following assault with international object

I like tag team matches in the 80’s.

Main Event
WWF World Heavyweight Championship
‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted Dibiase (w/Virgil & Andre the Giant)
Guest Ring Announcer: Bob Uecker
Guest Timekeeper: Vanna White
Bob basically orgasms when Vanna White kisses him on the cheek. The Fink actually has to keep whispering to him about things. And he still fucks up, saying Ted Dibiase is coming to ring “accompanied by himself”
Savage and Elizabeth come out in outfits I would actually believe they wore while getting married.
Savage looks to be losing the match so Miss Elizabeth leaves – the lady doesn’t hang out with losers. No wait, she is coming back with Hulk Hogan. And he lost, so I am wrong. He’s here to steal the spotlight. And the girl?
Winner = ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage via pinfall
New champion!

Hogan grabs a chair and chases off the bad guys. He celebrates with Savage and Elizabeth while Savage’s music plays to send us home. How anti-climactic.

WrestleMania IV: The Awards

  1. Best Match
    'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase
    But for a show with 6,000 matches, nothing was particularly awesome.
  2. Worst Match
    Don Muraco vs Dino Bravo
    Muraco needs to be magnificent again, because he sucks as a Rock.
  3. Highlight of the Show
    Who know? It was all blur of mediocrity... so I will say that gif of Hulk Hogan doing the backstroke.
  4. Lowlight of the Show
    Bob Uecker searching for Vanna White. She was with Gene, so shouldn't have been hard to find. Not to mention, he was booked to be in the ring with her anyway - no need to go on a treasure hunt to find her.
  5. Star of the Show
    'Macho Man' Randy Savage. He was the only man in the tournament to wrestle 4 times and he had to overcome lots of adversity. Plus he is awesome.
  6. Best Celebrity Appearance
    Robin Leach. Only because he came off as smarmy in his 2 minutes and Bob Uecker was lame. Vanna White just came across as a vapid gameshow assistant.
  7. Worst Celebrity Appearance
    I'm sure Vanna White is a lovely person, I really am. But she should stick to turning letters on Wheel of Fortune. Or being stuck in a closet with Weird Al Yankovic.
  8. Tonight's Meal
    Tonight's wrap was avocado, spinach, kale, cucumber, tomato, capsicum, red onion and alfalfa sprouts with falafel, topped with chilli sauce and garlic & yoghurt sauce. Was a great combination of flavours. The Oatmeal Creme Pie was fine and since it was a long show, the treat was well needed. Only needed 7-Up tonight, which is amazing considering I was exhausted and did start watching until very late due to issues with my file.
  9. T-Shirt Cleanliness
    No gains from tonight, I think. Doesn't mean the shirt looks clean. I am disgusting.
  10. Overall Score
    Bit of a drag. So many quick matches that it wasn't so bad, but it also meant that nothing ever really got going. The show felt like an hour longer than it actually was. At least my meal was awesome? I don't even have much to say about anything because it was a show that just kind of happened.
    4 out of 10


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